Friday, August 23, 2013

Special Interview with Amber Stokes (and a giveaway!)

Amber is a great blogging friend of mine I’ve even had the opportunity to meet a couple of times! So to say I’m excited for her debut novel release is a wee bit of an understatement. ;-) So, Amber tell me…what led you to decide on self publishing?

Aw, Casey – thank you so much for sharing my excitement! I’m thrilled to be here. :-)

I think self-publishing became “real” to me earlier this year, when I had the chance to beta read for author Lena Goldfinch and watch her go through the finalizing process for self-publishing Aire (YA fantasy romance). I’d been discovering some fun self-published books for Kindle, and then seeing how it worked for an author friend must have hit some sort of switch in my mind. So when I finished Bleeding Heart in March, I felt ready to take the steps necessary to get the book out there. (Plus, I enjoyed the thought of being in charge of every detail – who would edit the book, what the cover design would be, how the book promotion would go, etc. Self-publishing allows me to make my own brand and implement my own plan.)

But there was also another reason besides the plan’s viability. Self-publishing seemed like a good option because Bleeding Heart is not a traditional story. It’s short (for a novel), for one thing. And the plot takes some twists that deviate from the formula for Christian romance. I had it in mind to self-publish be
fore I sent the book to my editor, but seeing her voice the concern in her comments that I would have a difficult time getting a publisher to accept it as it was – that sort of clinched it for me! I think making it more “formulaic” would make it a different story than the one I wanted to tell… So, self-publishing it was, then. *wink*

What was your favorite part of the process in publishing your book?

Not formatting, LOL! I think the most fun part was working on the cover design with Lena Goldfinch. She did all of the work, but I loved brainstorming with her. And having a beautiful cover made the project really come to life for me! It even inspired a scene I added during the editing phase.

To be honest, while I dreaded editing, I actually ended up enjoying it more than I thought I would! It felt great to see the story shine a little more. It really is a privilege to have a “second chance” to make a story better!

Is this your first book? What makes you love this story?

This is my first published book, but it’s actually the second book I wrote (the first being Forget Me Not, the prequel to Bleeding Heart). The interesting thing, I suppose, is that I’m publishing a sequel before its predecessor – although each book is a stand-alone. I guess it was just a matter of timing and what I was ready to face and to share first… (Kind of fits with the name I gave my “publisher” – Seasons of a Story.)

As for Bleeding Heart, I love it because the journey of writing it helped me to define some of my beliefs about love – or at least wrestle with them. I love it because it’s set in places that capture my imagination and peopled with characters that have become so dear to me. I love it because it was a chance to take what I learned from the first book and apply it to a new story, and because it is a story that makes me want to write more.

Do you have certain books or authors you might compare it too?

This is one of those questions where I feel I need to start my response with, “If I may be so bold…” The authors I’m about to mention are ones I admire so much, and I hope it’s not too presumptuous to compare my writing with theirs! They inspire me. J

I’d say my writing is in a similar style as that of Laura Frantz, Tamera Alexander, Elizabeth Camden, Serena Miller, Jody Hedlund, and Joanne Bischof – or at least it aspires to be! It’s a little hard to compare, because many of these authors’ books are history-heavy (in a good way!) and certainly longer than mine. I hope Bleeding Heart carries echoes of Laura, Tamera, and Elizabeth’s serious but beautiful prose. The story itself references a logging town, which brings to mind The Measure of Katie Calloway by Serena Miller and Unending Devotion by Jody Hedlund (although the logging town in Bleeding Heart is in the redwoods of Northern California, not in Michigan). And Bleeding Heart is very emotionally focused, kind of darker (but hopeful) like Joanne Bischof’s “The Cadence of Grace” series.

Are you planning on self publishing another title in the near future?

Yes! The next two projects I want to focus on are a companion short story, along with the prequel to Bleeding Heart. I plan to write the short story soon and enter it in a contest, so we’ll see how that goes! And I hope to publish Forget Me Not Winter 2014. After that, I do have a title and a main character in mind for another sequel… Maybe to be released Summer 2014? I might be overly optimistic in my writing goals, but it’s fun to embrace this season of ideas swimming through my mind!

What do you hope people are going to love and/or appreciate about Bleeding Heart?

I hope they love the journey. I hope they are challenged or encouraged in even some small way by it – by the things it might make them ponder, or remember, or feel.

Congratulations, Amber! So thrilled you are taking this next step!! :- )

Thank you so much, my friend! I appreciate this chance to share about Bleeding Heart with your readers.

Click to enter THIS prize pack!

Leave a comment HERE today for a chance to win Amber's novel for Kindle! One entry per comment. Open internationally (and standard giveaway rules apply. ;-)


  1. I've visited Washington state and at least been at the airport in Portland, OR but I have never visited California and would love to see some of the beautiful scenery there!


    1. Oh, I hope you get to come visit California someday - especially the northern part, which I'm quite fond of! ;) The redwood coast is amazing.

      And I totally know what you mean about counting airports, LOL! I've been to Atlanta, GA and some place in TN, I believe, if I count the airports. ;)


  2. Congrats on the Debut Release, Amber! I pray you have much success! Thank you for the giveaway. :)

    Wanda Barefoot

    1. Thank you so much, Wanda! And you're welcome! :)


  3. You're brave to self-publish! But I'm glad you get to choose what goes on the cover - it's beautiful, and I trust you know your novel well enough to make it fit right. I admit it - a good cover will convince me to read the description.

    It's a toss-up whether I want to visit the greenery of Washington and Oregon more, or Utah's contrasting High Uintas and Bryce Canyon. Someday!


    1. Aww, well, thank you! :) I'm glad you love the cover - I had a blast brainstorming it with Lena Goldfinch. She's so talented! And yes, covers are quite convincing when it comes to deciding on what book to pick up!

      Oooh, both sound awesome! I know firsthand how beautiful Oregon is, but Utah sounds like such a fascinating place to visit, too, in a different way. :)


  4. Comment for Cherie:

    Here I am again, want to enter the contest. I've done all the rafflecopter things I could do except comment. I've been to New Mexico and Arizona a few times and love them both, but especially love Santa Fe. Would even love to live there. I think it is very brave of this author to self-publish, would love to read her book.

    1. I don't think I've been to New Mexico or Arizona yet, unless it was just passing through...but those places sound so neat! The history and the landscape must be fascinating. :)

      Thank you for the kind words, Cherie, and good luck in the drawing!


  5. Almost 2 years ago I wrote a cookbook that included funny stories from my pastor's/missionary/mom days (& You're A Preacher's Wife?". I also self published because I couldn't stand that I would lose my book in the process and it wouldn't be WHAT I WANTED. I'm so glad I did. I've sold almost 600 copies by word of mouth with lots of return sales. I am looking forward to reading your book, just as you wanted it!

    missionwife AT hotmail DOT com

    1. That's awesome, Melody! I think both options have their pros and cons, especially depending on what your goals are for the book you want to publish. But I definitely think there is a place for self-publishing, and I appreciate your understanding! :)


  6. Casey, thank you so much for hosting me today! :) You have such a loyal and awesome following on your blog!



    1. They are some of the best, imho. As are YOU my friend!! Hope you're thoroughly enjoying this special release week. :D

  7. Congratulations on your novel!! Your novel sounds great. My prayer is much success in your writing.
    Barbara Thompson

    1. Thank you, Barbara! I appreciate the kind words and prayers!


  8. I am so encouraged Amber! After years of telling myself I was not going to self publish, I feel strongly the Lord has been laying it in my heart for some time now. I've been doing a lot of research and it's all been a bit confusing. I'm looking up to God for the strength to be able to do the hard work that comes with it. But your self-publishing journey is really a great encouragement to me. I can't wait to see God use you and the novels He inspires you to write to be a blessing to many others :)

    Tell the World

    1. Thank you so much for encouraging me! Self-publishing is a lot of of work...a lot to juggle and figure out. But I think it can also be a very rewarding and fun journey, as well - especially when you have great friends by your side! My cover designer, Lena Goldfinch, has been a tremendous help and a wonderful mentor, and Elizabeth Ludwig and Rachelle Rea are fabulous editors! :)

      Best wishes to you on your self-publishing endeavors! Thank you again very much for your encouragement and thoughtfulness. :) God bless!


  9. Congratulations, Amber! Enjoyed your interview & wish you much success in your writing. Glad you are secure & confident enough to follow your dreams & handle your writing the way you think it should be done. Would love to read your book - thanks for the giveaway opportunity!


    1. I so appreciate your kind words - thank you! :) Good luck in the drawing!


  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. May the Lord richly bless as you are striking out in faith with your new novel! I landed here by way of MaryLu Tyndall's Cross & Cutlass and am so glad I did...

    As for going West - I'm so excited to see Oregon. My husband is from there and while we currently live in the southwest, he promises me that once I see the Oregon coastline, I will cherish it just as much as he does :-) Christ's love to you & yours, Tia

    1. I'm so glad you found your way here, too, Tia! (Love MaryLu's blog and Casey's!)

      Oh, Oregon is so beautiful - I'm sure you will indeed fall in love! :)

      God bless, and thank you for the sweet comment!


  12. Hi Casey. Thanks for having Amber here for an interview. Good job. This comment is for the package with the paperbacks. I think the books will be good and I would love to be the winner. Nice give-away package. Thanks.
    Maxie mac262(at)me(dot)com

    1. Good luck in the giveaway - and thank you for entering and reading the interview! :)


  13. That's so exciting that you were able to self-published! I am working on a novel at present and haven't decided which route I will go for publishing, but I did find your thoughts helpful!
    Congrats!! Publishing is a huge achievment, I think! :)

    1. Thank you so much for the encouraging words, Raechel! It's a lot to think about, trying to navigate publishing these days... I wish you the best as you ponder which route to go! Here's another interview I did for the tour that focuses more on my writerly journey:

      Interview on A Novel Reality

      I do want to stress that I think getting professional editing help and a professional cover design (and help in other areas where you might need it - like formatting) are really important when self-publishing. Doesn't mean you won't miss some things, but it does mean you're taking the time to present something of quality to the world, you know? :)

      Anywho, thanks again, and God bless!


  14. The West is beautiful. A friend of mine goes to Montana each summer and takes gorgeous pictures. Such a pretty place.

    Love this book cover!!!

    1. I so agree, Cheryl! I'm rather partial to this part of the world. :) I haven't spend much time in Montana, though...but I imagine it's so rugged and majestic!

      And thank you! I love what Lena did with the cover. :)



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