Monday, January 13, 2014

Giveaway! Shadowed by Grace by Cara C. Putman!

Welcome to Writing for Christ Cara Putman, it is great to have you here! So you’re a writer? What made you decide to start creating characters and story world?

I’ve always had a love for good books and stories. When I was a teen, my favorite authors didn’t write new books fast enough – now I understand why! But at the time I thought they should be able to write more books in a year, so I decided to try my hand at it. Life intervened after I’d started two books, but the desire to write never died. In God’s perfect timing, He resurrected the dream and gave me the green light to chase the dream again.

What is the one title that has significantly impacted your life?

Circlemaker by Mark Batterson came at a time that I felt God was telling me to dream bigger and more. The challenge to circle those dreams in prayer came at a great time. Honestly, it’s something I still need to do. And God is continually challenging me to dare for more. His dreams for me are so much bigger than mine – and some of mine seem audacious to me!

If you could get a do-over when it came to learning this whole thing called writing, what would you go back and tell yourself?

To dig deeper earlier. To really push my characters to the crux of their stories at an earlier stage in writing. It takes work, but I think my stories are richer when I get to that point earlier. I’d also remind myself to stop and enjoy the journey. I’m really good at the work parts of writing, but I’d celebrate the milestones and achievements more.

5 preference questions:
Homemade or take-out? Homemade tasting take out.
Email or snailmail? Snailmail – I love a note I can return to and read again.
Online shopping or Black Friday deals? There’s something about the hunt in a store that trumps online.
Books or movies? Books…they’re almost always better than the movie.
Note-taker or memorization? Note-taker!

Yes, I’m asking you to play favorites…which of your books is your favorite, published or unpublished? And if this is your debut novel, has your favorite been published yet?

Stars in the Night would tie with Shadowed by Grace. Stars by the Night was the first time I got to tell a fuller WWII story and it incorporate the glitz and glamour of classic Hollywood with a unique piece of WWII homefront history and a body count. Shadowed by Grace contains a piece of WWII history with the Monuments Men that fascinated me and it’s the first time I got to tell an international story, which has its own set of challenges.

Places for readers to learn more about you?

They can learn more about me on my website:, my blog:, Facebook:, Twitter:, Pinterest:, Goodreads:

Thank you for being with us today!

Thanks for having me, Casey!

Readers, enter to win Cara's book here!

Please leave an email address! If I draw your name and there is no email, you will not win.

For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber

Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on January 24th
Attn Readers! If you're struggling to leave a comment on my blog, please email your comment entries (in ONE email) and I will submit it for you. But PLEASE only do this after you've failed to leave a comment. My email is: caseym.writer(@) 


  1. Thanks for entering me. I follow your blog. Would love to read the book.

  2. I love finding new authors and this sounds like a great book! I enjoy following your blog. Thanks for the great contests!

  3. Dear Casey,
    Thanks for entering me in your giveaway. I am a follower and a subscriber. Have a great week!
    Janet E.

  4. I have a copy of Stars in the night in my TBR stack. Actually ran across it at a used book store, had never heard of it before, but it sounded interesting! I would love to add a copy of Shadowed by Grace to my list..

    I follow via GFC and subscribe via e-mail.


  5. Casey, Thank you for featuring Cara. I have not read her books yet but would love to.
    I follow your blog by e mail and sub

  6. I relate with Cara. I've always enjoyed writing, but never fully explored it until my kids were grown. The desire has always been there, and I piddled around with stories, but now that my 'Mommy' work is done I have more time to devote to the writing craft.

    It sounds like a LOT of research went into writing this WWII story. I'd love to win it. ;) I'm a follower and subscriber.
    nicnac63 AT hotmail DOT com

  7. Shadowed by Grace sounds sooo interesting! Thanx for the giveaway. I am now subscribed. j4hibdonAT yahooDOTCOM

  8. I have seen this book on several fiction blogs and I'm getting hungry to read it!
    kandrajane at bell south dot net

  9. I am also an email subscriber.
    kandrajane at bell south dot net

  10. I've heard so much about this book and would love to read it. Thanks for the giveaway!

  11. Loved Cara's interview, Casey - thanks!

    I have wanted to read this book since first reading about it! I love WWII novels, and had not heard of the Monuments Men - previously. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of Shadowed by Grace!!

    I am a follower & subscriber!!

  12. This sounds like a great book! I can't wait to read it. I'll admit that I too was like Cara, never understanding as a youth why my favorite authors didn't write books faster. :)

    I'm an e-mail subscriber.

  13. Please count me in. I'd love to win this, read it, review it and share it. God will give it to who should get it and I believe that.
    jrs362 at Hotmail dot com

  14. I've read at least one of Cara's books and have been reading her blog for some time. This new book, Shadowed by Grace, sounds fantastic. Thanks for giving us a chance to win a copy.
    I'm an e-mail subscriber and GFC follower.


  15. wileygreen1(at)yahoo(dot)com I would really like to win your book SHADOWED BY GRACE, as I read a lot of historical fiction and WW II is a top contender for me. sharon

  16. I follow on FB . wileygreen1(at)yahoo(dot)com

  17. I am a subscriber. sharon wileygreen1(at)yahoo(dot)com

  18. I love stories set during this era.
    I follow.
    I subscribe.

    lag110 at mchsi dot com

  19. I have read at least one of Cara's books and would love to read another.
    I am a follower and a subscriber

  20. Thanks for the chance to read this beautiful story, Casey.

    I'm a follower & email subscriber, too.

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  21. I love this interview with Cara and would love to win a copy of SHADOWED BY GRACE! Thank you so much for the opportunity to win.

    I am an email subscriber.

    texaggs2000 at gmail dot com

  22. Circlemaker sounds like a great book for my new year reading. It's awesome you've followed your bigger dreams, Cara!
    I'm a follower.
    I'm a subscriber.
    worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com

  23. I'm a huge fan of WWII fiction and this book sounds amazing. I just found this blog and became a follower/subscriber. Thanks for the opportunity!

  24. I would love to win this book and read it before the movie Monument Men comes out.


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)