Monday, April 18, 2011

Giveaway and Author Interview: Jewel of Persia

Welcome to Writing for Christ Roseanna M. White, it is great to have you here! Do you have an interesting fact about yourself the average reader probably doesn’t know?
Thanks for having me , Casey, I'm so happy to be here! Hmm, a fact about me most readers don't know. How about a fact few but my  husband and kids know? I hoard tissue paper. Don't ask me why, but I never throw it out, I fold it up and save it. I haven't had to buy tissue paper since my first year of marriage, and I have a TON of colors to choose from when preparing a gift! I'm weird. I admit it. =)
  What surprised you the most about being a published author?
That it just means MORE WORK, not more time to write. For some reason, I thought having an “excuse” to write would give me more of it, but, um, no.
Do you have a favorite genre to read/write?
Anything romance, but historicals remain my favorite to read. They're my first love in writing too, though I've written a number of contemporary romances still seeking a home. Most of my reading and writing are within the bounds of the Christian publishing world, though I'll occasionally pick up a Nora Roberts or other bestseller just for fun.
When you aren’t writing or interacting with fans, what do you enjoy doing?
Well, I've got two small kids, so when not writing, I'm usually performing the duties of cook, teacher, maid, chauffeur, playmate, and nurturer. Which, of course, I enjoy. =) Also love the leisure of settling in with a good book! (Not surprising, right?)
 Do you have a nugget of writing advice that has completely changed how you view writing?
That writing (professionally, anyway) isn't about the author and how they want to write—it's about the reader and what they want to read. A few years ago, I just wrote because I wanted to, because I had to. I didn't care about the market, didn't know the rules. I just wrote. And while that was great for me, the result was a slew of books I now need to rewrite. When I realized I had to target my books and refine my craft, I had to change my style quite a bit—but the result are books that I'm not ashamed to put my name to. Books people other than my family and closest friends enjoy.
What do you enjoy most about being a published author?
The chance to connect with new people! Books are my passion, be they my own or the ones I populate my shelves with, and I LOVE chatting stories with folks. That's why my hubby and I founded the Christian Review of Books back in 2004, and it's really what I've found most rewarding about the publishing process—chatting with readers about stories. My stories, yes, but that also leads to other stories, to authors that have inspired me, to mutual interests. I have made some genuine friends through this crazy process, and that's something I didn't expect, but for which I praise the Lord.
What do you like readers to take away from your books?
That no matter the time, no matter the setting, a few things will always be the same. The heart of humanity never changes—and neither do the Truths of our God.
Places for readers to learn more about you?
My main website is , where you can learn more about me, see my schedule of blog visits and giveaways, and browse through some fun pictures of my characters and setting in my Companion Guide.
I blog Monday-Friday at and I'm also a contributor at
You can find me on Facebook too at!/roseanna.white
Thank you for being with us today!
Thanks for having me, Casey!

Readers, here is your chance to win a copy of Roseanna's new books! Isn't that cover gorgeous?? I love it!
Something to consider: the winner will have a decision to make: to take a digital copy of Jewel of Persia right away or a print copy once Roseanna receives them in a couple weeks. If your name is drawn, this will be something for to consider.
Please leave an email adddress! If I draw your name and there is no email, you will not win.

For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber

And a NEW one:

Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on April 29th.

Contest is Now Closed


  1. I am a follower and email subscriber. I would love win a print copy. Please enter me in contest.

  2. Sounds wonderful, put me down for an entry.


  3. Thanks so much for having me! I'm looking forward to connecting with your readers. And if anyone has any questions for me, I'll be stopping by regularly to answer them. I hope everyone has a blessed Holy Week!

  4. HI Casey and Roseanna,

    I loved 'a stray drop of blood'...and i'm very much looking forward to reading 'jewel of persia'...thanks for the chance.

    A blessed Holy Week to both of you.

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

    PS: i'm a follower and email subscriber, too, Casey :)

  5. I enjoyed A Stray Drop of Blood and look forward to reading this book!

  6. I follow Roseanna's blog

  7. love to win this book thanks

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  8. email subscriber

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  9. gfc follower of this blog

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  10. follow Roseanna's blog too

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  11. I would love to win a copy of this book. The cover is intreging. Thanks for the chance. ybutler(at)oppcatv(dot)com

  12. I subscribe. thanks

  13. I love historical fiction. Please enter me.

  14. I am a follower.

  15. I am a subscriber.

  16. I follow on Google Friend Connect

  17. I follow Roseanna's blog.

  18. I'm a follower!
    Now following Roseanna's blog too!
    Looks like a very good read! Thanks for the chance to win!
    kari_linder at hotmail dot com

  19. I enjoyed "A Stray drop of Blood" & am looking forward to reading "Jewel of Persia". I'm a subscriber & follower, plus I just subscribed to Roseanna's blog on Google Reader.


  20. Okay apparently 10:20am is too early in the morning for me to be reading blogs b/c when I read the tissue paper thing I thought Roseanna meant that she saved tissues...I was a little grossed out. I'm being completely serious. Sheesh, think I should go back to bed? LOL!

    I would love to be entered to win this Casey! Thank you so much ladies for the fun interview.

    +1 old follower
    +1 subscriber
    +1 old follower of Roseanna's blog

    XOXO~ Renee C.

  21. Sounds great!!!

    Old gfc follower

    email subscriber

  22. I love the story of Esther in the bible, it will be great to read a whole book based on her life.

    Old GFC follower
    E-mail Subscriber
    Follower of Roseanna's Blog


  23. I've added Drop of Blood to my Amazon wishlist. Of course, I've got a Kindle on there too. If I get that I could get the Kindle version ;).

    I'm a follower. Think I'm a subscriber. I'm also a follower of Roseanna's blog [now].

    I would love a print copy :).

    I've read a number of Biblical fiction books lately and am hoping for more really good ones [Ruth and Naomi anyone?]. Plus this won't have the super annoying "puppies are cuddly" song like the Veggie version. The amount of research into something like this is mind boggling to me. Research my modern stuff is more than I care to enjoy most of the time ;).

    Thanks to both of you!

    Carol at carolmoncado dot com

  24. Can't wait to read this book, Roseanna! Blessings on all you do!

  25. Please enter me in the drawing.
    I am also a follower and subscriber.
    Thank you for the chance.

  26. That is certainly a beautiful cover.

    I totally understand the many faces of mom. I've got 5 from 9 down to 1mo. I am presently typing one handed with an infant in my arms. :)

    Can't wait to read your novel.

  27. The cover is gorgeous!
    I have heard good things about this book!
    Great interview, thanks Casey!

    Please enter me!

    crazi.swans at gmail dot com

  28. I'm a follower and subscriber for-ever! Thanks for this giveaway!


  29. I'm a follower on GFC-Lisa Richards
    And I follow Roseanna's blog


    alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com

  30. Would love to win this book. The name and cover are so attractive and draws me to wanting to read it. Please enter me in the drawing, wow. Juanita W

  31. I would love to be entered to win this book, thank you

    I am a subscriber


  32. Good to hear from you, everyone! Renee, you made me laugh. No, I do not hoard used tissues, thank you very much. ;-)

    So glad the cover draws you, you several folks who mentioned it! I was tickled with it. =)

    Jessie, you've got FIVE kids? I go crazy with my two. I know they say it gets easier, but I don't know . . . ;-)

    Carol M, no dissing Veggie Tales. ;-) Though, okay, I grant it's annoying when their songs get stuck in your head, LOL. Glad to hear you're a lover of bib-fic!

    I see some familiar faces and names here too--thanks for stopping by, guys!!

  33. I love the story of Esther. I read Tommy Tenney's Hadassah, and it was fascinating.

    I loved Francine Rivers' Lineage of Grace too, with the stories of all the women (except Sarah) who appear in the lineage of Christ.

    My f-i-l turns up his nose at anything fiction, especially biblical fiction. For me, it helps bring the Bible to life. I'm always wondering about the parts the Bible doesn't tell.

    I'd love to win this one too.

    I'm a Google follower of Casey's blog.

    andeemarie95 at gmail dot com

  34. My thoughts, exactly, Andrea! I think Biblical fiction can shed new light on the old stories we may otherwise not look closely at. I had a lot of fun looking at Esther through the lens of the Ancient Greek histories.

    And Francine Rivers . . . ah, one of my all-time favorites!

  35. What a wonderful blog! I would love to win a copy of Roseanna's novel. I became a follower of both blogs and subscribed to yours as well. Please enter me in the giveaway.


    Carmen sent me!

  36. I have been following Roseanna's blog for a while now and reallyreallyreally want to try her books!

    Please enter me :)


    Carman sent me!

  37. Like Renee, I first thought you meant toilet tissue, Roseanna. Yuck! But I also used to save tissue paper from gifts I received. Even wrapping paper when possible.

    Beautiful cover--eye-catching for sure. I read the first chapter of the book and am anxious to read the rest.

    Nice interview Casey. This was my first trip to your blog, but it won't be my last! I signed up for email aqnd became a follower. Plese enter me in the drawing.

    chassan2 at hotmail dot com

    (Oh, and by the way, Roseanna, I read One Stray Drop of Blood. Moving, masterful.)

  38. This looks like a beautiful story.

  39. Now I LOVE Veggies.

    I do not like the puppies are cuddly song.


  40. Wow, a bunch of us thrifty people who love re-using tissue/wrapping paper (I'm not alone)! Be proud though, with the Green movement, it's trendy now to re-use ... right? =)

    I was wondering what your planning for your next book, Mrs. White. Will it be another Biblical fiction novel?

    Great interview --I'm hoping to read this book soon. =) Thanks for the chance to win!


  41. Oh! Almost forgot --I'm a subscriber via e-mail. =)


  42. My next book out will be set in 1783 Annapolis, actually. It's LOVE FINDS YOU IN ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND from Summerside Press and will hit shelves this December. =)

  43. I'm a follower
    I'm an email subscriber
    I follow Roseannas blog

  44. I would love the print copy
    crazyred61 at yahoo dot com

    Happy Resurrection Day

  45. I love the story of Esther and look forward to reading "Jewel of Persia"!

  46. *squeal* please enter me! I've been trying to win this one forever!
    I already follow Roseanna's blog and yours.

    - Jane

  47. I've wanted to read Esther's story since I've first seen this book reviewed! Thanks for the giveaway!

    meredithfl at gmail dot com

  48. Email subscriber

    meredithfl at gmail dot com

  49. GFC follower

    meredithfl at gmail dot com

  50. I'd love to win this.


  51. Book sounds great. Carmen sent me.

    true_sheila at yahoo dot com


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)