Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Book Review: The Blue Enchantress

For those who have read the Red Siren, they know just what is coming in this new book, it is definitely a series you want to read in order.
Hope Westcott’s beau, the villainous Lord Falkland, has spurned her advances when she is found on board his ship- the same ship housing his wife. She finds herself standing on the auction block, gazing into a sea of malicious faces, lust pouring from their beings. But she is rescued by a young sea merchant who trades his ship for her ransom. While some would see this as an act of benevolence, Nathaniel Mason begrudges his act of mercy, because now he has been set back in making his fortune. Both are running from God, yet in two very different ways. Hope longs for love, admiration and attention after being rejected by a father who lavished no love, but saw only faults. And after a terrible deed was committed against her, she believes she is impure and throws herself at every man who comes her way. She can not believe that God can make her pure and forgive her past sins, filling her with a love that is all consuming. Nathaniel sees only her mistakes and scorns her for it, not seeing the love starved person beneath. He feels the call of God on his life to witness and preach, but instead flees to the sea feeling he is adequate in bringing people to Christ.
I thought this book was very good, the drama was vivid, the characters seem real and have personal struggles that can be related to. I thought the tension between Hope, God and Nathaniel went a little over long, but in some respects it was needed, because without it you wouldn’t have seen the transformations in the end.
Oh and one more tantalizing fact- Lord Falkland makes another appearance, and it is anything but good!


  1. I loved this book, and the third in this series is about to be, or was already, released! It's called The Raven Saint. I can't wait to read it!

  2. I know!! I am SO excited to read this book, in fact on January 4th I am going to interview MaryLu here on the blog and she is giving away an autographed copy of The Raven Saint. Good think January is only a few days away! Thanks for visiting. :)

  3. Well, I'll be sure to swing by during that time! Whooo, hooo!


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