Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Book Review: A Constant Heart

I love a pure and endearing love story. And call me strange, but I love a love story where two people are thrust into a marriage they don’t want and falling in love despite that fact.

I was skeptical about A Constant Heart when I started it. I wasn’t sure if the premise could hold up a 380 page book. Love and beauty being a curse? Would it drag? I am so thrilled to say that I was blown away! This novel evoked so many different emotions in me. Fear, love, anger, sympathy. I learned so much about 16th century English royalty and the dynamics that played so strongly in those people’s lives-none of them good! Love was a forbidden emotion, one that could mean the difference between keeping and losing one’s head. About half way through the book I wasn’t sure what the ending was going to bring and it took all my strength not to peek! What was going to happen to the characters and would the ending be satisfactory? It made for a past paced, high emotional impact story.

While certainly not a story filled with action and mystery, it is a sweet love story that must conquer impossible odds. I think that is why I loved this novel so much. Two people that must decide between pleasing everyone around them or finding the love they long for in each other. A beautiful story that intrigued me from beginning to end. Siri Mitchell has found a new fan!


  1. Have heard such wonderful things about this book and LOVED meeting Siri two conferences ago.

    Will get the stuff to you soon!

    Drop by my place sometime!!


  2. Hi Casey -

    Thanks for visiting my blog and entering the giveaway.

    You have a beautiful blog! I've become a Follower.

    I met Siri Mitchell a few years ago. Her book, "Chateau of Echoes," was awesome.


  3. Thanks for stopping by Ladies!! Meeting Siri would be incrediable! I just can't wait to read more of her work. :)

    Thank you Susan for the nice comment about my blog. It was hard work,(I am terrible at color coordination on the computer :) but I just love it too!

    Thanks for visiting!!

  4. Casey,
    It started slow, but what a fantastic story. Love it. You could really get the sense of the era.
    I have one word to say:
    Radishes ;-)

  5. LOL Pepper! I simply loved that salad scene! I never know vegetables had "hidden meanings"- or maybe it was just that era...

    So simple, so sweet, so profound.

    Thanks for visiting!! :)


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)