Monday, September 16, 2013

Giveaway! Love's Awakening by Laura Frantz!

Welcome back to Writing for Christ, I am excited to have you here for a second time. :-)

Casey, HUGE thanks to you. You’ve been with me from the first!

What has changed in your writing life since you were last here?

I’d like to say I’m a little closer to the things that really matter, namely the Lord and all He’s teaching me. I never thought my refining would come through publishing but it certainly has. I once believed that having a book published would be the ultimate experience. But to borrow the words of Beth Moore, “There’s no high like The Most High.” I’m glad to have learned that life after publication isn’t what I thought it would be. It’s good but it doesn’t satisfy those soul-deep longings He’s reserved for Himself.

What recent read stood out to you as truly spectacular?

Oh, such a great question. I have been reading Charles Martin. A Mountain Between Us is really something – my husband even loved it. And I love Susanna Kearsley’s novels and am about to dive into Kate Morton. I’m leaning more toward the ABA these days if the books are clean and well-written.

Do you have favorite authors?

I do! But I always am reluctant to name them for fear I’ll forget someone. So I just stick with the biggies like Liz Curtis Higgs and Francine Rivers :-).

What do you find the most enjoyable part of writing or connecting with readers?

Without a doubt, meeting readers from ALL OVER. Recently a woman contacted me who’d just finished The Colonel’s Lady. Beata is in the middle of Siberia with her Russian husband and 6 children! She is the most precious person and we’ve struck a lively correspondence. And then there’s Judith who is from an African tribe in Ghana  and now lives in England with her American husband and their 3 daughters. She’d originally sent me my first and only unhappy email over something I’d done in The Frontiersman’s Daughter. I wrote her back and we’ve been e-pals since, having discovered a lot of common ground. I treasure every reader contact, whether near or far away. Knowing someone takes time to buy or read my books and is touched by them in some way means more than I can ever say. It reminds me that writing is, first and foremost, a ministry.

What do you find the most ideal atmosphere for writing? Do you ever get those surroundings? 

Oh my word! That would be no noise. No interruptions. Maid service. A personal trainer and chef. Being unmarried and childless :-)! I do have about 6 hours a day when my boys are in school to call my own. But when I look back at the 40 years I spent writing on buses and during college classes and babysitting then nursing and sleepless nights and SpongeBob blaring, etc. I see the Lord was preparing me to write wherever and whenever. All I need is pen and paper.

Okay, something fun for those writers out there: In what point of your writing career did you surprise yourself by writing the most words ever in the shortest amount of time?

That would have been in the middle of writing The Colonel’s Lady. I didn’t have a clue where that story was going and at one point I looked at my smoking pen and wondered what on earth (or heaven :-) was happening. Seven thousand words in one day! That’s a record for me. I don’t usually do a word count but did that day. I was so smitten with my hero I’ll blame it on that rascal, Colonel McLinn!

Thanks for being here again! It has been a joy and we wish the very best with your novels.

Being here is always a joy, Casey. Thanks so much. I need your prayers and appreciate your encouragement more than I can say! And I wish you every blessing in your own writing and all else, readers here, too!

Readers, here is your chance to enter to win Laura's book!

Please leave an email address! If I draw your name and there is no email, you will not win.
For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber

Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on September 27th
Attn Readers! If you're struggling to leave a comment on my blog, please email your comment entries (in ONE email) and I will submit it for you. But PLEASE only do this after you've failed to leave a comment. My email is: caseym.writer(@) 


  1. I love Laura Frantz's books. Thanks for writing a post with her. I'm also thankful for a chance to win this book. :)
    My email is:

    1. Dear Julie, So thrilled to meet you here via Casey - hostess extraordinaire! I'm having a little trouble with my browser and cookies this morning so am late to the party and apologize. I'm so happy you've read some of my books and cared enough to comment. I'd love to send a book your way!

  2. Sadly I'm not in the US so can't enter, but Laura Frantz's books are great! And I enjoyed the interview.
    I nominated your blog for the Liebster Award. Keep up the great work!

    1. Rina, Oh, please come by my website and enter yet another giveaway if you can:) Thanks for the thumbs up on my stories. I'm very thankful you think they're worthwhile. You bless me! for giveaway...thanks!

  3. 7,000 words in one day! Wow! Thanks impressive. :) And I find it inspiring that not only do you touch readers through your writing, but they touch you as well. :)

    Lovely cover. Thank you for the opportunity to win this book and become acquainted with Laura Frantz. :)

    Follower and Subscriber:
    nicnac63 AT hotmail DOT com

    1. Cheryl, I think that 7k in one day will never be repeated:). I do love my readers, especially those like you who are caring enough to comment. I'd be thrilled to have you read my books, beginning with Ellie and that rascal Jack! Bless you for being here!

  4. It's amazing to look back and see how God has prepared us for so many things, when at the time it was just a little thing, but then that little thing leads to something else, which prepares us for something bigger yet . . .

    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity! I've been waiting on this book for nearly a year!


    1. Rachel, So well said, yes! God always has a plan for each of us though it often doesn't make sense or doesn't go the way we think or hope it will. But it's always best.

      Thrilled you've been wanting to read this book for so long. That sure encourages me this rainy morning!

  5. Great interview! How fun to have someone from Siberia to read one of your novels.
    campbellamyd at gmail dot com

    1. Amy, So good to see you here - I think you're probably a lot closer than Siberia ;)!

      Thanks for entering the drawing!

  6. I'm a follower.
    campbellamyd at gmail dot com

  7. I'm a subscriber.
    campbellamyd at gmail dot com

  8. Leave my book for someone else, I already have it.

    But Laura once again you blessed me here. Thanks for talking about the writing during the different seasons and how it helped in your training. I needed to hear that today.

    1. Julia, I thought of you the past few days and wish we could be at ACFW but have no doubt we're still right where we should be :). I also tried to send you a message via Pinterest about how touched I was that you dedicated a board to Mr. C. But of course, being non-savvy, the message wouldn't go through. But now it did!

      Glad my words about seasons rang true for you today. It's always a joy to see you on the web. My prayer is to connect in person. Lord willing, next conference! Have a blessed day!

  9. Last but not least, this is for Casey who is probably winging her way back to us from Indy. Or perhaps that heroic father of hers was her escort again?! Can't wait to hear how ACFW was this time round for you. You were missed - or rather I wish I had been there!

  10. I love looking forward to reading one of Laura's books on our mission travels!

    missionwife AT hotmail DOT com

    1. Melody, Love your heart for missions - and the fact that you want to take Ellie along:) She'd like that. My brother is a missionary/pastor in Spain. And one of my dear friends is taking Ellie on a missions trip to Africa this month. So you're in fine company. God bless you as you prepare to go! Thanks so much for being here beforehand!

  11. I am a subscriber!

    missionwife AT hotmail DOT com

  12. I am a follower!

    missionwife AT hotmail DOT com

  13. I love all of Laura's books! Can't wait to read this one!

    1. Candice, Great to see you here! Thanks for wanting to read :) I'd love that, too!

  14. Congrats on the release of Love's Awakening, Laura. I'm thrilled to get to read it. You have such amazing talent as a writer. :-) And Casey, it's nice to see you too. I happened to catch a few peeks of you at ACFW over the past couple days. Hope you had fun. ;-)

    1. Naomi, Here's hoping you and I can join in next year :) Casey brings a lot of joy wherever she goes. I do miss that conference and all the drama! Thanks so much for taking time to stop by. You always make me smile as I still remember how my jaw hit the floor when I read the first chapter of your novel! You really have a way with words. Thanks for joining in. Would love to send a book to MI!

  15. Hi, Laura!

    What a wonderful post & testimony to the Lord's workings in your life! I SO love to hear things like this from authors of the books I read, & appreciate their ministry through the talent of writing, which God has given them.

    I've only been reading Christian fiction (or any fiction, for that matter) for a couple of years, & haven't read any of your books - but will make it a point to do so ASAP. I'm continually discovering just how blessed we, as readers, are to have so many wonderful Christian authors using their talents as a ministry for the Lord.

    Bless you, Laura, my thanks to you & Casey for the opportunity to win one of your books!


    I am a follower & subscriber.

    1. So happy to meet you, Bonnie, and hear your own encouraging words about the gift of Christian fiction and how blessed we are to have so many books that edify and glorify Him. Amen. Well said.

      I'd love to have you as a reader. In fact, Casey and I connected through a giveaway over my debut novel and I'm so, so thankful! I think Julie Lessman may have even had something to do with that. Julie is always so good at spreading joy.

      Thanks for being here and for the gracious words. You bless me!

    2. Yes - God uses Julie to spread more joy to EVERYONE, more than she is aware of, so blessed to have her as a friend!

  16. I hope to read another of Laura's books, I loved the one I have read. :)

    1. Tami, Thrilled you're here and ready to read! Thanks for making time for my other books, too!

  17. I anticipate reading more of your wonderful books, Laura(as eagerly as I anticipate taking voice lessons from a new teacher next Tuesday..prayers please..). Thank you for the giveaway Laura & Casey. I would be positively thrilled to win!

  18. Julianna, How exciting - voice lessons! I will keep you in mind as I know how wonderful yet nerve-wracking that can be. My son is on the worship and praise team at church. Bless you for taking time here - and happy reading - and singing to you:)

  19. I have enjoyed all of Laura's books. Would think it delightful to win a copy.

    1. Barbara, Thanks so much for entering the drawing. I'd love for you to meet Ellie and Jack :).

  20. Thank you for hosting this giveaway! I would love to win!

    1. Thanks for the entry! You're in the hat:)

    2. Thank you! And my email is cclark207(at)

  21. Hi Laura! Just wanted to stop over and say hello, and that I enjoyed the interview. And hello to Casey. Saw a few pics of you at ACFW. Hope you had a great time! No need to enter me in the drawing as I'm right in the middle of Love's Awakening as we speak. And loving it! :)

    1. Angi, Thanks so much for stopping by! I, too, saw some of those pics - and heard our Casey is going to be the Carol Award Coordinator next time. Woohoo! I'm thrilled:) I imagine she has quite a bit to share here once she lands. Can't wait!

  22. I love Laura's books. She is an awesome author. Wonderful interview. Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this giveaway. Please enter my name in the giveaway.
    Barbara Thompson

    1. Barbara, Thanks so much for your kind words and for being a follower and subscriber. Am so happy your name is in the hat:)

  23. I am a follower!!

    Barbara Thompson

  24. I am a subscriber!!

    Barbara Thompson

  25. Wow. . . great interview!! I learned new things that I haven't read in other interviews! I can't wait to read Love's Awakening!!

    hspruitt {at} frontiernet [dot] net

    1. Sheri, Glad this interview was somewhat fresh to you:) Thanks for sharing the joy of this new release. Would love to send a book your way!

  26. I'm a follower. . .
    hspruitt [at] frontiernet {dot} net

  27. I'm a subscriber. . . Sheri

    hspruitt {at} frontiernet [dot] net

  28. I would love to win Laura's newest book. I most recently finished the Colonel's Lady and loved it!
    Laura - glad to see you mention Charles Martin! The Mountain Between Us was maybe not my favorite book of his, but I totally didn't have the ending figured, so I think that makes it a good book...


    1. Patty, So good to see you here. I agree with you about TMBU and Martin - the ending was quite a shock to me and sort of shook me up:) But in a good way. I'm just thrilled you've met Roxanna and Cass and enjoyed their story so much. I sure enjoyed writing it. Would love for you to meet the Ballantynes. Thanks for your gracious words and for taking the time tonight.

  29. I follow via GFC (pattymh2000)


  30. I subscribe via e-mail.


  31. Thanks for the chance to win Laura's new book. I follow through email.
    Brittany McEuen

    1. Hi Brittany, So good to meet another friend of Casey! Thanks for wanting to meet Ellie and Jack!

  32. Count me in. I'm a follower and a subscriber!

    Priviesandprims@yahoo dot com

    1. Hi Doreen, So glad you add you to the hat :) Would love for you to meet Ellie and Jack. Thanks for stopping!

  33. LAURA!!! Just seeing all the blog coverage for Love's Awakening makes me itch to grab my beloved copy of Love's Reckoning and read it straight through Love's Awakening again -- FABULOUS BOOKS, BOTH!!

    Casey, don't enter me because I am blessed to have my copy already and absolutely LOVED it, but no surprise there. Laura is one of my absolute faves!!


    P.S. Soooooo LOVED seeing you this week, my friend, and next year in St. Loo -- it's a date!! Now ... we just have to make sure Laura goes too ...

    1. JULIE!!!! I've been thinking about you so much and saw the beautiful pics of you and Casey in Indy! Made me miss the 2 of you even more than I already do. YES to St. Lou! I am praying I get there.

      Your endorsement for my books means more than you'll ever know! I've been happily pinning your upcoming book cover (and all the others, too) over at Pinterest, etc.

      Thanks so much for being here, too!

  34. I am a follower and email subscriber. Please enter me in contest. I would love to read this book. Sounds very good.

    1. Victoria, I'd sure love for you to meet Ellie and Jack. Thanks for being here and entering!

  35. I follow you on FB and subscribe to your blog and would love to win your book, LOVE'S AWAKENING. I really like the cover, love the dress. sharon, CA wileygreen1)at)yahoo(dot)com

    1. Thanks so much, Sharon, for getting your name in the hat :) I'd love to send a book your way - wish I had a book for everyone here!

  36. I would love to win a copy of this. I'm a subscriber. rdunson(at)knology(dot)net

    1. Deb, Thanks for subscribing. Casey has such a great heart for books. I know we'll be seeing her in the writing world for years to come. Bless you for wanting to read my stories!

  37. As a struggling writer I was deeply moved by your first comment. My goal has always been to publish a Christian children's book. Something that will stir the reader's heart and give me a sense of accomplishment. I am beginning to realize it is all in God's time; not mine, and have learned many lessons in patience. Your new book sounds wonderful.

    1. Kaylan, Likewise, I'm really touched by your comments. I had to scroll up and reread that first comment of mine. Yes, it's so true and I needed to read it again tonight. With another book releasing I can honestly say that the Lord alone satisfies our deepest longings and only the Lord.

      Love hearing about your children's book. That's the fastest growing market in publishing from what I understand. You've said something critical - it's His gift and His timing. We just need to trust Him with both. Patience is not a virtue of mine but I'm learning, too.

      Bless you for being interested in my books. That really blesses me.

  38. What a gorgeous front cover! But really it's not a surprise when you look at the first book's cover as well....all of Laura's books have such lovely front covers that make me just want to sit and swoon at them all day. Which I mayyy have been known to do on occasion.... *guilty smile* :) Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of Love's Awakening ladies!

    1. P.S. For an extra entry I'm a follower via GFC under the name Bethany. :)

    2. Bethany, Thrilled to see you here and put your name in the hat! Thanks for the cover kudos. Revell does such a great job with cover art. I have a hard time deciding which one I like best :)

  39. I love looking back and seeing how the Lord prepares us for the things we are currently dealing with. It's a faith builder :)


    1. Heidi, So well said - hindsight is a great faith builder! The Lord is so patient with us!

      Would love for you to meet Ellie and Jack!

  40. I'm a subscriber and a follower too!


  41. I have been waiting to read this book. It will be my first by Laura. Thank you for the interview and giveaway!

    I am a follower & subscriber. :)

    Wanda Barefoot

    1. Hi Wanda, Good to see you here! I'd love for you to read my stories. Thanks for your kind comments and entering the giveaway!

  42. I would enjoy this book! Thanks for the chance to win it.

    I am a follower.

    I am a subscriber.


  43. Thanks for the awesome giveaway, Casey. :)


    1. Hi Rissi, I see you all over the web these days:) Thanks for coming by and wanting to enter!

  44. Hello Casey and Laura. I want this book so bad. Please put my name in the contest. I am also a subscriber and a follower. This should be 3 entries, right? It is such fun to get to know the authors online instead of them just being a name on a book. Didn't know what I'd missed. Of course would be even better in person. But only had that privilege twice. Vannetta Chapman and Jennifer Beckstrand, lovely ladies. I have always loved to read. I know Laura, it always makes us so much happier when we get closer to our LORD. Keep up the good writing. You have some neat books.Sure hoping I will be lucky enough to be a winner. GOD bless both of you. Maxie mac262(at)me(dot)com

  45. Please sign me up! I am an email subscriber & I love Laura's books! My favorite is The Colonel's Lady. I think I have read it three times!

  46. I just stumbled across this blog, and I'm glad that I did! Though I have never read any of Laura Frantz's work, this book sounds very good. I can't wait to read it!

  47. This books looks really good! Thanks for the chance to win it!

  48. Love's Awakening has such a lovely, dreamy cover! I'm a fan of Laura Frantz and can't wait to hide away and read her newest book. Please add me to the drawing!
    worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com
    I'm a follower.
    I'm a subsciber.

  49. I have read all of Laura's book except for Love's Awakening. I really want to win this one! My favorite of all of Laura's books would be Courting Morrow Little. It was the first book of hers I ever read, and I instantly loved her writing!


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)