Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Everything I Expected and More ~ Somebody Like You by Beth K. Vogt ~ Review

You know those books that just stick with you? The kind that is beautiful in its complexity and yet it’s simplicity. The kind that the characters reach through the pages and twine themselves around your heart. That book is “Somebody Like You”.

From the first page to the last, Halley and Steven wound their way around my heart with their emotions, their struggles and their heart. Steven is one of those heroes that every girl wants to sigh over and prays will walk into her life. My heart yearned to patch his in the rift that has ripped through his and his twin brother’s relationship.

And Haley. I don’t even know how to describe her. The book does such a better job than my words ever will. There is a complex layer of emotions protecting her-but they are flimsy at best and a shallow shell that only leaves her feeling more lost. There is such a fine balance to walk in this book: can a widow fall in love with her husband’s mirror twin brother?

I have to be honest: I wasn’t sure it could be done. Without feeling rushed. Without feeling as though Haley was betraying her first husband, Sam. I think you can look at my star rating and see that I thought this novel is a success. Beyond a success. A beautiful mosaic of love, forgiveness and second chances and yet…so much more.

Highly recommended. Highly.

This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the publisher for my copy to influence. 

More about the novel...

Can a young widow find love again with her husband’s reflection?

Haley’s three-year marriage to Sam, an army medic, ends tragically when he’s killed in Afghanistan. Her
attempts to create a new life for herself are ambushed when she arrives home one evening—and finds her husband waiting for her. Did the military make an unimaginable mistake when they told her Sam was killed?

Too late to make things right with his estranged twin brother, Stephen discovers Sam never told Haley about him. As Haley and Stephen navigate their fragile relation­ship, they are inexorably drawn to each other. How can they honor the memory of a man whose death brought them together—and whose ghost could drive them apart?

Somebody Like You is a beautifully rendered, affecting novel, reminding us that while we can’t change the past, we have the choice to change the future and start anew.


  1. This sounds good! I'm married to a twin, but I would never be able to do this. Still--it sounds like a great read!

    1. Get. Thee. A. Copy. Now!!

      Did you see I'm currently giving the book away??

  2. Such a good book! I had much the same reaction as you, Casey. It's still in my head! :)

    1. Not to leave for a while either. All the good books are like that. :)

  3. Glad to read this one is SO good, Casey. Thanks for the beautiful review - now, I'm even MORE excited to dive into this story. From what I know of it, I admire that Beth chose such a unique premise. If done well, those are the best. :)

    1. I absolutely agree with you, Rissi and this one is done really well! I hope you enjoy it. It's worth all the time and more spent on it.

  4. I didn't want to read any reviews until I'd written my own. I see we both loved the book! It was difficult to put into words just how good it is, and I'm not sure I did it adequately. There really is something extraordinary about this book I just can't put my finger on :)

    1. I know what you mean, Anne. I have literally read books before that I do not know how to put into words how good it was. How it impacted me. I don't feel I truly did this book justice in my review. I wish I could have come up with something truly better. :)


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