Friday, March 21, 2014

What Words Are Being Said About You?

A friend and I were talking last night, she about a college class she’s taking and me contemplating her words. The concept of the conversation? What words would people use to describe you if you weren’t around? If there was no agenda or something hindering their honest truth?

It gave me pause. A chance for reflection. Because I certainly have words I hope people would say about me. Kind. Loving. Compassionate. Generous. Encouraging. But would those words come out of someone’s mouth to describe me?

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It makes one reevaluate one’s life and think about one’s actions. It makes me think about my attitude at my job or my heart towards my family or my response in a difficult situation. Do I want to be viewed as someone to turns to God and devotes her life to His calling for me—no matter what that might cost? Or do I just want to ask for help from God when I really need it? That one hits too close to home.

I don’t want my words here on this blog to just be empty phrases and thoughts. Something that sounds good to put on the screen to be read by “my” followers. I want them to be true and honest, pouring from my heart and what God is teaching me. It’s not just about me. It’s about God. And how He is working through me to impact other people’s lives.

I think I know what some people would say about me. My friends and the ones who know my heart. Who know who I am—even when frustrating circumstances have morphed and twisted my emotions.
But what would the patients coming through the clinic doors of my work say about me? What would the teller at the bank or grocery story have to say if questioned? The people you run into that pass through your life without really stopping. I formulate thoughts about them: it’s called a first impression. What are the first impressions someone makes about me? Would they want to get to know me better? And then once they get to know me better, would they want to continue spending time with me?

It makes me think. Ponder what I want my life to represent and it is convicting.

If I want to be viewed as loving, godly, kind, generous and encouraging, what do I need to change about who I am at the heart level to achieve that?

What are three words you hope someone would say about you?  

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