Friday, December 6, 2013

One Question Friday

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It's been so long since we talked. Like really talked on my blog. Conversation has been a bit slow and that's's the nature of life and this time of year. So I wanted to keep it short today and invite you to sit down. Enjoy a steaming mug of hot cocoa or coffee (whichever your vise might be). Pull up a fuzzy blanket (because with below zero temperatures around here, you're going to need it), settle by the crackling fire and share with me. 

So I have a question. It requires a simple answer. And maybe, just maybe, we'll have the chance to catch up and chat before the next rush of responsibility hit like a snow storm in December--anticipated, but not always welcomed. ;-)

What do you dream for yourself?

Beyond the eternal.

Beyond paying off that stack of bills or finishing the kitchen remodel, what do you dream for yourself?

I don't know yet, but dream might be my one word for 2014, the theme God is whispering over my heart. It niggled at me when I was visiting in Colorado Springs a month or so ago and now it's back. So I want to know the answer for you.

Or maybe, you're still discovering the I am.

Snuggle up, I'm pulling cinnamon rolls out right now, so find a mug and a plate and let's chat... 


  1. I'm in a season where my dreams are shifting a little bit. I don't know exactly what they'll look like when they settle--which is a bit unsettling at the moment! :)

    1. That's right, with an empty nest and a blooming novel career, it is changing! Only unsettling because as human's we have a very finite way of looking at things. Have a great Friday, Anne!

  2. Great thought. You know what, I think I am living my dream. I have a wonderful husband and am able to stay home with my "babies". I get to spend large portions of my day reading and snuggling them instead of being apart from them most of the day. Every once in a while I get to indulge this insane dream to spend a bit of time in my imaginary world. And you know what. That's enough for me right now. Because if I get too caught up in the personal dream world I will miss the best dream I am living in this season.

    My word for 2014 might very well be quiet. Because its time in prayer and in the Word that I need more of and that will fuel God's ultimate dream for my life.

    1. I love that Julia! I love that you're living a dream...a dream I very well share and hope to in the literal someday too! I love that God morphs and changes our dreams to better fit His plan for our lives. When we (read: I) let go and give Him control, it makes every day a new adventure! :)

  3. I love your potential word for 2014, Casey. I'm a big dreamer by nature. It's part of who I am...I hear people say, "Well, we need to be realistic" or things like that and I always think, uh, dreaming is realistic. Because the truth is, God has big dreams for us! They don't always look like what we think they will, true. But when a dream or passion is from Him, I don't want to hold back...

    As for what I dream for myself...been thinking a lot about intimacy with Christ this week. How that needs to be my biggest dream. And how it'll have a happier ending than anything else I can imagine. So I'm dreaming about that.

    And...other stuff too. :) Like the chance to write more books. Some travel and adventure. Other things I'm not yet ready to throw out to the internet, but that make me smile just thinking about... :) Yay, I like dreaming!

    1. Me too, Melissa, me too. Have you read the book by Holley Gerth yet? I really want to get it and dig into it. I need to ask Beth how the book club went last month... :)

      I couldn't agree with you more on the intimacy with God. It seems the more attached I might become with friends, the more I realize, yes, God gives us an amazing supportive force, but He needs to be the One and Only in our lives. It's been a good learning lesson for me the last couple of weeks. I think it's a daily growth, a daily challenge and certainly a daily discovery.

      Excited for GOOD dreams for you, Melissa. :)

  4. I love the word "dream." There's such hope in those 5 letters ... and if we can abandon ourselves to the dream ... and pursue it with our whole heart, knowing the risk involved ... well, life takes on a deeper potency.

    I am living some of my dreams -- writing, for example -- even as I ask God "What's the next dream you have waiting for me to embrace?"

    1. I can answer that question for you: having Casey move to CO Springs. ;-)

      There is much HOPE in dreaming and those two words for me, very much go hand in hand. I can't have one without the other--I just wouldn't be able to...

      Am every day trying to learn how to embrace. Embrace all God has for me and embracing all that I might not want, but God has in my best interest.

  5. My dream is to travel the US in 1 year and see all the National Parks, Lighthouses, Memorials, and Historical Sites! My husband would like to see some of the MLB stadiums. So far, we're doing short trips for 1- 3 weeks. sharon, ca

    1. Oooh, that would be so wonderful Sharon! My dad and I saw several national landmarks on our drive back from the ACFW National Conference three years ago. My favorite was Mount Rushmore. THAT is one impressive sight! Postcards don't truly do it credit. :)

  6. I think it is important to determine whether our dreams are dreams that allow for the fulfillment of God's plan for our lives. I didn't figure that out until I was long past becoming an adult. Therefore, fulfilling MY dream wasn't a lasting happiness for me. I may have been able to find happiness in fulfilling additional dreams, had I realized this at a younger age, however - the experience has been invaluable in drawing me closer to Him, & hopefully, equipped me to be a help, & encouragement, to others facing the same experience.

    As Julia stated, I also, am probably living, & fulfilling, the dream - God has for me, at this time. That isn't to say, the dream won't change, or turn into a new dream - as time goes on, & I remain open to His calling.

    1. I love your thoughts and heart in this, bonton. It's become the theme of my blog...are you living your dreams while aligning them with what God is dreaming for you. I cling to Jeremiah 29:11 so much. It's a powerful reminder to align my dreams with His and let Him lead me forward. :)

  7. I would love to win A Christmas Quilt by Vanette Chapman. sharon, CA wileygreen1(at)yahoo(dot)com


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