Friday, June 28, 2013

Make That a FUN Author Interview! My Guest? Rachel Hauck!!

Sometimes we just gotta let loose. Have a little fun.  Thus I had this crazy idea…and I’m pretty excited about it. Hope you love it and if you have suggestions for questions, leave them in the comments! :- )

The Basics:
Name: Rachel Hauck
Home State (completely with address so we can stalk you): Florida!
Occupation: Full time novelist
Height: 5’7
Hair Color: Only my hairdresser knows

Goin’ Deeper:

Celebrity crush: Well, I don’t have one really. I liked Donny Osmond as a pre teen/young teen. But I really like worship leader Jeremy Riddle. I met him, er, he met me rather, at a worship concert in March. I was a bit gaga. My husband had to assure Jeremy I was sane.

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#1 favorite pastime: Reading or good TV shows. Watching college football.

Best book of your childhood: Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House Series

Go to comfort food: junk food!

Worst job you ever had: Sales rep for a jewelry distributor covering north Florida and south Georgia. OY! Awful.

In Ten Words or Less:

Happiest moment of your life: Only one? There are so many. Getting married. Winning my first award.

One thing on your bucket list: Give away a million dollars.

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Quirkiest aspect that annoys your spouse/friends: I am annoying? My husband says he can’t think of anything but I will say he’s a neat-o and I’m a paper stacker. But I keep my stuff out of his way, so we don’t clash over our different organization methods. LOL.

I had a friend who called me nosey once because I was asking so many questions about a scenario another friend was describing! It’s the writer in me.

Greatest dream: Giving away a million dollars. At one time!

Biggest fear: I don’t really give into fear. It’s a waste of time and it’s not holy. But, I am often very concerned for the spiritual direction of our nation. 

Don't you just love Rachel Hauck??

 She's your every-woman's writer and her books pretty much line up with that. 

I dropped the ball...I don't have a guest yet for next month, but I'm working on it. We'll have one. And it will be awesome. I just don't know who he/she is yet. So it's a surprise. And I hope you'll visit to find out who it might be.

Don't forget to say "hi" in the comments! :)


  1. Your question: Don't I just love Rachel Hauck?
    Um yes.
    And yeah.
    And uh-huh!

    She is an a-ma-zing, inspiring author, who is wholly committed to the Lord.
    Beautiful to behold!
    And her writing?
    Some of the best, evan!

    1. Yeah, I kinda knew what your comment would be. ;-) And btw, what you say about Rachel? I could so easily say about you (and have!)

    2. Ah Beth, you're biased! LOL ! Love you!

  2. Great interview, Casey! Rachel is a neat gal and as Beth says wholly committed to the L-rd. I've known Rachel for a LONG time .... way before she even got published so it has been exciting seeing each new book published.


    1. Wow, love to "meet" you then, Jo! I'm so glad you stopped by and shared that today. So now you can say you knew Rachel "way back when." ;-)

    2. Hi JO! Thanks for coming by. And you did know me long before I was published!

  3. I had the pleasure of meeting Rachel at an ACFW conference a couple years ago. she's a lovely person, besides a fabulous writer. And the cover of her newest book, Once Upon a Prince, is fabulous! Who designs those covers??

    1. I know!! I can't wait to see what they come up with for book #2. I bet it's even better. :)

    2. Mary, I remember meeting you! And the covers are designed by the publisher. Once Upon A Prince was the first mock up and we just all loved it!

  4. This was a fun interview with Rachel and quite timely since my book club is reading The Wedding Dress to discuss in July. I'm planning to put the link to your page on our book club Facebook page so the others can read this.
    Thanks, Casey.

    1. Oh perfect! Thanks for sharing the interview, Pam!

    2. Oh cool, Pam. Let me know if you need anything from me for the book club!

  5. I'm finding way too many great new (new to me anyway) authors to read, and I have "Once Upon a Prince" on my Kindle. Can't wait to read it! Casey...pretty much every book/author you feature goes onto my TBR list. Keep it up though! lol

    1. Annette, if you love Once Upon A Prince, then you have to read Dining with Joy and The Wedding Dress. EXCELLENT books and DwJ is still my favorite Hauck book to this date.

    2. Annette, too many books too little time! Thanks for putting prince on your Kindle!

    3. Finished Once Upon a Prince and LOOOOVVVVEEEDDD it! Now I really want to read Dining with Joy as Casey suggested. And then, of course, The Wedding Dress....and know! lol

  6. Casey, thank you for having me on the blog today! Fun, fun!

    1. Thank YOU! Always a pleasure. We might have to do it again. ;)

  7. Hi Casey!
    I ordered The Wedding Dress and would love to have Once Upon A Prince ~ I didn't know about Dining with Joy ~ will have to look that one up! So many books, so many of my TBRs!! So thankful for Christian authors. Thank you for interviewing Rachel Hauck. Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House
    lanehillhouse[at]centurylink[dot]net Print Books For Me ~ just let me know, lol.


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)