Monday, November 24, 2014

Giveaway! A Most Inconvenient Marriage by Regina Jennings!

Welcome back to Writing for Christ Regina Jennings, I am excited to have you here for a second time. :)

Thank you, Casey. I appreciate you inviting me. It’s always nice to get together with other writers!

What has changed in your writing life since you were last here?

My writing has fallen into more of a routine. Before I was contracted I wrote when I had time. Now, it’s part of my schedule, for better or worse. Also, I know what to expect of the process. I can anticipate what’s coming next with edits and marketing requests.

A new development is that I’m involved in the launch of a small boutique press. Redbud Press is publishing mid-length romances with three coming out in March 2015. We’re really excited about the authors we’re working with.

What recent read stood out to you as truly spectacular?

I’m just crazy about Stephanie Landsem’s Living Water Series. I was blessed to get to read an ARC of The Tomb and it absolutely blew me away. Stephanie writes Biblical fiction so the stories are always familiar and yet she manages to sneak in at least one honest-to-goodness surprise in every story. Reading her books always leads to a worship experience.

What do you find the most enjoyable part of writing or connecting with readers?

My favorite part of writing is getting to talk about the plot and characters with other avid readers. Sometimes this happens while I’m plotting, but even better is when the book releases and I get to introduce these characters I love to my friends.

What do you find the most ideal atmosphere for writing? Do you ever get those surroundings? :)

Rarely. I love to write outside in my front yard beneath the sycamore trees, but it’s really hard to find that perfect time. In Oklahoma there aren’t many days that the weather cooperates, and even when it does, it’s hard to find the right time of day. Usually, it’s too bright to see the laptop, but when it starts to get dark the bugs hurl themselves against the glowing screen. Gross.

Okay, something fun for those writers out there: In what point of your writing career did you 
surprise yourself by writing the most words ever in the shortest amount of time?

I think my max has been 3000 words in a day. I should’ve clocked it so I could tell you how many hours it took, but I usually don’t get very long stretches of uninterrupted time, so it probably took most of the day. Not very impressive, huh?

Thanks for being here again! It has been a joy and we wish the very best with your novels.

Thank you, Casey. You’re a wonderful hostess!

Readers, enter to win Regina's here!

Please leave an email address! If I draw your name and there is no email, you will not win.

For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber

Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on December 12th
Attn Readers! If you're struggling to leave a comment on my blog, please email your comment entries (in ONE email) and I will submit it for you. But PLEASE only do this after you've failed to leave a comment. My email is: caseym.writer(@) 


  1. Great interview. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for the opportunity to win.
    I follow and shared via Twitter and Google +.

  2. I need to check out that Living Water series. I've not heard of it. I follow and subscribe.

    lag110 at mchsi dot com

  3. That was a good interview - thanks! I have never read anything by Regina Jennings before, so I would love to win ! : )
    I am a follower
    I am a subscriber
    littlebird(at)hur(dot) midco(dot) net

  4. I've never seen this book before but it looks amazing!!! thanks for the giveaway :D

    I'm a follower, and a subscriber!


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Thanks for the chance to win!

    candicervaldez at gmail dot com

  7. I love Regina's novels. And the interview was great. I'd love to win. Thanks for the opportunity

  8. I love Regina and her books! I hope I win this one!!

  9. I enjoyed the interview and getting to know a little more about Regina. What a fun, whimsical cover. LOL Love it. :)

    nicnac63 AT hotmail DOT com

  10. I love the cover. This looks like a fun book. I am a follower and a subscriber.
    susanmsj at msn dot com

  11. This sounds & looks like a fun read :)
    I follow & get email newsletter :)
    dkstevensne AT outlook DotCom

  12. This sounds like such a great book. Regina, sounds like you need one of those screen tents to write in - then it would shade the sun, keep the bugs away, but you could still enjoy the fresh air. ;)
    I'm a follower & a subscriber.
    kawaii dot katers (at)

    1. I might have to check into one of those. Thanks for the tip!

  13. Thanks for the interview ladies! I read and enjoyed Regina's first book, but haven't read her recent released. Thanks for the chance to win.


  14. Love this is endearing, believable, thought provoking, makes you laugh and cry...but not sad. I've read a netgalley copy and waiting to post my review when book is released per protocol; but I dearly would love to win an actual hard copy for my keeper shelf. It's that good!

    1. Thank you, Susan! So glad to hear it earned its space on the shelf. Thanks for writing a review, too. I'm always grateful when someone takes the time to share a good word.

  15. oops forgot my email

  16. nice interview.

  17. I would love to be entered! This looks like such a fun read! Thanks for hosting, Casey!
    I am a follower and a subscriber!

  18. Enjoyed the interview and learning more about your writing, Regina - thank you!!

    Would love to read "A Most Inconvenient Marriage" , as well as Stephanie's books (love biblical fiction) - and writing 3,000 words a day sounds like a huge accomplishment to me!!


    I am a follower and subscriber!!

    Shared post!!

  19. I notice you like to write outside under a tree; don't the bugs eat you up? Whenever I try to read outside, I get too many little bugs and get too distracted by what's going on outside! I'd love to win your book! sm wileygreen1(at)yahoo(dot)com

    1. I have some really tall trees, so there aren't many swarms beneath them. Certain times of the year I might get a webworm dropping down, but not often. Mosquitoes are the usual pest.

  20. Pretty interesting! 3000 words seems like a pretty busy day! But I guess if the story is already in your mind it's not that hard to let it flow onto the paper (computer.)

  21. Thanks for sharing! I'm looking forward to Regina Jennings' newest book! misspippireads(@)gmail(dot)com

  22. I am a subscriber!

    missionwife at hotmail dot com

  23. I am a follower!

    missionwife at hotmail dot com

  24. And I love Regina's books and covers!

    missionwife at hotmail dot com

  25. Love her books too! Thanks for the interview also. follower/subscriber

  26. I'm a follower and a subscriber and would love to win. Great cover by the way!


  27. I enjoy reading Regina's books so would love to win A Most Inconvenient Marriage. Her books are such fun to read.
    I'm a follower and a subscriber.
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  28. I've been reading about this book and would love to win it. I'm a follower and a subscriber.

  29. Thank you for the lovely interview and giveaway! I must confess that I laugh every time I see your book cover and I cannot wait to read A Most Inconvenient Marriage. It looks to fun miss out on. I have three of your books on my PC Kindle..I just followed & subscribed. Thank you for hosting, Casey. ~ Blessings, Juli

  30. Great interview! Regina's newest book sounds so intriguing--it's the kind of plot I love!

    I am a subscriber.

  31. Great interview and love the cover of the book!

    GFC follower
    Email subscriber

  32. Casey, Thank you for this fantastic interview with Regina! I would love to read A Most Inconvenient Marriage.

    I follow and subscribe


  33. This book is on my Christmas wish list. If I won it here, that would be even better because I'd get to start on it sooner.
    Thanks for the opportunity to enter the drawing.

    I'm a follower on GFC
    and I'm an email subscriber.


  34. I've really enjoyed her other books and have been looking forward to this one! Thanks for sharing a giveaway!
    I'm a follower and subscriber!
    colorvibrant at gmail dot com

  35. Dear Casey,
    I hope your Thanksgiving was a great one! Thanks for entering me in your giveaway. I am a follower and a subscriber. We have Regina's books in the church library.
    Janet E.

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