Sunday, June 20, 2010

Devotional: This Road Leads Home

This Roads Leads Home
by Cathy Bryant, © 2010

There are many sayings about home.

"Home is where you hang your hat."
"Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home."
"Home is where the heart is."

The last statement is my favorite, because it reminds me of Jesus' words: "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (Matthew 6:21, NIV)

I periodically have to do what I call a "Heart Check" just to make sure my heart is where it needs to be. It's sad, really. Christ has done so much for me. Why would I ever allow my heart to dwell on any other treasure?

Yet time and time again, I find myself holding onto earthly baubles that mean nothing in the vast span of eternity.

I don't know about you, but I want my treasure to be Jesus. I want my heart to be undivided in its love for Him. I want Him to be my home--the place where I hang my hat, my hope, and my heart.
* * *

For my first novel, Texas Roads, my husband wrote a beautiful song which is included in the storyline. The song is entitled This Road Leads Home. The lyrics so adequately capture the spiritual theme of my book that I asked for his permission to share them with you.

She was trav'ling down a road to a place she'd been before,

Though it was such a long time ago.

Broken and afraid, it seems she'd lost her way,

Lookin' for a place that she could call her own.

This road leads home where the Father waits for you.

This road leads home; have the faith to see it through.

You will find hope and peace when you fall down on your knees.

The Father is waiting there for you.

This road leads home.

When the struggles of this life leave you broken and afraid,

Your faith is shattered by the fear of the unknown...

The Father hears your plea; only He can meet your needs.

His holy heart's desire is to make you heart His home.

This road leads home where the Father waits for you.

This road leads home; have the faith to see it through.

You will find hope and peace when you fall down on your knees.

The Father is waiting there for you.

This road leads home.


The home that you are longing for is right before your eyes.

Keep your faith in Jesus; He will lead you to the prize--

Heaven is waiting for the faithful and the few.

His arms are open wide; He is waiting there for you.

This road leads home where the Father waits for you.

This road leads home; have the faith to see it through.

You will find hope and peace when you fall down on your knees.

The Father is waiting there for you.

This road leads home.

This road leads home.

© 2010; Words & Music by Travis Bryant

A Texas gal since birth, Cathy lives in a century-old farmhouse with her husband and a phobia-ridden cat. Her debut novel, TEXAS ROADS, was a 2009 ACFW Genesis finalist and tells the story of a disillusioned widow's quest to find home. The book is available through For more information, visit


  1. How fitting that I should read this today.
    My teenage son and I are planning a move from NC to PA after Christmas. We're leaving this morning to go up for a week and check out towns, colleges, etc.
    People ask why I chose Lancaster County and one of my reasons is that I grew up about 45 minutes from there. Then they say, "so you're going home".
    Thanks for the blessing this morning and I would appreciate prayers for God's will in this decision and a safe trip. :)

    blessings to you,

  2. I hope your move goes well, so glad the devotion was timely, I really liked it when I read it too. :)


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