Friday, January 24, 2014

How Big is YOUR Brave?

I bought this song for my Kindle this weekend and have listened to it several times a day since the purchase.

The one line that continues to stand out to me is “show me how big your brave is”. I keep going back to this one phrase as the singer shouts it from the rooftops of the song. It’s potent and strikes me in the gut. How big is my brave?

Photo Credit
We often don’t say what we think, do we? And most times that might be a good thing. Ha! But what about the times we hide behind the skirts of political correctness? I know I do. Too many times. I don’t like to see strife or upset and while that’s a good process in theory, often in reality it’s just a coping mechanism. A hiding place. How many times do I—do we—say we’re “fine” when the truth is far from so? We’ve made this form of lying acceptable in Western civilization.

Just how big is your brave? Big enough to state the truth in love? Big enough to stand up for yourself? To preach the gospel to a hurting soul? To pray for someone who might not accept the words pouring from your heart?

We all have inhibitions that hold us back. Whatever those might be, when the open door is presented to us, we either immediately back away because it’s something we have determined we would never do, or we simply assume we won’t enjoy. But how often are we sticking God in a box, because our brave isn’t big enough?

And I’m not referring to bungie jumping off the side of the Grand Canyon (because I would never do that)…what I am saying is what if: your husband is promoted, but it means you have to move and leave all your friends? What if the young man you’ve been courting is ready to propose marriage, but you’re afraid to say yes…to commit to one person that might hurt you later?

But the BIG what if lies in this one question: are you not brave enough to jump and know God’s arms are there to catch you? When our hearts are aligned with His, though our faith may be as small as a mustard seed, if He asks us to jump, we know He’s there. With arms outstretched. It’s only when we hesitate, when we put limitations on our brave that we risk the stumble and fall.

So I go back to the original question: how big is YOUR brave? 


  1. Excellent thoughts, often mine isn't as big as it should be.

    1. MaryAnn, mine isn't either and my NAME means brave! LOL!

  2. Ditto - sometimes not as big as it should be.

    1. I think that is something God can change, though right? Sometimes a lack of bravery also negates a lack of least in some times and places. We need an equal dose of both and sometimes one comes harder than the other. :)

  3. Oh, we love that song in this house. We sing it at the top of our lungs. And yeah, sometimes we sing it when we are SCARED TO DEATH.

    1. I first heard the song on Amy's blog and it's been stuck in my head ever since until I found it this last Christmas break. Yep. I love the reminder!

  4. I'm not very brave! I get really uncomfortable when out of my comfort zone, or if I'm not in charge, or threatened/challenged by surprise. I need some work!

    1. All the more places for God to work in your life, right? I've always loved the Bible verse that says He will PERFECT us until the day of completion. We're never done and how comforting that is!

  5. Wonderful post, Casey! And yes, it's true - we are "never done"! SO glad we aren't expected to be perfect - makes it easier accepting His help to get back up, when we know this!


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