Friday, October 11, 2013

Romance on the Brain

I write it, you can't really blame me for thinking about it, can you?

Put a guy and a girl in the same room together or on the same page and I'll dream up a story to make the heart flutter. It's part of my DNA. But it can also be a bit of a curse. Between the wedding pictures on Pinterest and the sweet romance novels crowding my bookshelves, it can become so easy to over-focused on what every girl ultimately wants: to fall in love, marry Prince Charming and live happily ever after.
Photo credit

None of these things are wrong, don't get me wrong, but when the fairy tale because an obsessive pursuit, that's when things need to be reevaluated. When any frog could be "the" Prince--even the ones that have played around in the mud a little too much, a pause needs to be made. 

Being a hopeless romantic is fun. The world tends to always have a rosy glow about it, but when rosy becomes deceiving, passion for finding our one true love needs to take a backseat.  

Maybe this has been you: you're introduced to a cute, tall (hello, he has to be taller than you, right??), intelligent young man. You're mind starts spinning all kinds of scenarios and suddenly between the first and second conversation you've got the wedding planned. The flowers picked out. Where you're going to spend your honeymoon and what you'll name your children. Yep, been there, lived that. 

Marriage is the biggest decision of our lives, the most important interview we will ever have. While it's fun to dream about the wedding colors and where it might be held, it shouldn't consume our present.

Romance might not be right around the corner for you and me. We might still be one, two, five years from finding Mr. Right. However, the One, True Romancer of our souls is waiting for us to pick ourselves out of the self pity that often comes from being a hopeless romantic and discover that our opportunity to fall in love with Prince Charming is right in front of us. Right now. 

Maybe we're not in a "relationship" right now because God wants to teach us something. And maybe it's not patience or perseverance or waiting on His timing. Maybe He is waiting for us to fall in love with Him. Girls, we can't hang all our hopes and dreams on finding that one man. Our hearts can be deceived and manipulated by feelings. That "one man" is not our salvation because our Savior has already come and is waiting to return. 

Sure, it's hard to watch our peers falling in love and getting married. It's hard to see the wedding plans continue and the babies being born. This is not a time to gripe and complain to God. This is a time to celebrate our singleness. 

Yes, celebrate. 

Where is God going to take you, teach you, lead you during this time? We'll spend less time single then married and while finding that perfect man is at the top of all of our bucket lists, would you rather wait for the perfect man or settle for the first one that seems to fill the hole in your dreams? 


  1. GREAT post, Casey! I struggle with this so much. A verse that popped into mind when you said celebrate is this: "Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice!" Phil. 4:4 :-)

    Thanks for the reminder that I'm not alone in this. Have a blessed day!

    1. Rosie, I think that is the verse I need to put on my work computer. :-) And you're not the only one who struggles, so take heart, my friend! Someday we'll look back on this...on the other side of that white dress and perfect day and see where God was taking us was exactly what we needed. :D

  2. You always inspire me, Casey! Love you!

    1. Love you right back, Jess! You make me happy, you know that??

  3. Wise words Casey. I love that you often bring depth to your christian fiction blog. It's refreshing to read.

    God bless! : )

    1. It's just as much for me as it might be for my readers. God has taught me much through these posts. Thanks so much for coming by!

  4. With the unfortuante statistics on marriage lately, I pray they wait for the Lord's time as difficult as it sometine is .. than just fill a void with someone who will never truly fulfill them

    1. Amen, amen, Ken. It's a pretty powerful passion for me to remember and am compelled to share.

  5. You are so wise, Casey! If you value yourself, you will never settle for someone who isn't exactly right for you and treats you as you deserve to be treated.

    It will happen for you - I have no doubts!


    1. Wishing I could hug you right now, Sue. :) I don't know about wise, just given a few hard knocks over the side of the head by God sometimes. And I need every single one of them. ;-)

  6. Casey
    These posts of yours always hit home for me. They keep me thinking and helping me in my walk with Jesus. They also help to encourage me in my time of waiting and learning to trust God. I'm single right now because that is where God wants me at this season in my life.


    1. Absolutely. Every season has a reason. We just have to learn to appreciate those reasons instead of constantly looking for that "bend in the road". :)

  7. This is a very good post. Thank you :) I've been learning a LOT about relationships - healthy, God-based ones, and it definitely is not what the world portrays. So important to seek Him first!! :)

    1. Right there with you Raechel! I read one this morning that was SO incredibly powerful. I'll be sharing it on my blog in the coming weeks. Wow. Talk about a reminder from God. He's got our greatest dreams...He put them there. We can't doubt that. In the least.

  8. You are "right on the money" with this post, Casey! Unfortunately, I found this out the hard way (before I started following the Lord's plan for my life) - & am now divorced, AND alone (but, now happy in the Lord)! Your patience will reward you - God's plan is ALWAYS the BEST plan!

  9. I read this blog post not too long ago and thought of you. Something to think about!


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)