Friday, March 14, 2014

A Week of Lasts...The Start of Firsts

I’m sitting here on my bed, surrounded by boxes of clothing, decorating supplies and memories, slowly being placed ever so carefully in their cardboard homes as we prepare to journey over one thousand miles to our new destination.

Photo Credit
This week has seemed to be filled with many “lasts”. Last day of work. Last church service with my family. Last time visiting with some of the friends I have made in this small town that has been my home for over twenty years.

I’m looking around trying to figure out how to pack everything I love into these few small boxes that aren’t even big enough to hold all my garage sale treasures in the form of clothing and shoes. ;-) And I realized I shouldn’t want to pack everything up. Because not everything can be packed up. The memories, the smiles, the times of laughter and joy, the hugs and kisses can’t be measure d in what does and doesn’t fit inside a box or a 4x6 frame, though those things can be important for remembering these special events.

But sometimes you don’t realize what you had/have until you start packing and saying good bye. Like the lives you’ve touched. The hearts that have been blessed just by you being available and there. It’s not always easy being in those positions, but God has us there for a purpose and a time and a place. As I packed up my office this last Friday and put everything into one lone paper box, put it in my car and drove home through the dark, I wondered, who will show these people Jesus? The sick and elderly, the young and worried that come through those clinic doors…who will show them the love of God?

And I realized, how much I’ll miss that. Sure, I’ll be blessed to share Jesus with the people I interact with in my new job, but these lives have touched mine, just as much as I have touched theirs. Our journey together might have ended, but God is still looking after His children, just as much as He’s looking after me.

Sometimes we don’t realize what is important to us until it’s time to say goodbye. I did not realize how important that part of my job was to me. There might have been more times of struggle then there were of joy, but every single one of those moments was a learning experience—a stepping stone onto a forward path. A journey of learning and growth and a chance to show the love of Jesus to someone who needed it.

Goodbye became harder than I expected. But what part of change, of growth is going to be 100% easy? I won’t be packing everything into a box this week and shoving it into the back of my Explorer for the long drive. I won’t be able to hold everything I want to between these two fists. But what I will be able to do is walk forward with all the experiences, all the reminders, all the memories of what God has done here, in me and the lives of those who have touched mine, backing my every step.


  1. This really blesses my heart. My husband prayed for a Christian in his old office when he was on his way out and God answered that prayer!

    1. Oh wow. I'm so blessed to work in a Christian workplace. It's something amazing that I never dreamed of until I was blessed by it

  2. Hi Casey.

    Even though leaving the places and people you love is hard and sad, your heart and attitude are in a great place. As Julia mentioned, this blessed me.

    Growing up an Air-Force-brat, and my husband joining the USAF after we were married, I've lived in 9 states and moved 23 times. One of the things I've learned from this is, no matter how scary or painful it might be to 'move away' from what and who we know, there are always blessings over the next hill. God never leaves us and sees us through the changes.

    ((Hugs)) to you--I know it's difficult to say goodbye. I said a prayer for your transition to be smooth, showered with unexpected blessings, and a continuation rather than an ending or beginning. May God continue to work in your life as well as those lucky and blessed people you'll impact. :)

    1. You are a blessing, Cheryl. Thank you for sharing your heart and your experiences. I appreciate those prayers. The time here in Colorado has been wonderful already, God is gracious and so good.

  3. Awwww...You are an extraordinary young woman, Casey. It is exciting to see how the Lord is using you. I pray you have a safe journey to your new home and many joyful experiences.

    1. Anne, I hope I someday have the chance to meet you and give you the biggest hug. Love and hugs to you, my friend!

  4. I understand the pain of saying goodbye -- the leaving and realizing how much is left behind even as you cram boxes full and tuck memories away in your heart. The sweet truth is you are going with God toward the next thing He has waiting for you -- not running away from anything. The goodbyes ares still hard, no doubt about it.

    1. Yes, that is very, very true. I am running toward something. Not running away. Advice from some very wise, very dear friends and family.

  5. I agree, with Beth.
    Still, I think I see a bit of adventure in you...otherwise you wouldn't have followed God's calling. You are young, have time on your side...this is the moment to take chances and spring into a new world. I am so excited for you Casey. I have this feeling you will dominate the conversation at ACFW after having a whole summer full of newness under your belt. I'm so excited to hear your tellings of these adventures. Get the camera out...and the journal. And have fun!! God is walking with you.

    1. God IS definitely walking with me and I'm seeing His hand in this every single day. Trusting, walking by faith and trusting every single step of the way. I guess I do have a bit of adventure, it's slowly coming out now and again. ;)

  6. Hi Casey, I am just a reader; knew of you first through Seekerville when I first got a computer at home a few years back. You have been a blessing to me. I guess I missed on your blog....your plans, etc., but want to wish you safe travels and the best of everything! Hope you still have this blog.

    1. Hello Jackie!
      I'm so glad you stopped by and how kind you are to leave a comment. I am still keeping this blog. It's my connection to wonderful readers like you--readers I'm so glad to "meet" through the internet. :)

  7. Love this, Casey. So well said. Wishing you safe travels and many moments of grace and good in this next season of your life!!

    1. Thank you, Kelli! I appreciate you coming by and leaving a comment so very much. You need to come to ACFW so I can meet you in person (finally). ;-)

  8. I understand the pain of saying goodbye to a place who have been there for a long time. I recently relocated about 3000 miles from my hometown I grew up in California and now find myself in Ohio. It is hard to say good-bye to family, friends, favorite restaurants, beaches, and places you will find that you know you will miss. But, when you get to that destination and make it your home. You come to is going to be okay, God put you here for a reason and that change is good!!! I am adjusting, but I still miss home and family! Good luck in wherever you are going and safe travels!

    Linda Ortiz

    1. Hello Linda! Thank you so much for your encouragement and thoughtfulness. Your words mean a great deal to me as I try to make new friends here and get to know people. It's a new and different challenge, but a good one. A chance to grow in a different direction. :)

  9. Yes. Totally. I feel you. We've been in our current city two and half years and I still miss my family.


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)