Friday, December 27, 2013

A Reflection of 2013

Alley Cat Retreat
Iowo May, 2013
2013 is a breath away from being finished and the fresh start of 2014 is directly around the corner. Days from now we’ll have to remember to write “14” on the end of our dates. And if you write the date as many times in a day as I do, this can prove to be a lesson in perseverance. ;-)

I have thought in the last couple of days what this year has brought. It hasn’t been the easiest year, but that isn’t said to inspire sympathy, because that’s not why I’m writing this post. There have been emotional struggles and ecstatic highs. There have been moments of pure joy and moments of heart-breaking despair. 

Colorado Springs October, 2013
I have traveled more in 2013 alone than I have in all of my 22 years. I met new friends, took on the job of ACFW Carol Coordinator (yes there is a part of me acknowledges that I am insane), was introduced to Duck Dynasty and Chick Fil-A, went from part time to full time work and learned to stand stronger in who God has created me to be. An image of Him.

ACFW Indianapolis
September, 2013
2013 probably would not go down as a “banner” year for me. But that’s only if you look at the “bad” things that happened. And no year is going to be completely, 100% trouble free. When you pull out all the dross and look at the golden syrup that is left, you’d fine that I’m a stronger, more capable, more secure person than I was from this seat one year ago.

God has a great way of growing and changing us, doesn’t He? We only see in the minute. We don’t see the big picture, and it gets so hard to trust where He has us when we’re stuck in the middle of what we perceive as darkness. Until we have the chance to step back, like at the end of a year or a struggle or a celebration, and see that He was carrying

us every single step of the way.

I think God gives us new years and ends of those years to look forward…and back. To see that one set of footprints in the sand and Him saying, “See? That’s where I was carrying you.” It’s a chance to either focus on everything bad that happened or celebrate and praise for every good thing. Because there were many good, good things that happened in 2013. Even good things that only seemed to be filled with struggles and heartbreak while I was in the middle of it all.
Garden of the Gods
Colorado Springs
October, 2013

And now I’m facing 2014 and I’m excited. I’m excited to see what God is going to do in the next 365 days. Because if He shows off even a tiny bit like He did in 2013, I’m in for another year of growth and probably a few struggles. But that’s life. And that’s okay.

 As an FYI for my devoted blog readers, I will not be blogging for the first two weeks of January. Beyond the scheduled giveaway and required book review, you won’t be seeing much of me as I’m hard at work in the first few weeks of the Carol Awards. :- )

My one word for 2014: Dream
Photo Credit


  1. I enjoyed this post, Casey. Sometimes in the rush of life, we need a speed bump to slow things down and to reflect on where we've come from, where we've gone, and where we're going. This post did just that for me. There have been a few rough spots, but mostly good, and I'm so thankful. I just know 2014 is going to be a great year. God is so good!

    1. Absolutely, Cheryl. I have felt like 2013 has had many acceleration and several speed bumps, but God has taught me so much this year. Every year is a good year--it's just our attitude and heart when we go into that year that makes a huge difference. :)

  2. May your 2014 dreams be the foundation of your future.
    Blessings on you Case
    Your friend, Mary

    1. And the same to you, Mare. God has got good things in store, I know He does. He loves us, right? :)

  3. What a wonderful post, Casey dear! I think if we could try to see things from God's perspective, knowing that he walks us through those difficult times for a reason, those struggles would be that much more fruitful and much less trying. He's got us. And he does carry our burdens. But that doesn't mean life is easy. That is something we were never promised. In fact, the Bible warns us how much we will be tested and tried for the sake of the gospel. Perhaps we should stop fighting against the current and simply fall into his embrace. :)

    Love your word for 2014! Dreaming big dreams for you, Case.

    1. I could not have said it better, Amy. Maybe you should have written this post. ;-) LOL! But seriously, I completely agree with you. It's through the testing and the trials that we learn to rely more strongly on Him. I love your image of falling into His embrace. It only has to be as far a fall as we want it to be. :)


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