Friday, July 12, 2013

A Letter to My Future Husband.

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**I thought I might share an intimate peak into my heart today. I encourage you as young ladies, to make your "list" for your Prince Charming. Not to be unrealistic, but to place your hopes high in a God who gives us our hearts' desires.**

To my future husband,

I've been waiting my entire life to meet you. To fall in love with you. And someday, I know, God will give me exactly that chance. Until that day, I wait patiently (and sometimes not-so-patiently) to discover the man you are. 

So I ask you to please promise me...

To always hold my hand in private...and in public. To kiss me even when I least deserve it. Remind me everyday that you love me, even if that simply means the brush of your hand across my shoulders or a wink across the breakfast bar. 

Talk to me and talk often. Promise to always tell me about your day and let me share mine. 

Always laugh with me...and tell me when my jokes don't make sense. I want to spend the rest of my life with you laughing. 

Lead me closer to God. Remind me why I love Jesus by the simple act of your faith. Be a man of prayer. Pray with me every day and share what God is teaching you, with me. Don't place bars across your heart. Be honest...even when it's not popular. 

Care about my interests and ask about my writing, support me in my dreams. But tell me when I'm stumbling down the wrong path. Love Christian music, but not be opposed to a little bit of country every once in a while...let me ramble on about my latest fiction obsession. Dance with me in our living room, even though I can't dance. At all.

Hold me when I cry. Take me in your arms even when I can't speak the pain. I want to spend the rest of my life in your arms, being reminded that I've been waiting for just this moment...with you. Cuddle with me at night. Touch me and touch me often. Hug me for no reason. Kiss my temple. Always kiss me goodnight.

Be my toughest critique and my biggest fan. Surround our home in God's love, the sound of joy and the ready promise of laughter. Share in the joy of friendship. Take me to church. Love children, especially our children and remind them every night that you do. 

When the storms of life inevitably tremble the timbers of our home and threaten to rattle the foundation of our love, promise to never leave. To never allow the word "divorce" to enter our words, even in jest. 

Be the spiritual leader of our home. Believe the Bible. Beginning to end. Be a man that the rest of the world looks at and sees Jesus. Raise our children to love God. Speak
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with love, but always readily share your frustrations with me.

Find your dream and chase hard in the direction God places you. Take my hand and I'll run with you.

Be my best friend. My lover. My soul mate. 

The man I've been waiting for my entire life. 

With all the love I have yet to give,
Your Future Wife.


  1. Casey I know that someday you will find your true love! I know this because my daughter found hers! She is 24 and she thought she was an old maid lol. She thought she would never find the right man.
    Well she is getting married in Aug! He is a wonderful guy and we just love him.
    Be patient and He will find him for you ;-)

    1. I can't remember... You read the book "Praying for your Future Husband" didn't you? I gave this book to my daughter and she said it helped her tremendously!

    2. LOL! I can't say as I blame your daughter. And I'm only two years younger than she is. ;-) I'm so glad for your daughter! And even happier that you already love him like a son. Yes, I did read that book and I need to read it again. It's been a year or longer. SUCH a good book!

    3. Right now, I'm just writing on being single for 26years and some guy asked me to be his wife and I said no. Did I ruin my chances to find my future husband?

  2. This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing this piece of your heart Casey.

    Tell the World

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. You are beautiful, inside and out, my friend.

    1. Thank you, Beth. It took more courage than I realized to actually put this piece of me on the internet and there isn't much I don't blog about. ;-)

  5. Beautiful, Case! Simply Beautiful!

  6. Your future husband is one blessed man! You are precious!!!

    1. I hope so, Anne. I really hope so. I hope he finds in *me* everything I want in him.

  7. I love this so much. I have a journal that I write to my future (unknown ;) husband. The only rule is I can't write in it while liking or thinking of another guy. One of my mentors did this, and gave it to her husband on their wedding night along with her purity ring. How sweet!!

    1. Wow, that is really wise and I completely agree. I recently went through a very short period of thinking about a guy, which eventually ended for a number of reasons, but I was held back from writing any of these kind of posts or letters until I knew if he was the right one for me or not. I'm very glad for waiting.

    2. Hey Carrey
      Yesterday after reading Pray for your future husband.
      I believe that it was God who told to start writting letters to my future husband until the day we meet. I had a dream weeks ago where we actually met but I didn't get to see his face

  8. Wow, Casey. That brought a tear to my eye and I don't cry easily. So very beautiful. Just as I hope your marriage will be.


    1. :) I pray for that beauty all the time, Sue.

  9. I have a journal that I write letters to my future husband in whoever he might be. At 26 I am still waiting and trusting God's timing. God's timing is always best. This season of singleness allows me to serve in ways that I would not be able to do if I was married.

    1. A journal is one thing I haven't started yet. Not at least to my future husband. Someday, I'll start one. And yes, God's timing is always best. It's hard, but always, always for the best. I've see that too many times in my life already to doubt Him.

  10. Beautiful heartfelt words, Casey... I'm right there with you in the waiting phase. Not always easy, but it will be totally worth it. God's got great guys coming for us, Casey. Just you wait and see.


    1. Yep, I completely agree with you Andrea. Holding strong to purity is yours and my job right now. Continue to fight the good fight!

  11. Pray for him every day Casey. Pray for his salvation just in case he hasn't been introduced the Lord yet!

    1. Amen! And I pray for his family too. Someday I'll be able to meet these people that are right now walking this earth and tell them I've been praying for them. Goosebumps. :)

  12. Dear Case,

    I'm crying like a baby after reading this, my friend!! Beautiful, absolutely beautiful and a desire of one's heart that I have NO DOUBT God intends to fulfill!!

    You are a gift to all who know you, but none more so than to this INCREDIBLY blessed and lucky guy who is just waiting for God to say, "It's time."

    Love you!

    1. Knowing He has the desires of my heart in mind is SUCH a gift of peace. Aligning my heart with His makes the dance all the more intimate.

      I certainly hope so, Julie. I certainly hope so. :)

  13. Casey for a moment there I thought I was seeing myself, our Lord says be still and know that I am God and we have to trust in him, with your permission can I share this with my future husband.and one day God wil place that husband that you have been waiting for just as he did with me be patient.

  14. Hi sister Casey. I don't know if I should be writing this. I'm daniel from India and im so glad that you stand for Jesus in a country like U.S. For me stand here in India is tough too.But the lord is preserving me. I randomly googled and I came across your articles and blog..Thank you for standing up. The king reward you richly in his time. The lord shall provide the in HIS time.
    Your brother in Christ,

  15. I wrote letters to my future husband a year before we met. God gave me everything I asked for. We have been married 13 years. I still pull the journal out from time to time to remind me of the blessing God gave me.

  16. I wrote letters to my future husband a year before we met. God gave me everything I asked for. We have been married 13 years. I still pull the journal out from time to time to remind me of the blessing God gave me.

  17. Can you help me with this patience and writing my future husband?


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