Friday, December 13, 2013

Hindsight is Always 20-20

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Like the fact that the job I’m in has never been an easy one or one I’ve absolutely loved, but looking over my shoulder to where I started, I can see where I have changed and matured in the position I’m in.

Or the fact that the last week I have spent fighting the need to wait and the struggle against patience and am now crawling out of that hole I found myself in and realizing this is my ground of proving.

Why can’t a time of proving ever be easy? Why does it so often have to include tears and claw marks and despair when all we want is to get to the other side of this battle and see the horizon on the opposite of the storm clouds?

The solution is, that none of the tears or despair or claw marks, have to be part of the problem if your heart is fallow ground, ready for the planting of the solution.

I’m a bottler. I bottle my emotions. I bottle my thoughts and keep them to myself. But not just from other friends and family, but I do the same from God.

Okay, stop laughing. Yes, I know good and well that God already knows what is going on in my heart, but when I try to keep it from Him, all I get is a soul full of heartache. But when I keep my heart and my thoughts and my prayers aligned with where I am right now and when I express my emotions to a Creator who loves me, I find a settling in my spirit that was never there when I tried to keep it all to myself.

Human bottling is only for the tears that God keeps on a shelf—not a single one is forgotten. I like to think He does the same for our dreams and desires. Bottling is not for the emotions that fester and wound our spirit. Those aren’t going to go away on their own and hanging onto them is only a handhold for the devil to swing from.

Hindsight is perfect. It’s that crystal clear vision I wish we could have now instead of the murky depths I so often feel as though I’m looking in to. So what I learned this week? It’s not the secreting that protects my heart: it’s the unveiling to the Lover of my heart. There is nothing quite so purifying as baring it all to the One who loves me most.


  1. I don't comment often, but would like to offer what I hope are words of encouragement. I truly enjoy your devotional posts and posts like this one. They make me think and offer encouragement to me.

    1. Thank you, MaryAnn. I appreciate your sweetness and taking the time to comment on this post. :)

  2. Great post, Casey! You know what this makes me think of...a Casting Crowns song. Somewhere in the Middle.

    Here's the lyrics:

    Somewhere between the hot and the cold
    Somewhere between the new and the old
    Somewhere between who I am and who I used to be
    Somewhere in the middle you'll find me

    Somewhere between the wrong and the right
    Somewhere between the darkness and the light
    Somewhere between who I was and who you're making me
    Somewhere in the middle you'll find me

    Just how close can I get, Lord, to my surrender
    'Cause I'm losing all control

    Fearless warriors in a picket fence
    Reckless abandon wrapped in common sense
    Deep-water faith in the shallow end
    We are caught in the middle

    With eyes wide open to the differences
    The God we want and the God who is
    But will we trade our dreams for His
    Or are we caught in the middle?
    Are we caught in the middle?

    Somewhere between my heart and my hands
    Somewhere between my faith and my plans
    Somewhere between the safety of the boat and the crashing waves
    Somewhere between a whisper and the Lord

    Somewhere between the altar and the door
    Somewhere between contented peace and always wanting more
    Somewhere in the middle you'll find me

    Just how close can I get, Lord, to my surrender
    'Cause I'm losing all control

    Fearless warriors in a picket fence
    Reckless abandon wrapped in common sense
    Deep-water faith in the shallow end
    We are caught in the middle

    With eyes wide open to the differences
    The God we want and the God who is
    But will we trade our dreams for His
    Or are we caught in the middle?

    Fearless warriors in a picket fence
    Reckless abandon wrapped in common sense
    Deep-water faith in the shallow end
    We are caught in the middle

    With eyes wide open to the differences
    The God we want and the God who is
    But will we trade our dreams for His
    Or are we caught in the middle?
    Are we caught in the middle?

    Lord, I feel You in this place
    And I know You're by my side
    Loving me even on these nights
    When I am caught in the the middle
    Caught in the middle

    The part of the song I think of often for myself is: Will we trade our dreams for His? These lyrics have spoken to me many times.

    I know sometimes its easy to wish we

    Love you, Case!

    1. I love this song. Casting Crowns speaks to me more times than not. Their lyrics are extremely powerful and so moving. This is my favorite section: Fearless warriors in a picket fence
      Reckless abandon wrapped in common sense
      Deep-water faith in the shallow end

      Boy isn't that the truth! Thanks so much for posting this today, Julia. ♥

  3. Oh, sorry about that, I didn't know it would take up that much space :)

  4. Casey, You are wise beyond your years and your wisdom through words ministers greatly to me. Praise the Lord you are moldable to His will! Yeah, moldable is not a word, huh? If not, it should be. :)

    1. If it's not, it totally should be! I use it often too...and it's what I hope to ALWAYS be under the Potter's hands. Thankful to have you as a friend, Anne, that is for sure! You encourage me many times. :)

  5. Hi, Casey!

    Why can't a time of proving ever be easy? You did, indeed, uncover part of the answer - with your post, dear Casey! It's a time of spiritual growth, & growth doesn't always come easily. We are human, & along with that, often comes a certain impatience, desire to do things our way, & a resistance to step forward & take chances - which causes that unclear vision you described. And yes, the heart has to be unveiled, & in the perfect position, in order to obtain the most joy, growth, & fulfillment, from the plans that God has for you. Praying for clear vision re: God's plans for you, Casey!


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)