Monday, February 2, 2015

Giveaway! Sabotaged by Dani Pettrey!

Welcome back Dani Pettrey! Since this is the third time for you to visit, I thought I would throw in some fun questions, maybe some that aren’t part of the norm in other interviews. :- )

If you could go anywhere on vacation where would it be?

I’d visit Kona on the Big Island of Hawai’i. My family and I vacationed there a couple years ago and it was incredible. We kayaked, snorkeled with sea turtles, swam with dolphins and relaxed on the soft sand beaches. It is my idea of the perfect vacation.

Do you have any pets?

We sure do. We have a ten-year-old black Lab named Jack. He’s my writing buddy. I have a loveseat in my office and whenever I’m writing, he’s curled up on it.

Your favorite book that you have written?

This is always a difficult question to answer, but if I were being hard pressed, I’d have to say Submerged because it kicks off the McKennas’ adventures. I’m also loving my current work in progress—it’s the first book in my new four book series that will debut next year.

What is your favorite pastime?

Spending time at the beach. I wish I lived there.

Favorite book?

Pride and Prejudice.

Favorite movie?

Pride and Prejudice (I love both versions, but the Keira Knightley version is my favorite).

What people have inspired you in your writing journey?

Shakespeare and Dee Henderson. I know it’s a funky combination, but I’ve always been in awe of the breadth and depth of Shakespeare’s work. I love that he was so passionate about storytelling, and I find it amazing that his plays are still being told and retold in novels and on film. Dee, on the other hand, is my favorite modern writer and she was gracious enough to take me under her wing during my writing journey. I’ve been so blessed by her instruction and friendship.

What character in a novel you have read has stood out and seemed to stand the test of time?

Jane Eyre. She’s a timeless character.

If you could meet one person from history who would it be and why?

I’d love to sit down with Jane Austen and chat about life and writing over a good cup of tea (or coffee in my case).

Okay, last one and a fun one for our readers today: If you were stranded on a desert island and could only take one thing, what would it be? Why?

On a serious note, it would have to be my Bible. I can’t imagine trying to go through life without God’s Word and instruction. On a fun note, my espresso machine—can’t go without good coffee.
Too fun, thanks for joining us for a third time!! It is a privilege. :- )

Thank you SO much for having me again :- )

Readers, enter to win Dani's book here!

Please leave an email address! If I draw your name and there is no email, you will not win.

For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber

Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on February 13th
Attn Readers! If you're struggling to leave a comment on my blog, please email your comment entries (in ONE email) and I will submit it for you. But PLEASE only do this after you've failed to leave a comment. My email is: caseym.writer(@)


  1. Can't wait to read this book. Thanks for sharing. steveandellengray at yahoo dot com Also, I am a subscriber to this blog.

  2. Great interview and fun questions! Dani's description of her vacation in Hawai'i actually makes me want to go there and I'm a northern gal through and through. :)

    I'm a follower and subscriber!

    1. So glad you enjoyed the interview! Casey came up with such fun questions.

  3. I too am a Jane Austen fan. Her work is amazing.
    Thank you both for the interview and giveaway.
    I am a follower and a subscriber.

    1. Waving hi to a fellow Austen fan. Which is your favorite book of hers?

  4. We have many similar interests, I think your book will be one that I totally enjoy. Thanks so much for this fun interview. sonja dot nishimoto at gmail dot com

  5. I am definitely a follower and subscriber! I love Dani's work and would love to be the winner of her latest book. Thank you for the opportunity! I am keeping my fingers crossed!

    mauback55 at gmail dot com

    1. So glad you're enjoying the Alaskan Courage series, Melanie :)

  6. Entry for Velva:

    The comment link didn't work...sorry and thank you!

    I would love to go to Hawaii! I would take an endless supply of iced soft drinks...aka Diet Coke. I would love to win this book.

    Velva B

  7. Dani, we have a couple of things in common. First and most important I'm a coffee-aholic! Can't live without it. Most days I drink a whole pot by myself. Second, I'd love to live at the beach, anywhere! It's so relaxing and open.

    1. Forgot: tumcsec(at)gmail(dot)com

      And I'd love to win, read and review this new book!

    2. Gail,
      Fellow coffee-aholics unite :D

  8. Coffee and my Bible - certainly two things I would not want to be stranded without either. Cant wait to read this book!! I started with book one and eagerly awaited the release of each book!! Cant believe it is the final one. But I know whatever you write next will also be incredible.
    amylsmith at bledsoe dot net

    I am subscribing/following your site via Google friend and email

  9. Looks like a great read! Ewe_r_merritt at yahoo dot com

    I am a follower/ subscriber via email and Google friend.

    1. Thanks so much! Hope you'll enjoy Sabotaged when you get the chance to read it. Have a great day!

  10. My sister just moved to Hawaii, so I definitely plan to visit soon. I am a Jane Eyre fan also. This looks like a great book. I would love to win a copy.
    susanmsj at msn dot com
    I am a follower and subscriber

    1. What a wonderful place to get to visit your sister!

  11. One place that I would love to visit would be hawaii! I've alway wanted to visit there.

    And Ive not read this book yet but I absolutely love too win this book so I can add it too the rest of her books that I have.
    Thank you for doing the free giveaway

  12. I totally agree, my Bible and coffee are two of my must-haves.
    Thanks for the opportunity!
    follower and subscriber.
    dixiendottie at yahoo dot com

  13. My e-reader with a solar powered charger :)
    I would enjoy reading this book...
    I follow & subscribe, dkstevensneAToutlookDoTCo M

  14. I love Ms. Pettrey's books. Can't wait to read this one. Thanks for the chance to win it!

  15. So far, I have read Submerged and Shattered and I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the series. I love the McKennas. thank you for offering a copy of Sabotaged. I am a follower and a subscriber (different address).

  16. Hi Casey. Great interview. Thanks! First time I talked to Dani was a chat party by Video. It was so neat, getting to see her and hearing her voice. I am a follower and subscriber of yours. Hi Dani. Love the covers on this series of books. But can't believe the scuba diving, etc. I get scared when my head goes under. Hoping to win your book. Maxie > mac262(at)me(dot)com

    1. Waving hi, Maxie :) Thanks so much for stopping by!

  17. I enjoy Dani's books. Would love to read this new one!
    I am a follower.
    I am a subscriber.

  18. Really enjoyed the interview! :) Dani is one of my favorite authors and I can't wait to read this book! Thanks for the giveaway! :)

    crazybooklover7 [at] yahoo [dot] com

    1. Oh, and I'm a subscriber too.

    2. Aww, thanks so much! Really glad you enjoyed the interview.

  19. I would love to read this latest book!

    Email subscriber
    GFC follower

  20. If there's only one thing I could take, it would be my Bible.
    I am a follower and a subscriber
    Thank you for the great post and chance to win Sabotaged.

    1. So glad you enjoyed the post, Marianne! Thanks for stopping by.

  21. Finishing up a 5 book series is quite an accomplishment! I look forward to reading this entire series.

    I am a follower and a subscriber


  22. I have been such a big fan of this series and the McKennas. I hate to say goodbye but can't wait to read Sabotaged! I guess I'll just have to start all over at the beginning when I'm done :)
    carriemschmidt (at) gmail (dot) com

    1. So glad you're a McKenna fan. Hope you'll enjoy Sabotaged. Thanks for stopping by!

  23. I am also a subscriber

    carriemschmidt (at) gmail (dot) com

  24. Yay for Dani's new book and this great interview!! Even though I loved all your answers, Dani, I was tickled to learn you prefer Keira Knightley's version of Pride and Prejudice :) I've watched 3 versions of this wonderful movie and I agree with you. Jane Austen would be the perfect person to meet for an afternoon of tea! Would love to win a copy of Sabotaged, thanks for the giveaway! Blessings Dani and Casey :)

  25. On a serious note, my Bible, like you Dani...on a fun Samsung loaded with kindle books! ;)
    Thanks for the chance to read your beautiful book Dani! olsen(.)nicole8(@)gmail(.)com

  26. Hawaii is also on our family dream vacation list - my 3 year old keeps asking when we are going there! I have enjoyed the previous books in the series about the McKennas and can't wait to read Rafe's story :)

    1. Your three year old has great taste in vacation locations :)

  27. Can't wait to read Sabotaged! Love this series...
    huletthouse at mchsi dot com

  28. Hope you'll really enjoy Reef and Kirra's adventure!

  29. I love the Alaskan Series and I do not want it to end. I can not wait to go to Alaska. It is one of my dream places to visit. Really excited about the new series.

  30. I'm not looking to be entered into the contest, since I've already won a copy, but this was a great questions Casey, thanks. And thanks for your openness in sharing Dani! :)

  31. I'm looking forward to Sabotaged. My husband has enjoyed the series along with me!

    jnelson at skyhighway dot com

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  33. Can't wait to read Sabotaged! Have loved the rest of the series!

  34. I can hardly wait to read Sabotaged.

  35. Can hardly wait to read the book. Asked me library to order them so I can read the last 2 in the series.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. I have read the first four books in this series and am anticipating another good read in Sabotaged. I would love to win it.

  38. Dani, your writing has influenced me so much in my own books. You combine two of my favorite elements - faith and romance - in a way that only God can do. Many authors simply mention God occasionally, add a bit of "spirituality" and call it a Christian book, but you have your characters go through an actual spiritual journey and encounter God in a deeper way. I love that.

    I can't WAIT to read Sabotaged!!! Or your new series, Chesapeake Valor!!! Can't wait to hear what it's about. :)

    hammcass (at) gmail (dot) com
    - Cassie

  39. Would love to win Dani's latest. Thanks for the giveaway!

    ckbarker at gmail dot com

  40. Entry for Beth:

    My computer is giving me fits. I would click on the blue “enter to win here” and it would take me anywhere but the contest. I tried to subscribe, but something weird popped up and it would not go where I wanted it to.
    I would love to win Sabotaged because I work at the local library part time and donate Christian fiction books because that’s the main way that section of the library grows. Very few are purchased by the library director. To answer the question about what you would take to a deserted island my first thought was my Bible, but then I decided I would take my Kindle Fire so I would have several translations of the Bible plus other books to read.

  41. I am really looking forward to reading Dani's newest book. I am a subscriber. Thanks for the giveaway! momrain(AT)aol(DOT)com

  42. I am looking forward to reading Sabotaged. I have always enjoyed reading about Alaska, and now I have a nephew and his family living in Alaska while serving in the military. The photos they send us are absolutely beautiful. Hopefully someday I will make it up there for a visit!

  43. If I were stranded, I too would want my Bible and a coffee maker! I love your books. Can't wait to read this one!

    I am a follower and subscriber.

  44. Such a fun interview--I especially enjoyed seeing all the Jane Austen love. ;) I am really, really looking forward to reading this book...I just can't believe one of my favorite series is ending. Thanks so much for the giveaway! My email is willbakeforbooks{at}gmail{dot}com and I follow via GFC. :D

  45. I enjoyed Submerged and look forward to reading the rest of the series. Would love to win a book.


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)