Friday, April 15, 2011

When Life Sends You a Flood...

Build an ark!

Or go for a row...

We had so much snow in the hills this winter that when it melted...we got flooded, BIG TIME! There was worry that our town would be flooded. But prayers were answered and it's receeding. But we took advantage of the high waters for a bit of canoeing...

And a bit of "fishing"...

A Pleasure Re-Reading...

I recently did a re-read of a book I loved the first time I read it,! I really loved it the second time around. The symbolism, the underlying threads that wove their way through the book. The faith message...I've already written a review last year, don't need to write another one today.

But seriously, this book is one stellar work of fiction!

The Winner Is...

The winner of Something Stirs by Thomas Smith is...


Email has been sent. :-) Congratulations!

Almost to "The End"...

I am only 7,000 words away from finishing my THIRD WIP!!! I will say first and foremost, the story has been great, but the writing is really....yeah. First draft, 'nuff said. But I can't wait to type those FINAL WORDS!! I've had less time this week combined with writing and subbing at the local preschool to get other things done, so if you're one of those things that has slipped through my cracks, forgive me! :-)

One More Thing...

*deep breath*

I joined Twitter.

Yes. I did.

And while it has been an adjustment, I would rather make the adjustment now then later when I (Lord willing) will REALLY need it. :-)

If you are so inclined...You can find me:

I would have used my full name, but it's too many characters.

Go figure.

So, Q4U...are YOU on Twitter???



  1. Re-reading is awesome, and it just proves how good the book was the first time! And as you said you notice things that you didn't the first time. Congrats on getting twitter!

  2. Casey,

    Glad you didn't have to build an ark!

    Congrats on nearing the end of your third wip! What a great feeling to type "THE END". Hope you get there soon!

    Keep rowing!!



  3. I rarely re-read books. If you loved this one enough to reread, I should definitely give it a try.

    Glad to hear you guys are all right after that flooding.

    And yay you for nearing the end of #3! Whoo-hoo!

  4. FAYE, I completely agree with you! If I re-read a book, I know I loved it. I keep so few books nowadays.

    SUSAN,lol! It's wet around here for sure. Rained today too...YES, I can't wait to type those words!!

    JOY,if you like historical, this romance would probably be one you would really enjoy. Thank you!! :)


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)