Monday, September 9, 2013

Giveaway! Fired Up by Mary Connealy!

Welcome to Writing for Christ Mary Connealy, it is great to have you here! Do you have an interesting fact about yourself the average reader probably doesn’t know?

Wow, I am such a boring person. Plus any interesting tidbits have been, I am sure, shared multiple times. Thinking….thinking…my very best friend as a child, Joani Kroger, moved into a house across the road from me when she was three and I was four. She was from a family of seven, I was from a family of eight. And the whole mob of us walked to a rural school most every day, one half mile walk on a gravel road, that road was just thick with children. Two other families who lived farther away also walked sometimes.

We all attended a one-room country school with one teacher and 24 kids in eight grades, most of them from our two families. And the teacher handled us all just fine. I went to Kindergarten for two weeks, not a year like now.

Joani is one of the few people in the world who, when I see her, can ask about all my brothers and sisters and actually know who they all are and care how they all are. It’s not that easy keeping track.

Do you have a favorite genre to read/write?

Right now, for some reason…and it’s been going on a couple of years…I am just crazy for Regency romance. I just love them. There’s something so rich about them, the setting and the manners and interesting rules for the Lord and Ladies. So many other books just seem flat to me. I still read widely in all genres, but right now Regency is my first love. I also like to avoid reading in the genre I write, and I don’t avoid it, but I minimize it. I guess I’m afraid to compare myself or borrow from those similar books. Or maybe just writing historical romance is enough immersion for me. As for writing, I love writing Romantic Comedy…with Cowboys.

Do you have a nugget of writing advice that has completely changed how you view writing?

There have been so many nuggets but when you asked that the first thing that popped into my head was a contest critique that said, “I don’t like your heroine.” And she added, “Make your characters likeable by having someone like them.”

That just made so much sense to me and I’ve always remembered it. Even a really prickly character has to have a likeable side if they’re with family they love and like, or friends or even a pet.

5 things you love?

I’m going to skip my family because that’s just so obvious.
Apricot Torte from the Lithuanian Bakery in Omaha, NE
Fresh Rosemary
My husband cooking
Tetley’s Earl Grey Tea in the drawstring bags (yes the type of bag matters)

What novel have you recently read that has stood out to you that both teens and adults will find enjoyment in?

This is so easy because I just finished Melanie Dickerson’s The Fairest Beauty and I loved it. I closed that book and just thought, “Melanie is doing something that no one else does. She’s got the whole market and she’s absolutely excellent.” It’s a fun, beautifully told tale full of wisdom.”

Places for readers to learn more about you?

Thank you for being with us today! 

Readers, here is your chance to enter to win Mary's book!

Please leave an email address! If I draw your name and there is no email, you will not win.
For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber

Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on September 20th
Attn Readers! If you're struggling to leave a comment on my blog, please email your comment entries (in ONE email) and I will submit it for you. But PLEASE only do this after you've failed to leave a comment. My email is: caseym.writer(@) 


  1. A one room school house? That's awesome and interesting. I wish school was like that nowadays. I love klove radio too!

  2. Good morning, Mary Connealy, I truly loved that story about your childhood! I wish I came from a big family instead of one measly-ole brother! But since you're a fiction writer, you should have changed the distance to 10 miles and uphill in both directions! I checked and klove radios doesn't reach Ohio. oh, well.....

  3. I didn't attend a one room schoolhouse but I did attend a country school that housed all 12 grades in one building. Since the first time I read Jane Austen's novels I have been a Regency Fan, first and foremost. But I do love reading Mary's books too ;)


  4. What an interesting history, Mary! I am an Air Force brat, so I moved around a lot. It's hard for me to imagine growing up around the same group of people and know them for your entire lifetime! I don't know any of my childhood friends now.

    Subscriber and follower
    nicnac63 AT hotmail DOT com

  5. I have read and loved all of Mary's previous books and would love to win a copy of "Fired Up".

  6. I have seven brothers and sisters.
    My friend Joani had six and she lost two, before they moved next door to a family of NINE kids.
    She is one of two people on earth I can sit down with and talk family with and we know EVERYTHING and actually understand what we're talking about. All her brothers and sisters. All her neices and nephews.

    She moved in across the road when she was three and I was four and were in each other's houses every day forever until we grew up. And, along with my friend Janell, all these years later, even if we don't see each other that often, we still just know each other on such a FUNDAMENTAL level. :)

  7. That is so wonderful you have a friend like that, Mary! I always wished for a sister, but I had two ornery brothers instead. :P
    Mary, you are the sweetest to mention my book. :-) You can't know how thrilled I am that you liked it.
    And I have a couple of Regencies for you to read, too. ;-) Just let me know when you run out.

  8. LOVE seeing one of my favorite authors on one of my favorite blogs!!

    Fired Up is "burning" a hole in my TBR pile, which, actually, might reduce it somewhat if it incinerates the books beneath it!! I cannot WAIT to dive in, Mare -- Dare looks (and sounded in Swept Away) like my kind of hubba-hubba hero, so bring it on!!


  9. Both my daughter and I love to read your books. I will check the library for Melanie's book today as I haven't read hers before.thanks for pointing us to another good author.

  10. Oh I just LOVE the humor in Mary's books!

  11. Oh I just LOVE the humor in Mary's books!

  12. Thanks for the recommendation for Melanie Dickerson- her books are on my list to read, but I'll move them up! I've been looking forward to reading Fired Up! Thanks for the giveaway!

    I'm a subscriber and a follower :)

  13. I'd love to be entered for a copy of "Fired Up"!! I absolutely love reading and laughing through Mary's books, and I'm currently reading "Swept Away" :) Thanks for hosting a review and giveaway!

    I am also a follower and a subscriber (not sure if I'm supposed to say that in a separate comment?)

  14. Ditto to Melissa's comment. I love the humor in Mary's books. I haven't read any of this series yet, but have loved her previous books.


  15. It's so amazing and fun that you come a big family. I bet it was fun growing up. ;) Have been wanting to read your book since I first saw the cover a few months back.

  16. I subscribe via email.

  17. I am a GFC Follower - Andrea Williams

  18. Every time I see the cover of this book, I can't help but smile. It's so darned appealing. Ü
    Please enter me in the contest to win a copy of Fired Up.


    I'm a follower and subscriber.

  19. Mary, always a pleasure to get to know more about you. I'd love to read this book.

  20. Hello, Mary & Casey!

    Really enjoyed your interview, & learning some new things about you & your writing, Mary!

    I didn't attend a one room school - but did attend the same school, & had the same bus driver for all 12 years. I didn't appreciate, growing up, the privilege of riding a school bus. I grew up on a farm in the country, & lived at the end of the bus route - so I was always the first person on the bus in the morning, & the last to get off in the afternoon, the bus driver & I got to know each other very well. I remember his helping me search for my doll's lost eye - one day when I was very young.

    I understand how special your friendship with Joani is - I have one friend from junior high that married my 1st cousin, & all my other close friendships are 30 years + long. Some of them know secrets about me that my parents don't even know (lol)! There's nothing like having a friend that is there for you 24/7, accepts you for who you are, & knows/understands your thoughts & the desires of your heart before you even vocalize them!

    Would love to read Fired Up, Mary - thanks for the opportunity to win a copy, & thank you Casey for your blog!


    I am a follower & subscriber.

  21. Loved to read all of this!! I bring in rosemary into the house and over-winter it using a bright sunny room...

  22. Oops!! I'm a subscriber @ girlygirlhoosier52 at

  23. I am a big Mary Conneally fan, having read and enjoyed 16 of her books. I'm really looking forward to reading Fired Up. I told my daughter that's what I want for my birthday next month. It's fun Mary mentioned Melanie's books. My daughter and I have read all her books. I buy them for my daughter's birthday or Christmas (depending on when they are released). I raved about The Merchant's Daughter to my book club, so that is the book we are discussing in a couple of weeks. We have also read one or two of Mary's books for book club.
    Thanks for the interview with Mary and the chance to win a copy of Fired Up (if I won, my daughter could get me another book on my extensive wish list of books).
    I'm a follower and a subscriber.


  24. I love Mary's writtings! And I love KLOVE!

    missionwife AT hotmail DOT com

  25. I am a follower!

    missionwife AT hotmail DOT com

  26. I am a subscriber!

    missionwife AT hotmail DOT com

  27. I am a follower and email subscriber. I would love to read this book. T hanks for the giveaway.

  28. thanks for the chance to read this wonderful novel, casey & mary :)

    i'm a follower & email subscriber, too

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  29. Entry for Cherie:

    Sounds like a great book to read.
    I am also a follower and a subscriber

  30. Hi Casey. Thanks for having Mary visit. I met her through Pistols and Petticoats. Love that bunch. I only have two of her books and would love to win and will then have 3. I also came from a large family and until now can't imagine having a family where there is only 3 siblings.` You see my family also had 8 siblings. It was great. We lived in a small TX. town and most times in the country. Where all classes were in the one school. Even the one in town still had all 12 grades. We didn't get to ride the bus Mary, tho it seemed a very long walk. Now there is only myself and 2 brothers.
    But, moved to OK. to another small town when I was in 7th grade, so what long time friends I have are from there. In the late 40's and early 50's. Please put my name in the drawing hat Casey. Maxie mac262(at)me(dot)com

  31. I would love to win Fired Up. The drawing is the day before my 50th birthday! My email is

  32. I've read some of Mary's books and she's a fabulous author. Enjoyed the interview. Thank you for the opportunity to participate in a giveaway. Please enter my name in the giveaway. Thank you!
    Barbara Thompson

    I'm a follower and a subscriber!!

  33. I have been waiting for this to be released. I was blessed by reading and writing a review of Swept Away. Thanks so much for the chance to win Fired Up.

  34. I love Mary's books, I always make sure her newest one ends up on my shelf! Fun interview with a great lady.
    I'm a follower and subscriber.
    worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com

  35. Thanks for the opportunity to win this book! I love Mary's other books and would love to read this one! I follow via GFC under the name Bethany. :)

  36. Thank you for the chance to win this book "Fired Up." Mary Connealy,my aunt taught school in a one room school house, and she taught 8 grades, when we went to visit, i got to go to school with her a few time it was really nice to see her teach these children. God bless you.
    I'm a subscriber and a follower.

  37. My grandfather was a country Baptist preacher with his church on one corner and a one-room schoolhouse on the other. All surrounded by cornfields as far as you could see. When I would visit during Spring Break, I would attend the school for 1 or 2 days. And that was tougher than my public school!

  38. I found it interesting that Mary loves to read a different genre than she writes. Please sign me up for this new book!

    kandrajane@ bell south dot net

  39. Kandra, I'm really worried that I'll be so INFLUENCED by what I read. Does that make sense? I don't want to start copying.
    I just recently read (well, it's been a while) but Karen Witemeyer's most recent book, Short Straw Bride. It is so fantastic. Just about the perfect book honestly. I loved every word. I am so envious of how talented she is. And Margaret Brownley just does such great work. And I've just read the novella's Robin Lee Hatcher and Debra Clopton, besides Margaret Brownley, have in my novella Collection A bride For All Seasons. I loved doing that book with them. And their books are great. So I do read in my genre. But some of what they write is just truly inspiring and the situations they create are so fantastic. I find myself wanting to jump off their ideas. Play 'What If' with their ideas. And I don't know how far I can take that. I don't know at what point I'm just being a big old copy cat, you know?
    So I am pretty careful about what I read.
    But if I'm reading a regency romance, well, sometimes the mood or even the characters spark an idea, but whatever that leads to is going to be so different when I slap a Stetson on it, that it becomes completely mine.

  40. Oh my gosh, Mary is one of my favorites!!!
    I would love to win ANY of her books!

    I am also a follower and a subscriber.

    priviesandprims at yahoo .com

  41. We have Mary's books in the church library. I would love to win this one to add to our collection.
    Janet E.

  42. Hi! I just stumbled upon your blog and love it! I hope we can make a connection. I also run a book review blog, I've taken your button and I'm adding it to the blog roll. :)

    I've never read any of Mary's books, but they sound interesting. I'll add her to my "Authors to Discover" list. ;)

    I look forward to your posts!

    Lis Ann ( @ The Indigo Quill -

  43. How interesting! Mary, I love all of your books. They make me die of laughter, yet teach me a spiritual truth to apply to my own life. Thank you for your outstanding books! I just read A Bride For All Seasons, heartily enjoyed it, and your story had me cracking up..hehe..So, I would be thrilled to win Fired Up!! ;) Thank you for the giveaway!

  44. Oh, and my Mom also attended a one-room schoolhouse and my great-aunt taught in one..:)

  45. Mary is one of my favorite authors. I absolutely love your story lines and characters. you have this gift for drawing me in to the point I wish I could know some of your characters in person! I look for all your books and have read all up to date. I can't wait to read this one to. Thanks for making your books such a joy to read, I know it will be as excellent as the others.


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)