Friday, December 5, 2014

Your DREAM (a One-Word Post), Your Purpose is God-Ordained

For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is of God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God. Acts 5:38-39 (emphasis mine)

How often to do you stand in the face of a situation or circumstance and gulp back the fear crowding out your vocal chords and constricting your chest in a vice grip? How often do you stare down the length of a dream that seems so very far away and want to turn around and slink back the way you came?

So often it seems like the easier way out.

But we forget that little promise at the top of this post. For if their purpose….their activity is of God nothing can stop you.

Let me repeat that for the power behind this simple word: NOTHING. Nothing can stop you. Not man, though he may try. Not the devil, though he will definitely do everything within his power to divert your attentions, your energies—emotional, physical and spiritual.

Not the uphill climb that at times you think might kill you. Not the war zone we often feel trapped in. 
Nothing, nothing, nothing can stop you.

The thing with living this life? It’s not going to be easy. You’re going to be put into situations that aren’t going to be pleasant. They are going to stretch and grow you in ways that will often be uncomfortable—even downright painful!

But God’s plans for you will not fail.

Who can come against God?

There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord. Proverbs 21:30 (emphasis mine)

Do you walk in confidence in that promise? Do you walk in faith and surety that any plan man has against you is like fighting against God?

And we all know who wins against the King of Kings.

When we stop bowing to the world’s pressures, when we stop cowering in fear at the feet of those who want to see us defeated and we rise into the confidence God is calling out in us, through His almighty strength we start to live a different life. We start to live a life that acts out the promises He put in His word.

You have a dream. A passion. A drive. You have a purpose. It’s as unique as who you are. Doesn’t matter if you’ve been to college or have the highest degree you can attain. Doesn’t matter if you wipe children’s noses all day or manage the most corporate of accounts. You have a heavenly purpose God is going to use if you open your heart and life to His guidance and direction.

The question is: are you going to walk forward believing, trusting, confident that God’s plans for you will succeed and nothing man has to say against you will ever gain a foothold?

Man’s arrows only find purchase when you turn your gaze off God and back to your problems.

Pursue those dreams. Fight that battle. March forward in confidence. Believing that nothing man does can defeat our God’s plans created for you.

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