Friday, March 12, 2010

The Books I Read This Week...

Finished 4 books this week. I have read almost 40 books so far this year. If I keep going like this, I bet I'll have more than 100 books in a year!

I would love to hear what you read and then I will add it to the total! We are so far, 12% there! :-)

 And they are....

A Passion Denied by Julie Lessman
Never Say Never by Lisa Wingate
The Reliance by M.L. Tyndall
The Choice by Suzanne Woods Fisher

And you have ONE day left to enter to win COWBOY PROTECTOR by Margaret Daley. I will choose a winner tomorrow, so be sure and enter!!


  1. Ooo you had read really good boks this week! I've read them all except Never Say Never and they are honestly some of my favorites!

    XOXO~ Renee

  2. Same here, Renne!! I read The Reliance for the second time, it's one of my favorite's by MaryLu. :) And or COURSE Denied was amaaaazing. I have a review of Never Say Never just under this post. :)

  3. Wow! You got me beat by far. I can usually read one or at the most two books a week! Keep up the good work.
    Deborah M.

  4. I have not read any of these but we are leaving for Spring break and I have a BAG FULL to take....ahhh I cannot wait!!! The open road, a book, a cabin waiting and a book.....sounds heavenly :)

    Blessings to you!

  5. 5 for me again this week.

    If I kept this pace up every week then I'd have 100 more that I estimated for the year. Hmm ... I don't think that will happen, but it's an interesting thought.

  6. WOW Beth! How do you do five?? Though sometimes I wonder how I do four. :)

    Hmmm, right there with you Loren, love an openn road and a book- long as I'm not driving. LOL!

  7. I read one book this week. :)

  8. Hey, I've read 21 so far. We're not quite neck in neck, eh? I gotta read faster.

  9. LOL, Michelle! I got you beat for now with 38 books read. :) What is your goal for the year?

  10. I've done 5 more toward my 52!!! Now up to 13 books read.
    Blessings all,


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