Monday, September 22, 2014

Giveaway! The Ballantyne Legacy by Laura Frantz!

Welcome back Laura Frantz! Since this is the third time for you to visit, I thought I would throw in some fun questions, maybe some that aren’t part of the norm in other interviews. :- )

If you could go anywhere on vacation where would it be?

Scotland! I’m sure you’re not surprised by thatJ. Love those lilts, kilts, sheep, lemon curd, scones and such.

Do you have any pets?

Digger is our big lab-retriever mix and Cracker is our black cat. I dream of having a canary that sings!

Your favorite book that you have written?

Oh my! That’s kind of like choosing a favorite child! Each is a favorite in their own way. But if I had to choose it would probably be Love’s Reckoning because of Silas. Though I do love Red Shirt and that rascal, Colonel McLinn…

What is your favorite pastime?

Currently I’m in a knitting frenzy and am reading George MacDonald’s books. I also love to go to the pool and take long walks. And I love to cook, can, and garden, but no necessarily in that order!

Favorite book?

I used to say The Blue Castle by L.M. Montgomery but lately I would choose anything by George MacDonald, the 19th-century Scots pastor/novelist.

Favorite movie?

It’s a tie! North and South and The Last of the Mohicans. I don’t usually rewatch movies but can nearly quote these!

What people have inspired you in your writing journey?

My brother, Chris, inspired me to share my stories when I was content to just let them sit in a drawer. He’s a pastor/missionary in Spain. As far as writing mentors, Julie Lessmann has blessed me beyond words with her Christ-like passion and the selfless promotion she does for my books. She’s always there, always in prayer, and always writes from the depths of her heart/soul. Also, readers who’ve embraced my stories and support me with reviews and mail mean more than I can say and inspire me to keep writing.

What character in a novel you have read has stood out and seemed to stand the test of time?

Neil MacNeill, the Scottish doctor, in Christy. And Christy herself, of course.

If you could meet one person from history who would it be and why?

Other than Jesus, that would be my hero, Daniel Boone. He was a remarkable man and I’ve never found one negative thing about him in all the research I’ve done. Readers have even talked me into including him in a future Kentucky story.

Okay, last one and a fun one for our readers today: If you were stranded on a desert island and could only take one thing, what would it be? Why?

Honestly, my Bible. It’s the only thing that’s needed.

Too fun, thanks for joining us for a third time!! It is a privilege. :- )

Casey, you make returning a joy, always. Blessings on your beautiful blog and ministry!

Readers, do you want to win Laura's entire recent series? This is only one of two places where you can enter to win the ENTIRE series! 

Please leave an email address! If I draw your name and there is no email, you will not win.

For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber

Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on October 3rd
Attn Readers! If you're struggling to leave a comment on my blog, please email your comment entries (in ONE email) and I will submit it for you. But PLEASE only do this after you've failed to leave a comment. My email is: caseym.writer(@) 


  1. Casey, Love your fun questions ~ and returning again as your guest! Always a pleasure. I'm so thankful we met through Lael and TFD. Now, several books later, I'm still as thrilled to have you as a fellow reading and writing kindred spirit. Glad we can share another release. Can't wait to send a book to the winner:) Blessings on your day!

  2. Wonderful interview with Laura Frantz! Seems we are kindred spirits since Laura is also a dog lover. Yes, the Bible is all we need..... I look forward to reading Love' s Fortune.

  3. Sorry forgot to include email - psalm103and138"at"gmail"dot"com

    1. Caryl, Love your choice of Psalms. Thanks for wanting to meet Wren and cast! I'd love to send a book your way:)

    2. The Psalms are a powerful weapons of warfare! Blessings!

  4. This series has been on my To Be Read list for far too long. I have the first one in Kindle format but reading this awesome interview makes me want to read them more! {And I shall one day SOON whether I'm lucky enough to win the giveaway or not. ;) }

    1. Meghan, So appreciate your heart for my books. Thank you:) It's a great time to read the series since they're all officially out there! I've had readers tell me they've waited till LF released to read them all back to back. I love that as I think it makes for a richer reading experience. Hope your Monday is blessed!

  5. {Extra entries} I'm a subscriber AND a follower

  6. Kate, So glad those Ballantynes are keeping you reading:) And thanks for the cover kudos - Brandon Hill and Revell really do fine work. Bless you for being here today!

  7. Fun interview ladies. I would love to win this series! Thanks for the giveaway.

    I am a follower via GFC and a subscriber


  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Laura, It was fun to read your answers, my friend. I think your inner beauty spills over onto every page your write. What a blessing your words are! No need to enter me for a book. I have an original. :)

    1. Lorna, You kindred spirit, you! I'm really delighted you stopped by as I know you don't have the time with a wedding and book and more coming up! Bless you for always being such a great friend. Can't wait to see you again in person and not just the web:)

  10. The whole series, wow! Would love to win!!

    1. Hi Gail, Glad you want to tackle the series:) Bless you for being here and sharing the book buzz!

  11. You are such a gifted writer! I've read all your others books and loved them. Cant wait to read this series. Hope I win! =D Thank you for the giveaway. I hope I will be able to write like you someday! God Bless.

    ~Charity F.B. ilovehistoricalfictionbooks(at)gmail(dot)com

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Charity, So thrilled you have a heart for my books! Heartfelt thanks for taking time for them. I'd sure love to send all the Ballantynes your way - can't wait for you to meet Wren! Hope/pray you're blessed when you do!

  12. What a fun interview! It is always nice getting to know authors! It is nice to know they are human too. ;)

    1. Regina, Love your comments:) Yes, we authors are the same as everybody else, just a bit crazy over words! I'd be so happy to send the series your way. Thanks for being here and wanting to read!

  13. How awesome !!! Using have the first two books so this would be a treat. It's sweet to read more about Laura, your such a sweet Sisters.
    Linda Finn

    1. Linda, Bless you for stopping by! Glad you want to meet ALL of these Ballantynes:) Hope things are going well for you!

  14. Replies
    1. Hi Katie, Thanks for taking time here. Casey has a truly wonderful site:)

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Wonderful interview, Laura and Casey - loved the questions!! I already have each of Laura's books, Casey - just wanted to drop by in support of Laura!! "Love's Fortune" is beautiful - I will miss the Ballantynes, but joyfully anticipate each book Laura writes.

    It's not surprising that Laura listed Julie Lessman as her writing mentor. Both Laura and Julie are two of my very fave authors and two of the very best, also. The accolades Laura gave about Julie can also be applied to herself, and Lorna summed Laura up perfectly when she said Laura's "inner beauty spills over onto every page you write, what a blessing your words are!!"

    I've read every book both Laura and Julie have written, and love them all!! Two different writing styles, but two masterful, gifted writers who have inspired me with their books filled with emotion, rich historical content, descriptive phrases, beautiful words, touching story lines, and realistic characters that live on in my heart. Two personalities possessing a love of God, a heart for others, and a giving spirit - love them both and cherish their friendships!!

    1. Oh, how your words bless and inspire this rainy Tuesday:) Thanks from the bottom of my heart! I'm really thankful you make time for my books and Julie's books. It's an honor to know I'm one of your favorite authors along with Julie. The both of you are so very gracious. I will remember your beautiful words here! They go a long way in inspiring me as I begin another book. Many thanks!!

  17. Well I share a love of Daniel Boone(INSP is going to have old re-runs of the TV show again soon!) and James Fenimore Cooper; I wrote my senior essay (high school) on Cooper's books and had read several even at that age including "The Last of the Mohicans". Would love to win this series. I have purchased them all, but have (will)donated them to my church library, so this set would stay at home to enjoy over and over. I am a follower and a subscriber.

    1. Rebecca, Oh, love your gracious heart for your church library and sharing! That means so much. Glad I'm not the only Boone fan:) I'm also a huge fan of Simon Kenton. And yes, just yesterday another reader told me about those Boone reruns coming up on INSP. I'll think of you as we're watching! Thanks for being here and for your great comments. You're a gem of a reading friend.

  18. Would love to win this series! Sounds wonderful!
    I am a follower and subscriber


    1. Hi Patsy, So happy the series appeals to you! Reading them all now that they're all available means a much richer reading experience, or so I hope! Bless you for taking time here today!

  19. Replies
    1. Aritha, So appreciate your gracious words. Thanks for making time for the interview and wanting to meet these Ballantynes:) You bless me.

  20. I loved Laura's book Love's Awakening. I love these historical books, and learn so much about different time periods. Sonja dot Nishimoto at gmail dot com

    1. Hi Sonja, So good to see you here and learn you've met Ellie and want to meet Wren:) You're so right about learning from historical books. I'm reading one right now that fits that to a T - Judith Miller's THE BRICKMAKER'S BRIDE. Full of great history and placed in a neglected but beautiful setting - West Virginia. The cover is stunning, too! Thanks for sharing the book buzz today!

  21. I have long admired Laura and her books, but am just beginning to read them! Love them! I would love to win this series. I am subscribed.
    jacsmi75 at gmail dot com

    1. Jackie, Oh, so thrilled you want to read my books! In the sea of books out there that really encourages me. Would love to send the entire set your way:) Thanks so much.

  22. OMIGOSH!!! One of my all-time favorite authors interviewed by one of my all-time favorite blogger/reviewers, both dear and precious friends!!

    Laura, I recently finished Love's Fortune and absolutely LOVED it (shock, shock!!), but I've waiting till I had time to post a review before I contacted you, so please know a review will be forthcoming! Seriously, my friend, you never cease to amaze me with your breathtaking prose, and I've said it before, but I'll say it again -- you are absolutely one of THE BEST authors in the CBA, bar none. Not only do your stories captivate me, but your writing mesmerizes as well, transporting me to another level of literary nirvana like few authors do. Yours are the books I wait for.

    Thank you for your kind words about me, which in and of themselves are a blessing, but when they come from the pen of a person I so admire in every way -- depth, passion, talent, friendship, spirituality -- well, they simply bless me beyond words (although I always manage to come up with an overload, eh?). ;)

    Casey -- WONDERFUL interview, as always, my friend! Cannot wait to spend time with you in St. Loo. My only regret is that Laura won't be there too. :(

    Hugs and more hugs,

    1. JULIE!! Oh my, have I missed you! Just the other day I went over to your Journal Jots to see if you were officially "back" given Surprised by Love is about to release! And here you are:) HUGE thanks for making time for Wren and company given you don't have time!! I'm beyond thrilled you enjoyed the story and I meant every word of my praise for you above. You are one amazing woman and author whose reach extends in more ways than I can say. You are a blessing to many. In fact, if not for you, I'd probably not even know Casey or vice versa! It was you who linked us through TFD.

      I can't wait to meet Megan, Bram, and Devin! This third cover of yours (well, the 9th of yours!) is my favorite yet and that's saying a lot. Or rather I should say this cover rivals that of A Passion Most Pure, surely one of the most beautiful and inviting covers I've ever seen. In fact, it was the first book I bought after I was contracted at Revell. I still remember the joy of getting it and reading it.

      Prayers go with you and Casey and others as they prepare and enjoy conference. I sure miss that venue but hope/pray we'll connect again before too long. I know you'll have a blessed time together!

  23. To echo the other comments: This was a lovely interview!
    And let me just say "North and South" is a favourite of mine too. :)
    Please do enter me - I've been hearing about these books a lot, and I'm very interested in reading them for myself! They certainly have beautiful covers! (I may or may not be a sucker for lovely covers. ;))
    Thank you!
    I'm a follower and subscriber.
    Godspeculiartreasurerae (at) gmail (dot) com

    1. Raechel, Your name is spelled so memorably and beautifully:) I know another Rachael but no other Raechels! Thanks so much for being here. Glad you're a N&S fan. Surely the most romantic movie ever made! But I'll admit I'm quite biased. Glad you like the covers of The Ballantyne Legacy - Revell, my publisher, and Brandon Hill are inspired. Bless you for being here!

    2. Thank you so much Miss Frantz! :)
      Yes, I agree - it really is the most romantic movie ever made. Hmmm....I guess I may be a little biased too. :D
      Thank you for taking the time to reply to my comment! Made my day!

  24. Already subscribe
    Looking forward to getting my hands on these books. So excited.

    1. Lillian, I'm so happy you want to meet Eden and Ellie and Wren! That blesses me more than I can say! Thanks for taking time here today!

  25. Hi Casey, I am a subscriber and follower. Thank you for offering such a great giveaway. I love Laura's work!
    Connie Saunders

    1. Hi Connie, So thankful for your heart for my books! Would love to send you the entire series!

  26. Casey & Laura....LOVE this posting. What a wonderful giveaway...please count me in :)

    I'm a follower & email subscriber, too.

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

    1. Hi Karen, Glad you know Casey here! Thanks for entering the giveaway! Hope things are going well in your neck of the woods (one of my favorite places!). Bless you today!

  27. I can't wait to read this series! I am a subscriber and a follower.

    1. Hi Amanda, Thrilled you want to meet these characters and indulge in some Pennsylvania history:) Thanks for taking time here today!

  28. Thank you, Casey and Laura, for this fun interview. The top picture is great! I've not read Laura's books (yet!) but I'm hearing great things about her, so I'd love the chance to win. Thank you!
    I'm a follower and subscriber. candidkerry (at) gmail (dot) com

    1. Bless you for being here - and wanting to read! Glad you like the pics, too. It was SUCH fun messing up that lovely model at the cover shoot:) I'm really thankful you're hearing good things about my books. Thanks for telling me and for entering the giveaway!

  29. Laura! I love this fun interview with Casey. And WHAT a giveaway! The whole series, wow! I'm really looking forward to reading "Love'sFortune". :) Be blessed ladies!

    I'm both a subscriber and follower. :)

    1. Gwen, SO good to see you here! It's fun to give away the whole series. Wish I could send everyone copies! I hope you and your family are all well and have had a good summer:)

  30. Entry for Mary Kay:
    I'm always glad to learn more about Laura and what makes her the excellent writer she is. And with her recommending George MacDonald, I look forward to reading stories by another storyteller extraordinaire. Thank you both, Casey & Laura!

    Mary Kay

    1. Great to see Mary Kay here. We shared Scotland together once upon a time:) Bless you for taking time to visit here. I'd love to send the series your way!

  31. A chance to win the entire series? Yowsie!

    A lovely interview. :) I love learning about authors and their inspirations and aspirations. It was nice meeting you, Laura. And as always, great 'seeing' you, Casey. :)

    nicnac63 AT hotmail DOT com
    Subscriber and follower

    1. It's a pleasure meeting you through Casey, Cheryl. I really appreciate your gracious comments. I'd love for you to meet Eden and Ellie and Wren and heroes! Thanks for being here today.

  32. North and South is a beautiful miniseries! Anything the BBC does is special, though I can admit that one is among my very favorites - probably due in large part to its leading man. :)

    Fun Q&A, ladies.

    (Following and email: dreamer13(at)frontier(dot)com)

  33. Hi Rissi, Thanks for being here and joining us in the N&S adulation:) I agree with you wholeheartedly about the BBC. They're pretty much gold. Right now I'm watching (when I can) Lark Rise to Candleford. So far no dashing Thornton types but I can always hope! Anyway, bless you for joining in today!

  34. George MacDonald is on my reading list before the end of the month for a bookclub, so I have my hopes up that I will like him, too! :)

    I follow.

    bluerosesheart at yahoo dot com

    1. Oh Bluerose, You are in for SUCH a treat with Mac:) I've been reading bios of him, too. He's an amazing man whose spirit still shines on... I hope you enjoy him as much as I do. Thanks for being here and wanting to meet those Ballantynes!

  35. Our church library readers love Laura Frantz and her books. Thanks for entering me in your giveaway to win all 3 books.
    Janet E.

    1. Janet! Welcome here - so thankful to hear about your church library and that my books have found a place in reader's hearts. I love libraries of any kind and have been working on post about libraries for my website. I'd so love for you to meet these Ballantynes:) Bless you so much for your gracious spirit!

  36. Fun interview! Thanks for the giveaway . . . I've actually never read one of Laura's books and look forward to doing so!


    1. Aizess, Thrilled you want to read - I'd love to have you as a reading friend:) Starting with the Ballantynes would be a good intro to my books, or so I hope, though my earlier books are on sale or even free via Kindle and such, too, lately if there are any e-readers out there. Bless you for being here today - have a great weekend! Love the name of your blog, BTW!

  37. I am a follower


  38. Awesome giveaway! I'd love to win this series. I'm a GFC follower and an email subscriber. Thanks so much!



Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)