Friday, July 25, 2014

DREAMING OF: My Future Family

I used to have this fantasy. My dad would always look at me with a jaundice eye, and maybe he is right, but still, it was my fantasy. I had this mental picture of myself, handsome hubby and seven (yes, count ‘em, seven—always have been a fan of the Waltons) small tow-headed children trailing behind us. Five of which would be boys.

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Some of my closest friends, who know me well, and even those of you visiting for the first time and don’t know me from Eve, are groaning and saying, “Girl, really? What ARE you thinking?”

Well, it sounds ideal!

Yes, I’m laughing. And now the thought of five boys, two girls and the thought of that busy household has me shaking in my boots. But then again, if God were to fulfill a dream like that, He will need to give me a good dose of the patience I can’t claim as a virtue. ;-)

I’ve always wanted to be a mom. The desire has only been fed more when my coworker had a baby, I joined pinterest and started attending church where cute families with even more adorable kiddos filled the pews. *Not exactly in that order.

But, well, since there is no diamond ring encircling my fourth finger on my left hand, the potential for having a cute child of my own isn’t in the cards—yet. Someday, I hope it will be. And someday I hope the dream of kids will expand to the possibility of international adoption. God’s timing. God’s way. He knows the desires of my heart.

Does God put such a deep-seated desire in our hearts for no reason? Why do we have these soul-aching cravings for something we don’t have and doesn’t seem there is much potential for fulfilling these dreams out there?

Because God has got bigger plans for you. God’s got bigger plans for me. That’s the thing about living life. 
We can dream. We can plan. We can act. And most of all, we walk in God’s footsteps.

Recently I suffered a disappointment. One that hurt at a dream I have been cherishing for years. But it wasn’t God’s right place. It wasn’t the right time.

Those are easy words to right, sure, but not often the easiest to live out.

Yes, I want a family. More than words can say. But I’m not there yet. Okay, so where does that leave me?

That leaves me with time that God has entrusted to me.

What am I doing with that time? Am I investing in things that will grow me towards these dreams or am I just traipsing through life waiting for something to happen? Don’t waste your time. Invest it.

God is asking me—you—to be faithful. What has my One Word for 2014 taught me so far? We’re over half way through the year and I’m learning it’s not always about getting what we want or having a dream fulfilled (though that has happened too). It’s about looking down the road, seeing that dream and then aiming toward it.

Walking in faith and trust and investing now in what those dreams are going to mean for my future.

How are you investing your time in your future dreams? 

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A series of posts centered around my "one word" for 2014


  1. I had the fantasy that I was going away to college, getting a glamorous career, and then finding my dream husband after I turned twenty-five. Well, I fell in love with my husband when I was a senior in high school! I did go away to college for a year, but I moved back home and worked full time while paying for the rest of my college. And as for the whole finding my dream guy after twenty-five? I had our first child then! I laugh--our plans and God's plans are usually different. I've learned to embrace what He sends me!

    1. Aren't fantasies fun and then even better when God blows them out of the water with something way better?? And you wouldn't trade the life you have now for anything, I would guess, right Jill? I love how beautiful God's plans work out for our lives.

  2. Very inspiring, Casey! Seems we have very similar dreams for the future. This is just what I needed to hear today. No matter where I am in life, I have to always consider God's plan for me. Even if that plan doesn't include my dream of a family anytime soon, His will is perfect, and I have to trust that. Thanks for the reminder and encouragement! It's nice to know there are other girls out there that feel the same way I do. =)

    1. I agree, Emily. I love that I need to meet and know people like you through blogging, because it definitely encourages me as well! I've seen God's plans working too perfectly in my life before to doubt for one second that He doesn't have something wonderful in store. Better than anything I could ever dream. It's just hard for me to be patient 99.9% of the time. ;)

  3. I just allow God to teach me...and I do my research. t least you have nice girl friends...I've always wanted a big family and girl friends...have never had either.

    1. Bri, I've never been one you had many friends. I have lots of people who know me, but only a small, small number who I consider girlfriends and even then they have come only recently, as I've grown up, and moved to a different area. God blesses us in different seasons of our lives. I know what you're facing. I've been there and in several ways, I'm still there. God knows those deep desires of your heart and they will be honored. My own life is a testament to that.

  4. Casey, I was just chatting with a friend today about this very concept! God plants dreams deep within us, and it's usually the dreams we can't shake that are the most meaningful. They took root long ago, and they hold on tight. Because of that, it seems those dreams take the absolute LONGEST time to grow to where we can see them come to life. I have a dream similar to yours (though I don't think I could handle seven children! Ha! We shall see what God blesses us with, right?), and I am in this season of eager anticipation and restless patience, trying to find the places to invest instead of sitting idle, like you said. It hurts sometimes, I won't lie, but what you wrote is a great reminder! Thanks for sharing your wisdom and your God-sized dreams.

  5. Great post, Casey. I love your heart for Him.


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