Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Complicated Story and Characters ~ Stones for Bread by Christa Parrish ~ Review

It’s been too long since I’ve picked up a Christa Parrish novel. Her name has become synonymous with that of deep, well thought out women’s fiction and I was not the least bit disappointed in her 2013 release.
“Stones for Bread” is not a light and fluffy read (pun intended), but one much like the sourdough our heroine makes and is known for: thick and more than a bit sour. Leisel is a complicated character and you have to read much of the book before the pieces of her story start to unravel to get a glimpse into who this woman is. I loved how Seamus disrupted her normal routine and nothing was the same. I thought the crafting of these two character’s relationship was absolutely beautiful. It wasn’t rushed or hurried, because that isn’t what Leisel would be able to handle. As the reader, you get to watch her slowly unfurl and rise from the ashes that have too long defined her.
It’s a great question for the reader too: what part of your past do you allow to affect and define who you are right now? This novel would be a fantastic book club read, but there is also so much to enjoy even if read by one’s self.
I’ve loved the previous two titles I’ve read by this author. Her way of seeing the world moves me, while also incredibly thought provoking and deep. Stones for Bread is another fine example of the growth and ability that is rising from this able and worthy talent.

This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the publishers through Litfuse and Netgalley for my copy to review. 

More about the novel...

What do you do when the gift you thought was bread turns out to be stones?

Liesl McNamara’s Wild Rise is not only a popular bakehouse and café in Vermont, it’s an extension of herself. Liesl is an artisan bread maker, like her mother and grandmother before her. Even though she lost her mother to suicide when she was eleven, she keeps this maternal bond alive as she bakes.

Liesl prides herself on living an uncomplicated, unattached life. But that changes when Seamus walks through the door of Wild Rise, lugging the large bags of whole wheat flour from the local food co-op. He and his daughter Cecelia have recently moved to the country seeking simplicity. Despite her best effort, Liesl becomes attracted to this teddy bear of a man who laughs easily and eats strange sandwich concoctions—on her bread, much to her dismay.

Her simple life is further complicated when a popular cooking show features her bakery. The publicity increases her business and brings several offers from larger businesses, all of which she turns down. But it also brings a completely unexpected phone call, one from a woman claiming to be her half-sister.

Liesl’s sense of identity dissolves as everything about her relationship with her mother—and the bread that held them together—comes into question. Has she been given stones rather than bread? And how can she ever take these crumbs and make them whole again

*~*~*CONTEST INFO!*~*~*

Christa Parrish is celebrating her fourth novel, Stones for Breadwith a KitchenAid Mixer giveaway.
#StonesforBread KitchenAid Mixer Contest #ChristaParrish

Easy steps to enter:

1. Follow Christa Parrish and TNZ Fiction on Pinterest.

2. Then Pin the Stones for Bread book cover (below), the contest graphic (above), or both, and link to this post (using this URL: #StonesforBread KitchenAid Mixer Contest #ChristaParrish

3. Then fill out THIS SHORT FORM to let us know. (There are also some additional ways to earn extra entries, as well as an option for non-Pinterest users. It's true—people like that do exist!)

Questions? Email info @ litfusegroup dot com.

Winner will be announced on 12/9 on Christa's Facebook Page.


  1. Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!
    I knew this was bugging me for some reason. I just figured out who this author is!
    This is the same author who wrote - "Home Another Way". That is one my favorite books!What a wonderful story! I am excited now. This is going on my wish list.

    Casey if you have not read Home another Way - you should!

    1. LOL, she's been out of commission for a few years, though this is the second book she has released within the last year or so. *My* favorite book by Parrish is Watch Over Me. I have read Home Another Way and still have The Air We Breathe to read...can't wait to get to that one!

    2. I haven't read the others, I guess I will have to get going!
      Thanks for posting this review so I know she is still writing!

    3. Oooh! You REALLY need to read the other books! Like I said, Watch Over Me was my first by her and my favorite by far.

    4. LOL I will! I'll go put it on my list right now.


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