Saturday, June 19, 2010

Novel Discussion: Courting Morrow Little

A-hem. As you can see, I have pretty much NO self control when it comes to great books and started this one last night. : ) So much for saving it for that 13 hour car drive....

There was a suggestion we talk about this book as we read it, and I know I have many followers who are reading this book right now, so stop by for a few minutes and share your thoughts on the book so far.

A couple discussion ideas:

What was your first impression of Morrow?
What is your overall opinion so far of the book?

Any insights you care to share?

I know we all aren't on the same page, literally- : ), but be sure and say what you think so far. I don't think I will probably be on the computer this weekend, so carry on without me and I will jump in sometime on Monday.  Laura might stop by too, so be sure and come back to visit amongst yourselves. : )


  1. I'm only 50 or so pages in, but I'm going to get as much reading as I can in today while my son is napping. Its a beautiful day to sit out and read while the kids play outside.

    So far I like Morrow a lot. I feel for her watching the death of her families and I can see she's really going to be on a journey of forgiveness. I really hope she finds her brother. Laura uses such beautiful descriptive language the book really seems like it was written in the 18th century. I love all the historical detail.

    Gotta go pick up my produce and do a bit of cleaning, then I hope to take the kids outside and get a bit of reading.

  2. Okay, this book just came in the mail today!!! I regret that I haven't read it yet but, I just had to comment and say that I LOVE the cover and hopefully I'll start it tomorrow. Fingers crossed!!!
    Love Ya,

  3. I agree Julia, I am just ahead of you at 78 pages. Morrow seems a bit naive, thus far. And I don't think I like Major Mckie all that much. Red Shirt, hmmm, he might be a different story.

    I agree, my heart just broke for Morrow when her family was killed. To be so young and see something so horrific. That memory must be emblazoned in her.

    Ash, be sure and start it soon! I don't think you will be disappointed at all! Be sure and come back to join in on the discussion no matter where you are. :)

  4. I'm about 180 pages in and still really enjoying it. I'm nervous about what's going to happen next, especially since Morrow's father is understandably anxious to have her married off. I don't think I can stand him dying, too, Morrow's already gone through so much.

    I LOVE all the beautiful historical detail. This book is just coming to life in my imagination and it writes as though it were actually written during the 18th century.

  5. I am almost to that 150 page mark you are talking about, I really hope she doesn't lose her dad too! That would be just devasting for Morrow!

    I do love the historical detail too. And Red Shirt, hmmmm. I can't wait to see where that one goes. :D

    I saw, Julia, that you have finished it, don't SPOIL, but what did you think?? I am anxious to know. :)

  6. Yes, I stayed up to finish las night and it was worth it! The detail was so beautiful and the ending was what I hoped it would be. I hope to post a review this week.


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)