Friday, March 12, 2010

Oh Sigh...It's Gone....

Well, there is nothing I can do now. I have just entered my writing in the ACFW Genesis contest and Susan May Warren's My Book Therapy Frasier contest.

I feel like I should be overwhelmed, anxious, nervous, but actually I am calm (for now) and eager to see what is said. God has been good and I feel ready to show the "world" just what I have produced. I have such a long wait, I might as well buckle down and keep working on my writing.

My BIGGEST hurdle when it comes entering contests is looking back at what I wrote and seeing all the mistakes/problems I made, whatever you name it, that is when I start biting my nails. BUT NOT THIS TIME! I am determined to let sleeping dogs lie and leave the results up to God.

I have been blessed to be surrounded by those who have pushed and supported me in my writing, my blogging followers among them, so THANK YOU! You are one of the reasons I write. :-)

THANK YOU God, for giving me this chance. May I shine for You!


  1. Best wishes for you and your submission, I hope to be reading it someday! ;-)

    XOXO~ Renee

  2. How exciting and what peace you are sharing here! I know the Lord will honor that and i pray you will win and experience the Lord and HIS love as you wait for the results!

  3. Oh Casey I'm so excited for you!! I'm with Renee I hope to be able to hold it in my hands one day and read it!:) I'm praying for you and your book!:)

  4. @ Loren, thank you so much for your kind comments, it means so much and for the record, I hope I win too. LOL!

    @ Lindsey- thanks for stopping by girl, I love seeing you here. :) Thanks for the prayers, they mean more than I can say. :)


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)