Monday, June 21, 2010

Giveaway and Author Interview: Manor of the Ghost

Today my guest is debut author, Tina Pinson!

Welcome to Writing for Christ! Thank you for being with us today.

Tell us a little about yourself!

First, Casey, let me thank you for opening your blog for me today. I haven't done much of this so it's a learning experience and a pleasure to meet more cyber friends. My bio:

Tina Pinson resides in Grand Junction, Colorado with her husband of 29 years, Danny. They own and operate Omega Avionics. The Pinsons have three grown sons, two beautiful daughter-in-laws and 4 grand children.
Gifted with a vivid imagination at a young age, Tina started writing in elementary school. (it was that or get in trouble for lying). She has chosen several creative outlets; writing poetry, songs, or stories.

1: How long did you write before you were published?
I started writing my first novel in elementary school, but didn't begin pushing for publication until 20+ years ago. It's been a long journey.

2: When you held that first book in your hands, what was your first thought?

Unfortunately, since In the Manor of the Ghost is an e-book, I don't get to hold it like one would a normal print book. (That could change within the near future). But the whole publication process, seeing the book come together-- layouts, editing and looking at the cover-- has been exhilarating. I've been really please with the Desert Breeze Publishing, the house that gave this book and another due in Dec 2010, Touched By Mercy, a chance. Having said all the above, I have to add that while it's been exciting, the process has been a touch scary. That may sound strange, but it's the truth. Now the book is going to be out there under scrutiny by anyone who gives it a read. It's humbling.

3: What are you working on now?

I have several finished books that are in need of editing and a few Works in Progress (WIPS) that need finished. Two of the WIPS take place during the Civil War; Finding Middle C deals with a woman, who's lost her husband and sons to the war and is trying to keep her home together, a wounded soldier trying to get his life back together, and a piano that won't stay tuned. It centers on trying to find the music of life. From Hell to Eternity, is about Andersonville Prison, a bit of Civil War espionage and witchcraft. The WIP that has garnered most of my attention of late is a futuristic, time travel novel called Counting Tessa. The first in a Trilogy, that deals with gene mutation, cloning, time jumpers and trying to do away with Jesus Christ. Counting Tessa placed first in its category in the Phoenix Rattle Does Your Story have Bite contest.

A finished work--The Trail of the Sandpiper, a WWII novel about a woman trying to get herself and seven orphans off Papua New Guinea, through Japanese lines, took 3rd all around in the 2003 ACFW Genesis Contest.

4: Where can readers find out more about your books?
The following link will direct you to an excerpt and information about In the Manor of the Ghost.

This link directs you to my website and will allow you to learn a bit more about me. By following the links Bits and Pieces and Touched By Mercy you can take a look at other books I'm working on.

My Blogsite—

5: What message(s) do you want to be clear to your readers?

Somehow, I'd like to relay that if God can forgive and love me, then what is everyone else waiting for.

My themes usually deal with forgiveness, grace, mercy and overcoming insurmountable odds. And telling about a God who is bigger than any troubles, scars or sin my characters may have. He's a God of second chances (and more) and a God that carries us sometimes, and other times allows us to walk through valleys while guiding us. To help us grow. Having been a benefactor of that grace on many occasions, I want people to know and understand the love God has for them. I try not to be too preachy. I hope. I want to show how you get from Point A to Point B with God in real life time. It's a process and my characters get to go through it.

6: What are two things that people wouldn't normally know about you as a writer and or person?

I wanted to be the next Doris Day. I love to sing. I could the acting, I think. The dancing might be questionable. But I dreamed of being the next big star, following in her footsteps.

I'm also a world-renown Klutz. I've tripped in Germany, across Europe. And I fell into an open manhole in Turkey. If Klutziness were Karate, I'd have a brown belt. If it were a movie, I'd have an Oscar. I could go on but… that could take days. Maybe that's why I took up writing, less chance of knocking my block off. I could make my characters agile and graceful where I'm not.

Also, I've been married for 30 years, have three wonderful sons, two lovely daughter in laws, four grand children, with another on the way, three dogs and a couple of goldfish that keep hanging on.

Thank you for being with us today.

Thank you once again for the invitation, Casey. I really appreciate the opportunity to stop by.

One final note…

Today I am giving away a free e-book of In the Manor of the Ghost the winner will be chosen from anyone who leaves a comment.

And… To celebrate the release of In the Manor of the Ghost, I am running a month long contest at my Blog site. I am giving away some excellent prizes. Some books, yes, but much, much more. Come in and check it out. You'll be glad you did.

Link to Book Trailer

Readers to enter to win Tina's book, PLEASE LEAVE AN EMAIL ADDRESS! If I draw your name and there is no email, YOU WILL NOT WIN!
For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber

And a NEW one:
~Follow Tina's blog HERE.

Since this is an e-book, this giveaway is open in the U.S. and Canada

Contest is void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items of said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter!

Contest closes on July 3rd


  1. This is still a book at the top of my list to read. Please enter me.

    I'm a Google friend follower.

    desertrose5173 at gmail dot com

  2. I also became of follower on Tina's blog.

    desertrose5173 at gmail dot com

  3. Love to win thanks
    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  4. subscriber
    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  5. follower at tina's

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  6. I love to read!

  7. I am a follower.

  8. Thanks for your blog
    an award for you on my blog

  9. have seen this book on a lot of blogs would love to win it


  10. have your button on my blog


  11. follow on google


  12. I follow Tina


  13. Please enter me. :)

    I am a follower of your blog.

    I am already a follower of Tina's blog.


  14. Please enter me! This book sounds cool. :)


  15. This book looks and sounds awesome. I would love to win it.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  16. I am a follower of your blog.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  17. I am a subscriber.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  18. This is still a book at the top of my list to read
    Adsense Alternative

  19. Please enter me for the giveaway. I really want to read this book.....

    heidijohnjeff AT verizon DOT net


  20. Thanks for the chance!
    six_one_nine_girlie86 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  21. Hi Tina, Loved your interview and really want to read your book. I love what you said about being a Klutz. That is what I am. I run into or step into or off of, just name it. Knives have a way of cutting me, steam from cooking will burn me, my curling iron is determined to mark me every chance it
    Thanks for stopping by to chat with Casy and us.

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  22. I am a GFC Follower

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  23. I am an email subscriber

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  24. I already follow Tina's blog

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  25. Oooh, this book looks so interesting! Please enter my name into the drawing!

  26. And...I just became your newest follower, as well as on Tina's blog! Such fun! Thanks :)

  27. Wow, I feel so awful that I haven't gotten here to say anything sooner. Thanks so much for stopping in and leaving a comment. I wished everyone could win the book or the Kindles I'm giving away, (make sure you check out the contest because it ends tomorrow to enter for the Kindle at my blog).

    I really appreciate Casey for letting me post on her site and everyone who has become a follower.

  28. Oh and speaking of Klutz's I managed to cut my pinky finger on my toe nail a couple days ago. I'm not quite sure how, but ... well... it's a Klutz thing

  29. I've heard so many good things about "In the Manor of the Ghost" I can't wait to read it. The book trailer on youtube is wonderful. I follow Tina's blog already. Tina I do want to know how you managed to fall into a manhole in Turkey? I hope you weren't hurt!

    Blessings to you both!


  30. The manhole in Turkey... sadly I knew the cover was missing, but I was too busy waving at the people in the building across the street instead of watching where I placed my feet and landed in the hole Thankfully, my sisters were there to help. I bruised my hip slightly and pride

  31. Tina, lightning fried my internet so I'm just getting around to seeing this. Another great interview! And the book is great too!

  32. What a great drawing!
    God Bless You!


  33. I am a new follower of Tina's blog.

  34. Hi Tina ( waving)

    The cover looks soooo intringuing.

  35. I am a follower too


  36. I also subscribe to your blog :)


  37. And I am now following Tina's blog too.

    Thanx for introducing her to me.


  38. Ohhh! I sure hope you weren't hurt in Turkey!
    I would love to read your book!


  39. I would love to be entered for a chance to win "In The Manor Of The Ghost."

  40. I am a follower

  41. I am a subscriber

  42. I also follow Tina's blog.


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)