Monday, November 17, 2014

Giveaway! The Covered Deep by Brandy Vallance!

Welcome to Writing for Christ Brandy Vallance, it is great to have you here! So you’re a writer? What made you decide to start creating characters and story world?

Story is my favorite thing. In college, back when I was going for a history degree, my highest grades were in creative writing. As I look back, I can see God’s hand directing me on His perfect path. I love, love, love, writing fiction! I love going deep with emotions and finding our what makes my characters tick. Psychology and the intricacies thereof are quite fascinating! I’m so enamored by the Victorian time period. I have so much fun living in that world with my characters. And my favorite subject—love… Sigh. Who wouldn’t adore writing about that every day?

What is the one title that has significantly impacted your life?

Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers.

If you could get a do-over when it came to learning this whole thing called writing, what would you go back and tell yourself?

Chin up! Your God is the God of the impossible. J

5 preference questions:
Homemade or take-out? Homemade.
Email or snailmail? Snailmail. But email for work.
Online shopping or Black Friday deals? Online shopping.
Books or movies? Both. ;-)
Note-taker or memorization? Note taker.

Yes, I’m asking you to play favorites…which of your books is your favorite, published or unpublished? And if this is your debut novel, has your favorite been published yet?

Wow. Tough question. I love The Covered Deep (of course) but my second novel, Within the Veil, just might be my favorite. When I finished it, I cried for three days! As I have just started my third book, check back with me in a few months. J

Places for readers to learn more about you?
Facebook (Personal Page & Author Page)
Twitter @BrandyVallance

Thank you for being with us today!

Thank you so much! 

Readers, enter to win Brandy's here!

Please leave an email address! If I draw your name and there is no email, you will not win.

For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber

Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on November 28th
Attn Readers! If you're struggling to leave a comment on my blog, please email your comment entries (in ONE email) and I will submit it for you. But PLEASE only do this after you've failed to leave a comment. My email is: caseym.writer(@) 


  1. I'm a follower and subscriber. :)
    Thanks for this give-away!

  2. Hello Casey, Thank you for this wonderful interview with Brandy. I am a follower and subscriber. I look forward to reading The Covered Deep. :)


  3. I am a follower & subscriber. Love the cover and the interview. Really looking forward to reading this book. Thanks for the opportunity to win it!

  4. Hi, I am a follower and subscriber. Very nice interview and I would love to read this book. Brandy sounds like a really great author.
    sonja dot nishimoto at gmail dot com

  5. Redeeming Love made an impact on me as well. ;) I enjoyed this interview.
    Subscriber and Follower
    nicnac63 AT hotmail DOT com

  6. I would like to win Brandy's novel! Already looking forward to book 2 ~ from her POV! Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House

    1. OOOOOOOOOOOOppppps ~ lanehillhouse[at]centurylink[dot]net Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House

    2. I am a subscriber and a follower to your blog. Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House

  7. I have not read too many Victorian Era novels but always ready for another good book. Sm.

  8. I appreciate this chance to get to know Brandy and The Covered Deep. Casey, I am a follower and subscriber.
    Thank you and blessings!
    cps1950 at gmail dot com

  9. Thanks for the interview ladies! I added this book to my Amazon wish list months ago when I first read something about it.. thought it sounded fascinating.

    I am a follower and a subscriber


  10. This looks like a great book. Thank you for the interview and giveaway. I am a follower and subscriber.
    susanmsj at msn dot com

  11. Maybe I need to check out Within the Veil if it made Brandy cry for three days! Add me to,the drawing for this new one, thanks!
    tumcsec(at) I am a follower and a subscriber

  12. I am a follower, subscriber & would enjoy reading this book :)
    dkstevensne AT outlook DOTcom

  13. Thanks so much for the kinds words, everyone! How wonderful to read all your comments! Happy Monday! <3

  14. I'm a follower!

    missionwife at hotmail com

  15. I'm a subscriber!

    missionwife at hotmail com

  16. And this is a book I would LOVE to read!

    missionwife at hotmail com

  17. Ohh--thanks for the heads up about the upcoming book! I can't wait to read it, or maybe I can, just until I read this one! I'm also a subscriber. Thanks for the interview, and the giveaway! danandlyndaedwards (at) msn (dot) com.

  18. Thanks for entering me in your giveaway. I am a follower and a subscriber.
    Happy Thanksgiving Blessings to You and Yours!
    Janet E.

  19. thanks for the chance to read this fabulous story...
    I'm a follower & email subscriber, too :)

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  20. Thank you for a great interview. It was so much fun getting to know more about Brandy. I love the title and cover of The Covered Deep.

    I am a subscriber and follower.

    mauback55 at gmail dot com

  21. I love reading about the Victorian time period. I follow and subscribe.

    lag110 at mchsi dot com

  22. This book has been on my TBR wishlist for quite some the beautiful cover and sounds very interesting. Thanks for the chance!!

    I am a follower and subscriber.


    hspruitt at frontiernet DoT net

  23. I don't usually do this but I went to Amazon and read quite a few of the reviews for this book, even the negative ones. And you know what? They made me want to read it all the more! Thanks for the opportunity to win.

    I follow & subscribe :)


  24. Would love to win!

    [I'm a follower]

  25. Thanks for the giveaway :) I am a follower and a subscriber!


  26. Please enter me! I love discovering authors that are new to me!
    I am a follower and subscriber!

  27. I am a follower and a subscriber. Would love a copy, beautiful cover.

  28. Thanks so much for all the comments! And thanks for entering, everyone! <3

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Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)