Friday, November 1, 2013

What One Does When One Travels to Colorado Springs

What does one do when one travels to Colorado Springs, Colorado? Well, first off, I hope you have as wonderful a tour guide as I did in Beth Vogt. I think we laughed more, talked more, stayed up later than probably was expected, but I loved every.single.minute of it and wouldn't have traded the memories we made that week for the world.
But, on to the story you came to see right? Check it out in pictures here below...

A trip to the Vogt household over a weekend would not be complete without a rousing game of football. Yes, I didn't know who the Broncos were until last week and it's a little sad I had to travel all the way to Colorado to learn Oregon doesn't have a pro team, but hey, what can I say?
Sorry to say "our" team didn't win, but it was an education for me nonetheless...actually the whole week proved to be an education in one way or another. ;-)

Ohhhh...can I just say one thing before I show you pictures? Everyone...everyone needs to eat at The Melting Pot at least once in their lifetime. Maybe even twice. It was seriously good. Basically black tie for a little country girl goin' to the big city. ;-)

You'll probably very quickly notice that most of my pictures center around food. Most of the week centered around food. And it was amazing food. 

Speaking of food...don't let your jaw hit the floor too hard (this was seriously the picture that got the most comments during the entire week on Facebook), but CO Springs was my first experience at none other than the great Chick Fil-A. (now before you pass judgement, remember where I live people: in a tiny cow town in Eastern Oregon. ;-)

A trip to the Springs just wouldn't be complete without visiting the Garden of the Gods. It was really the only place (aside from the Air Force, which I was told by friends I had to visit) on my personal agenda of places to see. And boy, do pictures not even TOUCH on its beauty. I stood in awe of the wonder of God's creation every time I turned around. If I lived there I would be spending a lot more time worshiping God out there!

Beth made plenty sure I got the required "tourist" photos as evidence above. ;-)

 This picture here has to be one of my favorites from the trip. The weather that week could not have been better and the fall colors were in full and vibrant glory. So, so peaceful for my soul. Truly beautiful. The picture doesn't even begin to do it justice. 

When I heard Colorado had it's very own castle not fifteen minutes from where I was visiting, there wasn't much that would keep me away from visiting! (even if it was on Beth's agenda. ;-) Oooo...what an amazing place to visit. Notice to my unknown future husband: we're getting married at Glen Eyrie. Family and friends: start saving your pennies, this is the place to be. ;-) 

What happens when you have two photographers and two cameras and a fabulous setting? You get an impromptu photo shoot. Jeanne Takenaka joined Beth and I for the tour of Glen Eyrie and both proceeded to take many, many pictures. I share a couple of my favorites below...

We had a writer's get together with several of the writers from around the CO Springs/Denver area and completely took over the community room at the local Panera. Oh we had fun! Rearranged the room. Ate. Laughed. Talked. It was awesome. But what meeting with a bunch of writers wouldn't be?? :-)

More sights to see? Of course! Beth and I spotted her debut novel at her church's bookstore. 

I saw the Airforce Academy and the beautiful, beautiful chapel with spires the pierced the blue, blue sky that day. 

Another absolute favorite picture from that week. The last day before I had to head back to real life, Beth, two of her daughters, her daughter's friend and I went to one of The Broadmoor's restaurant The Golden Bee. What a quaint place! Decorated in the style of an old English pub, it was a pure delight (even if I did get a bee tossed on me. ;-).

The Broadmoor is one impressive hotel! Oh. My. If I had money to stay there a night...

The grounds are stunning with an English style garden welcoming you and a small lake behind the hotel to serenade you. Swans on the lake, fall colors, ripples on the water. I could live here. ;-)

Beth and I agreed that we didn't think the week had gone by so fast until we needed to get up in the morning and drive to the airport, and no, a freak snowstorm did not shut down the roads and planes...though we both wanted it to! ;-) I was grateful to have the chance to go and look forward to the day when I don't have to leave! (Lord willing)

But now it's time for the bear is settle in for the winter and leave the world-traveling to days behind her. Though I do have grand plans for 2014. :-))


  1. Looks like you had a great trip! It's so fun to get to spend time with writer friends! :)

    1. It was an amazing trip, Anne! So thankful I got to go. :)

  2. Oh, I smiled through the entire photo montage of your time here, Casey ... and well, no surprise! I smiled through your entire time here! We did miss one photo op: No picture of your lunch with Jordyn Redwood -- I should have made certain that happened! Or y'all should have taken a "selfie." And yes! Here's to what God has waiting for you in 2014!

    1. I smile every time I look at our pictures together. Oh so wonderful a time!

      I KNOW! How in the world did that happen?! Praying for God's absolute best in these next days forward. :)

  3. Colorado Springs is awesome! I used to live in CO so we went there a lot. My cousin got married in the Air Force Academy Chapel around Christmastime and it was gorgeous!! And I stayed a night in the Broadmoor for a choir trip last spring and it was amazing! Glad you had fun!!

    1. Oooo, what a beautiful wedding that must have been! The chapel was incredibly impressive and I'm super jealous about that night at the Broadmoor. ;-)

  4. Jealous! I'm trying to convince my husband to retire here...if not move there sooner! Glad you guys had a fun and refreshing time :)

    1. I want to go live there! It's got an amazing writer's community too!

  5. WOW, I am so missing Colorado!!! Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

  6. I love Colorado and my dream is to be there one day because my beloved Bible was printed there. Colorado Springs looks like a good place to live as a Christian.

    Nice pictures Casey! It looks like you've had good times there!

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