Friday, July 5, 2013

Dance with God

Original pin link
I love this pin. More times than not God has used Pinterest to speak soothing words of truth through my spirit. And sometimes it's things I've pinned months ago that come back as beautiful reminders.

I've always known I would marry a godly man. That I would wait until God brought that man into my life. 

I've always walked close with God. Closer as I grow older and more mature in my faith.

Sometimes I think God gives us a glimpse of our greatest desire...that maybe isn't the perfect place for us to be, so we might realize just how important it is to trust. To know...He's got this. And how encouraging it is to know we aren't alone.  

There are two ways at looking at something we didn't get that we think we should have. One: we can blame God and tell Him that He needs to take a hike. That we obviously know better and why should our hearts be given false hope?


We can praise God. Ask Him for perfect guidance and clear direction. Realize that we live in a fallen world. We have the opportunity to make our own choices, but when we include God in those choices...when we openly ask Him to take complete control and trust Him with everything, then we open up our hearts for something great.

This dance with God has had me held closer at times than at others. As I step out and away, not God away from me, I've had the hard lesson that things get more confusing, more strenuous and unstable the further out I stretch this hold. I've pulled away. Cried out to God, why this is happening. What is the purpose and the reason? The easy and true answer is that it's a season. And it is. A season that requires absolute trust on a loving God that absolutely knows what He's doing. Even when we don't think that He knows what He's doing. And we like to tell Him this fact. 

But the truth of the matter is, it doesn't matter whether you're married or single reading this post. Divorced or widowed. We all can have something in our lives that we don't want to hand back over to God and join that close and personal dance once again with our Father God. God knows your heart cry, just like He knows my heart cry. It's in these moments, these seasons of raw, real, reverent that God uses those moments to draw us unto Himself. Why? Because faith...while challenging can also be exciting. Exciting, because I know God has my very best interest at heart. He has created plans for good and not for harm. He loves me with an everlasting love. 

He brings good out of every bad event, every sore experience, every heart-wrenching moment of realizing what I wanted is not what God wanted for me right now. Every moment of realizing this wasn't my moment of fulfillment, but of God using me in the life of someone else.

I've been challenged. Tested. And I've realized, God has the perfect "someone" out there for me. It can be so discouraging to realize the person you might have had a chance with isn't who God planned. It can be so discouraging to think finally finding that "someone" might still be years down the road. But is God asking us to focus down the road?

No, He's asking me to focus on now. Today. 

He's asking me to dance with him. And I realized something so with God...and He'll let the perfect man cut in. The beauty? I don't want to give up my dance with God. In fact, I want to move closer, be held in perfect protection. I want that light of faith to shine. That glow of peace to take over. And I don't want my dance to end. 

It's the perfect romance. That moment of realizing God is enough. Always. Enough. It's a powerful trust motivator. It's a grace gift. It's a trusting promise. 

Dance. And enjoy the dance, instead of always looking for someone that should cut in. 

Until then, DANCE with the Creator of your soul. The Creator that put that love and longing within your spirit. You just might inspire someone else to join your dance.   


  1. Casey,
    The most beautiful woman in the world is the one shines with a love for God.
    You are glowing today, my friend. Glowing.

    1. When I wrote the post, I so keenly felt God's presence and love filling my spirit. He has done that multiply times sense. And I love the reminder that faith is exciting. What a journey knowing He takes and uses everything for His glory!

  2. Wow Casey! This is beautiful, and I don't exaggerate when I say I NEEDED to read this NOW. Thank you! We keep learning each day through His grace :)

    Tell the World

    1. Yes we do! I wrote the post several weeks ago and only scheduled it for today. God's timing never fails to floor me.

  3. " with God...and He'll let the perfect man cut in."
    Casey, I concur with glow in beautiful splendor!

    1. And the great thing? I needed my own reminder today again too. His mercies are new every morning.

  4. Hi Casey :) Thank you for this. What a beautiful thought, "Dance with God and He will let the perfect man cut in." The Lord has used YOU to speak soothing words of truth through my spirit many times, and this will be added to the list :) Your love and passion for Jesus is an inspiration and a testimony of His goodness. Thanks again!


    1. Amanda!! How are you my friend? I feel it's been forever since I've seen your sweet face around the blogosphere. :D

      As I mentioned in a previous comment here today I wrote this post several weeks ago and then reading the post this morning again, fresh with all of you, I'm reminded again of God's great love for me and my growing passion for Him!

      Continue to dance every closer to God, my friend.

  5. What sweet and wise thoughts about God in action! God reaches out to us in His many loving ways and one really BIG way is through the expressions of Christian authors. THANKS for letting me feel His love through your post.
    Blessings, Janice jsmithg(at)hotmail(dot)com

    1. Oh, thank you Janice. I don't think anyone has ever said anything nicer to me. So glad I can share my heart and God's love through this blog!

  6. Thanks for posting this Casey I needed this reminder.

  7. You are an inspiration, Casey. I wish I'd had your faith when I was your age. But hey, we each have our own faith journey to walk.

    I know God has someone special in mind for you. Praying he comes along soon!


    1. We do all have our own faith journey and some days mine doesn't feel near as strong as it should! Trusting Him every step of the way to keep growing me. It's a promise I take HUGE comfort in. He will complete the good work He has started in me.

  8. This is wonderfully wise, Casey. I loved the pin too and forwarded this blog to my 23 year old single daughter to encourage her. I hope you both will continue to be patient as God works in your lives. Thanks for writing this

  9. That is a lovely pin. I'm learning, though, that even when God does relinquish one to the perfect man, He still comes back for the odd dance here and there - something of a reminder that while He allows this one man to dance with me, I still have to save that last dance for Him, since He'll be the one taking me home.

    1. Rachael, that is so beautiful. What a perfect, perfect thought. Thank you so much for sharing that.

      I love the verse about the three cord strand that is not quickly broken. And it's a model I'd love to have someday in my wedding ring. The reminder that our love is wound tightly with God's.


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)