Monday, March 3, 2014

Giveaway! Healer of Carthage by Lynne Gentry!

Welcome to Writing for Christ Lynne Gentry, it is great to have you here! So you’re a writer? What made you decide to start creating characters and story world?

I grew up on a Kansas dairy farm. Our cows didn’t travel. So neither did we.

I longed for adventure. I wanted to visit exotic places and meet famous people. Imaginary trips became my escape from rural isolation.

In an instant, my mind could magically transform a tree house into a medieval castle, hay bales into a pioneer fort, or a dank root cellar into a time portal that could transport me into the ancient civilizations of the Bible.
In my make-believe world, I was bold, brave, and beautiful. The heroes were handsome and romantic. Humanity’s fate hung in the balance. Good always triumphed over evil. And in the end, I left the past in far better shape than I found it.

What is the one title that has significantly impacted your life?

The Bible. My first recollection is of the year I was cast as the angel who announced the birth of the baby Jesus at our church’s annual Christmas service. I loved standing on a box behind the manger watching the story of God becoming flesh unfold. The power of that unbelievable moment in time changed my life.

If you could get a do-over when it came to learning this whole thing called writing, what would you go back and tell yourself?

Writing is a solitary sport. But learning the craft requires a village. For two years after I decided to start writing novels, I wrote alone. But that resulted in 400 pages that will probably never see the light of day. I learned so much about the craft and the business from joining some writer organizations. I think ACFW is a great way to jumpstart those much needed skills.

5 preference questions:

Homemade or take-out? Homemade, but I never turn my nose up at take-out.
Email or snailmail? Love getting a real letter in the mail, but can’t remember the last real letter I wrote.
Online shopping or Black Friday deals? I try to avoid shopping. But I love a good deal.
Books or movies? Tough one. Since I’m stage trained I love stage and screen, but I know the best stories often originate from books and love curling up with one and letting the movie play in my head.
Note-taker or memorization? Rely heavily on notes.

Yes, I’m asking you to play favorites…which of your books is your favorite, published or unpublished? And if this is your debut novel, has your favorite been published yet?

I’ve written several musicals and several books in several different genres, but I have to say I love HEALER OF CARTHAGE and am very proud of the research and work that went into this story.

Places for readers to learn more about you?

Thank you for being with us today!
Thank you, Casey. If readers are interested they can watch the video for Healer of Carthage here.

Readers, enter to win Lynne's book here!

Please leave an email address! If I draw your name and there is no email, you will not win.

For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber

Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on March 14th
Attn Readers! If you're struggling to leave a comment on my blog, please email your comment entries (in ONE email) and I will submit it for you. But PLEASE only do this after you've failed to leave a comment. My email is: caseym.writer(@) 


  1. Would to read L ynne's book. I know it will be great!

  2. I am a follower and subscriber.


  3. Thanks again for introducing me to a new author. And of course thanks for the giveaway! msudawgtooATcomsouthDOTnet

  4. His book sounds amazing..I would love to read it. Historical fiction is a favorite genre.

  5. I love the genre and can't wait to read the book/series!

  6. "Writing is a solitary sport. But learning the craft requires a village." <--LOVE this! And I also love that the Bible made the biggest impact on you and your writing. :)

    follower and subscriber nicnac63 AT hotmail DOT com

  7. This book sounds good - I have it on my 'to read' list. :)
    I'm a follower and subrcriber.

    Godspeculiartreasurerae (at) gmail (dot) com

  8. I am a follower!

  9. I am a subscriber!

  10. I have just recently starting reading books from this ere and have loved them. Looking forward to this one!

  11. Casey, Thank you for featuring Lynne and her book The Healer Of Carthage.
    The cover is beautiful and I learned so much from the video. Her facts about persecution were very interesting. I would love to read this book.
    Thank you. I am subs. & follower. Enjoy your reviews

    1. Jackie McNutt, I think you will be stunned at the extent of suffering the early church endured. Thanks for checking out Healer of Carthage.

  12. This looks like a great book. I would love to win a copy.
    I am a follower and subscriber

    susanmsj at msn dot com

  13. Would love to be entered for the giveaway! Thanks!
    I am a follower and a subscriber (can you tell me, am I supposed to put this info in separate comments?) =)

  14. Thanks for the awesome giveaway. Please enter me in contest. I am follower and email subscriber.

  15. Love the pretty cover of this book!
    GFC - Andrea Williams
    email subscriber -

    1. Andrea, I think Howard Books did an excellent job of capturing Lisbeth on this cover.

  16. Book sounds very interesting. Please enter me. Sonja dot Nishimoto at gmail dot com

  17. thanks for the chance to read this wonderful novel, casey

    I'm a follower & subscriber, too.

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  18. Audience of One. I love that! Please enter me your book sounds really awesome!

  19. Loved the interview. Cows don't travel. That's wonderful. :)

  20. This is a new author for me too. Thank you.
    I follow.
    I subscribe.

    lag110 at mchsi dot com

  21. I would love to read Lynne's book.
    I am a subscriber and a follower.

  22. Healer of Carthage sounds like a wonderful book! I would love to win a copy and thank you so much for the opportunity!

    I am a blog follower.
    texaggs2000 at gmail dot com


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)