Friday, January 16, 2015

Stop Putting God in a Box OR My Final DREAM Post for 2014

It’s been a year of living with a word that has changed my life.


God whispered the word over my heart in October 2013, nudging me towards truly dreaming towards the goals and desires laid deep in my heart.

They were scary dreams. Dreams that I could easily push aside, because no matter how much I might want them, they would require me to stretch out of my comfort zone. Go beyond what was comfortable for me.

I don’t like going beyond what is comfortable and familiar to me. I like the here and now. The safe and secure. But safe and secure doesn’t challenge you. At least it doesn’t challenge me. And God was asking me to dream.

How often do you put God in a box? How often do you say: “this is what I believe you can do and we’re not going over this X limit, God. So, thanks.”

The only person those kind of prayers does a disservice to is you. And the reason we do it? We’re coming back to fear again. How often do we dare to pray for something that seems so far beyond all comprehension and belief that it seems almost impossible for us to achieve? Something that might as well just be scoffed at, because the possibility of that happening to us is, well, impossible.

We don’t pray those kind of prayers often. And I dare to say, that even when I toe into the waters of deeper dreaming, I’m still cringing at the chilliness of the stream.

God’s dreams for us aren’t babbling brooks in the corner of a peaceful meadow. God’s dreams for us are rushing rivers, pulsing towards the very best interest He has at heart. Scripture promises this. And yet so often we refuse to surrender fully and let the rush of those waters carry us along.

God told me to dream in 2014. To not put Him in a box and see what He would do. To move forward with a passion for life and a constant expectation that He was about to do something awesome.

And He did.

As I look back on 2014, I’m awed. I’m humbled. I’m grateful. But I’m not done dreaming. In fact, a couple months ago, God laid another dream on my heart. A dream that when it thumped me between the eyes, I literally went: “You’ve got to be kidding, God. Something like that will never happen for me.”

Did I really just back talk to God? Oh yes, I did.

God’s plans on our lives aren’t held to the ground by human’s finite abilities, expectations, social status or fear. This is God we’re talking about and to. The Creator of the universe. His passion for us is unending. His plans for our lives whispered in our hearts and ears as dreams that push us forward.

If we let Him.

God told me to dream. I dreamed.

And I’m not stopping yet. My life isn’t over. And neither are the dreams.

Are you dreaming crazy dreams with God?


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