Friday, October 3, 2014

A Chapter is Closing

Simply because I love, love old doors
There comes a time when good things have to come to an end.

Reviewing books has been a staple of this blog from day one. I mean, getting free books just in exchange for posting my review on my site?

Hello, I am so there. 

I went from grabbing every free book I could get my hands on, to requesting the books I was pretty sure I would like. To only requesting the books from authors I admired or had a pretty strong idea would fit my taste. To only requesting one or two books a month.

I'm like an addict, I just can't say no to a book I really want to read or written by a beloved author.

And I don't plan to start saying no--my support will just be of a different sort. But I do plan to say no to review requests. It is with great peace and a little bit of sadness that I am laying aside the book review aspect of my blog. 

I will no longer be accepting unsolicited book review requests or requesting books from publishers and the agencies I have worked with. 

You still might see the occasional review from a book I have purchased, but because of time constraints, the desire to build strong face-to-face friendships here in my new home of Colorado, and a desire to spend more one-on-one time with my Lord, I will not be actively requesting review books.

Still expect to enter the weekly giveaways and I hope you'll continue to read my Friday devotionals. I look forward to continuing to connect each of you in this different and new chapter for Writing for Christ. 


  1. I understand, but will miss your reviews, Casey. Bless you for being strong and giving time to your priorities in life. :)

    1. Thank you, Cheryl! I still plan to do one every once in a while, so I'm not completely dropping off the map. Just cutting back. A lot. :)

  2. Ah I completely understand this! May even get to this point sooner than later. So hard to say no to a good book though, isn't it? :)

    1. It is SO hard! But this will just be another great way to support my favorite authors. :)

  3. I don't blame you!! I've downsized my "influencing" also. There are times in life you just know it's time to focus your energy in other areas. :)

    1. I definitely feel my energy spreading more thinly between projects, so this is a good thing, thought it does make me sad.

  4. I remember when I found your blog and started entering to win books. You were always one of my main go-to reviewers. But I totally understand, Casey. I wish you many blessings in your new home!

    1. You are one of the best connections I have made on this journey, Anne! Don't be a stranger now. ;)

  5. I'll be reading your Friday devos, Casey! Hugs!

  6. Casey, that sounds like a great move for you. It's clear you put your heart into each and every review and that's not easy! I always enjoy your blog and looking forward to how things continue for you!

    1. Thank you, Joanne! Your words mean a lot to me. I look forward to only continuing supporting my favorite authors--just in new and awesome ways!

  7. You'll be missed, Casey. Very much. Totally understand where you're coming from and wish you all the best. :)

    1. I don't plan to completely go away! Just won't be as strong on the review front. I leave that to great reviewers such as yourself to pick up, Rissi. :)

  8. I'll miss reading your reviews as well, Casey, but I'm excited for you as you take this new step and focus even more on the road ahead. And don't worry, I'll still be a frequent visitor. ;)

    1. I appreciate that, Savanna! So glad I've gotten the chance to know you on this journey and finally meet you in person!!

  9. Beautiful door picture. I understand what you mean. Personally, your Friday posts are my favorite. :)

    1. Those I don't plan to do away with anytime soon. I love spending that time with my devotionals and what God is teaching me and sharing them with my readers.

  10. You will be missed, Casey, but I totally understand where you are coming from. Writing reviews regularly can be very time consuming and can sometimes take away from the total enjoyment of reading. Without the stress of feeling that you have to come up with a well written review, you will likely enjoy the time you have savoring the story instead.

    1. They do become very time consuming and I wasn't able to make any of my deadlines for reviews anymore, which wasn't right for the agencies I worked for or the authors as I rushed through the book. And yes, I am already grateful for returning to reading the book without needing to have it finished by a certain time. Thank you for your understanding and comment, Cindi!

  11. Your reviews have always been very interesting and I'll miss them. However, I know from personal experience that we sometimes have to make choices and cut back on things to make life less stressful.


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)