Friday, October 18, 2013

Make That a FUN Author Interview! My Guest? Courtney Walsh!!

Sometimes we just gotta let loose. Have a little fun.  Thus I had this crazy idea…and I’m pretty excited about it. Hope you love it and if you have suggestions for questions, leave them in the comments! :- )

The Basics:

Name: Courtney Walsh
Home State (completely with address so we can stalk you): hahaha Illinois
Occupation: full-time writer (but I’m also a director for musicals for a youth theatre based in Chicago.)
Height: 5’6”
Hair Color: sandy blondish. Unless I don’t highlight it, then it’s gotten more like a weird dark nondescript color.

Goin’ Deeper:

Celebrity crush: Hands down Robert Downey Jr. Please pause while I swoon.

#1 favorite pastime: Couch dates with my husband (wherein we fall asleep watching TV. My life is beyond exciting.)
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Best book of your childhood: Anne of Green Gables or To Kill a Mockingbird

Go to comfort food: Does Dr. Pepper count? If not, then I’d probably say some sort of homemade vegetable soup.

Worst job you ever had: Hmm…right out of high school I worked at a local center for people with special needs. The reason it was the worst job was because I had to be there at like, 6 a.m. I am NOT a morning person. I lasted a week!

In Ten Words or Less:
Happiest moment of your life: Hearing my first child’s heartbeat for the first time. I can’t describe it, but it literally took my breath away. I’ve had so many others
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though…I am surrounded by such wonderful people. My husband makes me happy daily. Except when he leaves his wet towel on the floor.

One thing on your bucket list: Ha. We just talked about this. I want to take a dance class as an adult. But I also want to work up the courage to fly over water and go to Italy. I want to get a makeover by a professional stylist. I want to see whales in the wild. I want to photograph a bald eagle. There are so many more… :-)  

Quirkiest aspect that annoys your spouse/friends: My husband says I’m a “clucker.” I cluck my tongue when I’m thinking. I didn’t even notice it until he pointed it out!!

Greatest dream: To see my kids grow up, be happy and serve the Lord. And also to see one of my books turned into a movie.

Biggest fear: I have a fear of life passing me by. I’m not always the most observant, and I hate that feeling of “it goes so quickly.” I want to look back and think “that really doesn’t feel like yesterday.” Because I’ve lived each moment so fully. I fear there’s no way to actually do that though…

I LOVE Courtney's books and she's just as sweet in p
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(Example: when I played the fan girl moment while she signed my novel at ACFW 2012)

I definitely recommend her titles, especially her debut which was up for an ACFW Carol Award this year!

Leave a comment, join the chat...what's the quirkiest aspect that annoys YOUR spouse or friends?  ;-) 


  1. So, Courtney: I take it you like the Iron Man movies? Favorite one? And do you have a favorite L.M. Montgomery book out of the Anne of Green Gables series? I loved Rilla of Ingleside most of all!

  2. I love author interviews...great job, Casey! I just put Courtney's first book on my Kindle, I'm so excited to read all three!

  3. Neither one of us likes to watch cartoons! We hate adult cartoons too! Your book covers look great-so enticing me to read them. sharon CA

  4. This was such a fun one. Loved getting to know you more, Courtney. Celebrity crush? Really don't have one. I like Matt Damon in the Bourne movies?

  5. Hi, Courtney!

    Loved your interview, & getting to learn more about you!

    Like you, I hate mornings! I would love to see more of the whales in the wild, also - I've seen them in Alaska, but only the tip of their tail.

    I hope you get the opportunity to have your book turned into a movie!

    Thanks for the fun interview, Casey!

  6. I saw that she had a new book out. I haven't read any of them yet but they are all on my wish list.


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