Friday, September 12, 2014

Learning the Meaning of Contentment

I am generally a very content person. I am happy where I’m at. What I’m doing and who I get to spend my time with. I am not easily rattled and glad to be where God has put me when He has put me there.

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To shake me from this foundation is a soul-aching kind of rattle. I’m confused. Stumble about as though I’ve lost my direction. And in many ways that is the case. I don’t like to be restless. And restlessness is often a choice.

But not always. Last summer, I was incredibly restless. With where I was, what I was doing—nothing felt right and yet to leave didn’t feel correct either. Wise voices in my life told me God was planning something bigger for me. I wasn’t so sure. I just wanted to go back to being happy and content.

Now I’m a resident of Colorado, have a great job and life is moving forward.

So is what does it mean to be content? Does it mean always pushing aside your dreams and desires to be “happy” where God has you? That’s superficial happiness at best and doesn’t lead to true contentment.

 Contentment, at the core, is peace. Peace with where God has you. What God is teaching you. Right now, 
to be 100% honest, there is more I’d like to be doing.. There is a new beginning I want to leap into with both feet.

I’m ready—or like to think I’m ready—to find the one to spend the rest of my life with and stop living as a single and embrace what it means to be two—three in Christ.

But…that’s not where God has me right now. And that’s okay. Doesn’t make it easy. Doesn’t make it my ideal, but that’s just the thing: it’s MY ideal.

It’s a God-driven dream, sure. He wouldn’t have put this desire with me—within you—if it weren’t the right thing. But it needs to be with the right one. Not because I’m desperate—which I’m not. Not because I’m impatient—and yes I can be. And not because I want to settle—something I will never do.

Contentment is a choice.

Remember when your mom would tell you being bored is your choice? Same concept. Because even in the midst of restlessness and sensing the greatest of God’s coming changes, I had to learn to be content. I had to learn to wait on Him and His perfect timing for my future.

We learn to be content by aligning our hopes and dreams for our future and our present with what God has for us. By asking Him to teach us even when it hurts and feels slow. To give us grace and patience and teach us what those words mean.

Because through everything, God is teaching us. Growing us. It’s our job to learn to be content through the growing and stretching and know that every day is an adventure deeper into the will and love of Jesus. 


  1. I really liked your blog. I wish I was more content in my life at times in my past. I look back and think about the years I wasted being filled with discontent. Great article.

    1. Thank you, Lillian! I know, I am not nearly as content so many times, as I should be. But when I look back on what God has done and IS doing, I take a deep breath and just let His contentedness fill me up. :)

  2. That is really good Casey! You are such a good writer! I love you big sister!

  3. "Contentment is a choice."

    OH. MY. When did you get to be sooooo smart for being sooooo young??? This is dead-on, my friend, and I am SO proud of you!!


    1. Haha! It's all been God's instruction--sometimes not so easy instruction. ;-) Thank you for being one of those voices of truth in my life, Julie. God has used you to pull me through more than one time!

  4. I love the analogy of boredom and contentment. Such a cool way to look at it.
    Definitely true! Contentment is something I struggle with, sometimes. I'm always reaching for more and more and more - which isn't a bad thing, but sometimes I just need to look around and see the gifts I have :)

    1. Yes! I have a sign that sits in my office: be happy with what you have and you will always have plenty to be happy about. I love that. It gives the right perspective. :)

  5. I used to be like this about not having friends and when I did get friends I was totally unprepared. I suggest you totally give over your desire for marriage to God..."cast your bread upon the water" and wait for Him. Refocus on being content and living each day to the fullest...or else when you get married you are still going to feel stuck and not know how to handle yourself.


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