Friday, May 16, 2014

God's Got This: So Dream Bigger!

If you’ve been following my blog for any point of this year, you might have discovered that my “one word” for 2014 is dream. I’ve never been one for these “one words.” It seemed to be like the New Year’s resolutions and/or goals I never stuck to.

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But this year after a talk with my dear friend and mentor, who continually makes me think in different directions, I felt a certain word being impressed upon me: dream. And not just to dream, but to DREAM. To pursue these passions that I have in life and see what God can do with my heart’s deepest desires.

I sat tonight, journaling to God and realized…He took a dream (to work in publishing) and blew it up so much wider than I could have ever imagined. He took care of things I would have never thought I needed, would have never thought to add to my “dream list” and fulfilled expectations so much fuller than I could have, well, dreamed!

For example: I have a safe place to live. Friends just a short drive down the road. A boss that values me and the work I do. A car that works. A swelling of savings. None of those things I would have considered as part of the fall out in chasing this dream.

I realized as I journaled, that if God can take care, exceedingly, abundantly, this dream I had, why have I been glancing down the road to the next dream? Of course, I’m going to chase these dreams. Pursue this desire of my heart—the greatest one of all: to be a wife and mother. BUT. Yes: BUT. He blew me away here. Living in Colorado. Working for Wordserve Literary. That’s insane—people! Really insane!

So why am I concerned with how He is going to move in this other dream? It’s not a new one by any means and it’s one many of the fairer sex has shared since the beginning of time. So if God can do so much more beyond what I dreamed of in this little thing like moving a thousand miles from home and getting a new job, what makes me thing He can’t take care of this finding a spouse thing?

For this needs-to-see-the-roadmap kind of girl, that’s a brand new concept. But it’s such a freeing one.

Girls, if we are serious about giving our lives—all of our lives—to God for His control, then we need to be serious and trusting about this too. He doesn’t want to see us settled with some bum, He wants the very best for us. That means BEYOND what we can dream.

I know, novel concept, that our dreams are so finite and God’s are infinite. It’s a peaceful place to be. He knows this desire. This dream. He placed it there. Wow. How amazing is that to think about? And we get to that moment where happily ever after is breathed our direction, it truly will be happily so far beyond 
everything we could have dreamed.

Shall we dream together? God’s got this. 


  1. Casey, love this post!

    I remember being where you are. I look back and see that when I gave those dreams to God and stepped out of the way and sought Him above anything else, He answered that dream in wonderful ways that kept me from doubting my husband and I were supposed to be together.

    He's answering other dreams now, and while I'm far from spiritually perfect :(, what I see when I look back over months and years, is that His wowing me with blessings has come after submission and obedience to Him.

    I love the verse in Psalms that says that if we delight ourselves in the Lord, He'll give us the desires of our heart. People want that to mean He'll give us whatever we want--millions of dollars, the gorgeous guy, a live of ease. But it means if we delight in Him, He'll give us the desires He placed in our heart--the things that are best for us and for His plan for us.

    1. I love this line in your comment, Sally: He answered that dream in wonderful ways that kept me from doubting my husband and I were supposed to be together.

      When I moved out here to Colorado, God did that same thing--made it very, very clear that this is exactly where I am supposed to be. That is the reminder that I need the most--is God has our best interest at heart and when we have our heart aligned with His plans for our lives, everything becomes clear when we are right where He wants us to be. Thanks, Salley. :)

  2. Thank you for sharing this wonderful post, Casey!

    1. Thank you for coming by and commenting, Britney!

  3. God has the perfect partner in mind for you, Casey! I promise if you envision it every day and give thanks in advance, it will happen. I read somewhere that the perfect prayer is a prayer of gratitude in advance of the request. I believe this is true. I'll be praying for you too and thanking God for saving a special man for you!!


    1. Thank you for your comment, Sue! That is encouragement to my soul and I appreciate your heart behind this comment. It is a reminder that I need, unfortunately, all too often. I am definitely praying for the right man and know God's best is definitely yet to come!

  4. Beautifully said, my friend!! :)

    1. Thank you, Cheryl. I appreciate you coming by and commenting!


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