Friday, May 24, 2013

When God Unites

Welcome, Welcome!
I'm one very blessed girl.

Sure, sure, you've heard me say that a million times.

But it's true!

What girl is given nine soul sisters? What girl has the chance to spend a weekend with six of them and two others via skype?

Who brings ten women, all from different areas of the country and makes them friends? Without malice. With only love and respect for each other?

Yeah, God does that.

MY God does that.

I might have not been richly endowed with but more than one local friend. But I'm rich beyond belief or ability to count in the way of these nine godly women.

It's a good thing I can't earn their friendship or a place in their group, because I never could.

How many people in the kingdom of God simply love each other for who they are and what unites them? Only allowing their friendship to deepen by the gentle and strong stirring of Christ in each of our lives.

Religion doesn't unite us.

Country or origin doesn't unite us.

Maybe our writing does.

Maybe our love of laughter and good cupcakes and match-making and teasing their youngest member (ahem) does.

Praising, worshiping the God who unites us.
But I think it's our love for God, our deep desire to grow more like Him that unites us. It's a gift of easy acceptance and quick forgiveness and times of invaluable togetherness that I wouldn't trade for gold.

When I think about what God has given me, I want to weep. I mean really, who else is so blessed?

I think I could hold my own in such an argument.

Yes, our name might be a bit cheesy (wink), but our hearts our united. Our goals focused. Our dreams centered on the only One who matters.

Soul sisters.

Alley Cats.

And I love them. Every. Last. One. Of. Them.

Thank You, Jesus.

Skyping with Karen in Australia!

Melissa Tagg came to visit! There are so many reasons I love Iowa.

May you be as equally blessed with such amazing friends!


  1. SO SO many reasons you love Iowa ;) ;)

    Can't wait for the day when all 10 of us are there, I'm seriously praying and believing for that to happen, would be SO awesome!!!

    1. LOL! Well...maybe a few more... ;-)

      I know!! That day will be SO God-blessed. Hey, start saving for Florida next year. :D

  2. Sounds like you all had a great time! Kindred spirits are such a blessing!

    1. More than a good time! Isn't that nothing but the truth!! :)

  3. I'm glad you had such a great time, Casey. I kinda figured that was a given since you were going to hangout with your Alleycats.

    1. It is very much a given, but every time I'm just in awe of what God has done. He is SO good!!


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)