Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Read an Interview With Me and a Blog Award

Good Morning Everyone!

A few days ago I was given the chance to interview with fellow blogger (and friend) Ashley of After All ....Tomorrow is Another Day.  I was honored to be her first guest in a series of interviews she will be doing with bloggers. We talked about my blogs and the writing I am working on right now. Be sure and visit, it's a fun interview (I think) and Ashley has a cute blog!! Plus, you'll learn a bit more about my blogs and what I am giving away right now!

Also, I was recently sent an award from Cathy at Word- Vessel (be sure and check it out, she gives away 3-4 books a week!)

She presented me with this "Honest Scrap" award. Thank you, Cathy!!

Now, I have to say 10 things you might not know about me and then I will pass it on to a few blogs. :-)

Ten Things You Might Now About Me:

1: I would love to professionial barrel race, but we don't have a horse. :(
2: I was homeschooled my entire time in education (thank you Daddy and Mama!)
3: I spent 9 years in 4-H raising a market lamb every year.
4: I am the oldest of three
5: I was born in Bethel, Alaska
6: I am addicted to entering contests to win books :-)
7: Goodreads is one of my favorite sites. :-)
8: I have no artistic ability, but I attract friends that are amazing artists.
9: I stayed up until almost midnight watching the Olympics this year.
10: I have more Christian books on my shelves then the public library. LOL! (no surprise right?)

I am passing this award onto:
Ashley at After All...Tomorrow is Another Day
Carman at Christian Book Giveaways
Renee at Black 'n Gold Girl's Book Spot

Thanks everyone and have a great day! Don't forget to check out the interview! :-)


  1. Oooo thank you! I received this award earlier in the year but it is so cool! Thank you so much!

    XOXO~ Renee


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)