Friday, June 20, 2014

Wanted: Single and Available

I was feeling a bit sorry for myself the other night (I know, like I have anything to be sorry about!), but really I brought it upon myself and I’ll freely admit that—though not without a bit of blush.

Photo Credit
I had “stumbled” (wink, wink) across a Facebook profile of someone—a guy, okay?—and of course I had to click on the profile pic. What red-blooded female wouldn’t, right? I mean, it had been obvious it wasn’t a good fit when things, well, ended but a piece of me was still wanting to know him better. Give it a second go. Maybe I misunderstood somewhere along the lines. After all he’s tall. Good looking. Has a great smile.

Facebook is evil. Was my first thought. Obviously, good looking guys who turn their back on good looking girls like myself should not be allowed on Facebook for said girls to “stumble” across. That’s just rude. I almost posted the above observation on Twitter. I’m glad I restrained myself. Because, really, how awkward is that to try and explain?

Besides, it’s not Facebook’s fault (even though it’s a great one to blame!) that I purposefully sought out this person’s profile and was sent into the doldrums with further thoughts of “when will it be me posting an engagement or wedding photo on my profile?” Or able to change my relationship status or a hundred other little things, like celebrating with my friends that I’ve finally found and caught “the one”?

Thus you can see where I was feeling just a little bit sorry for myself.

It’s a ridiculous place to be, but one where we all find ourselves. On the shelf, ready to move on and discover the next best thing—like our man—that God has for us and yet we’re still here tapping our toe letting has-been Facebook profiles pass on by.

This year alone I’ve had more cute couple overload uploads on my friend’s pages for me to swear off Facebook completely and vow to never go back.

There is no evil and should be no discouragement in being single. It’s the pat and easy answer to say “we’re here for a reason and a season” and that’s true, but that gets tiring to hear, no?

Maybe we’re here because God isn’t done teaching us. Isn’t done molding our man. Maybe it’s not all about us.

It’s discouraging to think you found “a one” to only wave adios shortly thereafter. It’s not the most fun to wait in singledom, when you’re a one-track-hopeless-romantic (ahem) female who wants to get married and start a family. That’s the dream right?

But I know from personal experience, the sooner we learn to be content in our current situations the more God can grow and prepare us…and our husbands for that moment we do meet.

And who knows. Maybe we already have. 


  1. Thanks for this post, it was a good reminder.

    1. Thank you for coming by, Sarah. It was a good reminder for me too. :)

  2. Love you Casey! Man, some lucky guy will hit the jackpot with you. Don't settle for anything less than the best God has for you. Trust me, he's worth the wait!

    1. That's what everyone keeps saying--I hope he thinks the same thing and I live up to everyone's glorious expectations! :)

  3. Ditto what Amy said!!!! You're amazing and God is preparing to use you in mighty ways!! :) <3

    1. You're sweet, Jaime. Thanks for the kind and encouraging comment today!

  4. Thanks for sharing this, Casey!

    1. You're welcome! Thank you for coming by to read it and comment. Made my day! :)

  5. You hit the nail on the head, Casey. Right down from the moments of feeling sorry for ourselves, to how "we're here for a reason and a season" can sometimes be tiring...maybe it *isn't* all about us. SO true. A tough lesson to learn but a needed one.

    1. It is definitely a needed one, Meghan and one I have to remind myself frequently that's it's NOT all about me. Oftentimes easier said than done. But when I think in those terms, it because much easier to be patient for the right one. :)

  6. Ah yes, I hear you Casey! I find myself "stumbling" across profiles sometimes and then usually regretting it. It just feeds a desire that's not to be awakened yet...that longing to be the girl who get's to post a cute photo/sentiment/status change etc. But stay strong, girl! God knows our hearts and His plan is always better! Thanks for honestly sharing :)

    1. Yes! Isn't it awful?! And yet I will do it to myself more times than I should and only have a deep sense of remorse and self-pity when I'm done. Thank YOU for coming by and honestly commenting. It's encouraging for me to know I'm not the only one out there with these kind of struggles. :)

  7. Aw, we've all been there! Maybe not about the wedding pic or the engagements, but everyone has something they're hoping for and it seems everyone else in facebook land has it. I DO love facebook... but I know it can be a stumbling block if I'm in the wrong mood (read: being a jealous cow).
    I'm praying that you're comforted by knowing God has just the right man for you, and that you enjoy these beautiful years as a singleton. I didn't get married until I was close to thirty and my husband was 36. Although I loved being single, my husband really struggled with being the only unmarried guy in his group of friends. It was a hard time for him.

    Sending cyber hugs... and love your blog! (I don't think I've been here before...)


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)