Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Best Laid Plans

Have you ever sat down at the computer and just started writing? Writing what is on your heart and not worrying about how it comes out on paper? Have you ever allowed yourself those moments of creativity and then just sit back and marvel at what God placed on your heart?

I really couldn't think of anything of to write for today, so I just decided instead of starting with a title, I was just going to write something.

And how often do we do that in life? How often do we start something that when we are done just amazes us? I am a planner. I like to think long term, I even schedule my hair appointments over a month in advance. Yeah. I know. I like to know what is around the bend in the road, to know what I am going to do in the next 15 minutes.

But God doesn't always let us see what is ahead of us. We can have best laid plains, but what if God has something different in mind? What if He says, "No, I want you to do this instead." Can we say that we will willingly let Him guide our lives?

I want to be published someday. That is my plan. To write a really good story and try to sell it. But if what God says no? What if He has something better in mind? "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 (Casey paraphrase.)

Can I honestly say I won't be upset or disappointed at His change in my plans? Well maybe, but if I truly want to be at the center of His will for my life, I need to be willing to lay aside my plans for my life and completely surrounder to Him. That is the best laid plan you can ever hope to have.

To be in the center of His will.


  1. Amen, Casey! Such a moment-by-moment thing isn't it?

  2. I have been so blessed by other's blogs whether or not they are published (and yours is one).

    I also wanted to mention that you never know how you will bless someone whether the work is published or not. Amber recently shared something she had written on her blog and it blessed me greatly. I think sometimes we fear copyright and keep our works to ourselves, but I'm so glad she put this one out there.

  3. It is a momemt by moment thing. Just surrendering every minute to His will.

    I apprecaite your thoughts so much, Julia! (and am glad you like the blog :) I do like to share my thoughts here amd I can only thank God that it is being used for His will.

  4. I agree with Julia: Amen! Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Casey. It's so true that God knows what's best. The poem I based my blog off of had to do with a similar idea: that I have my own wants and desires, but I need to be humble before God and trust in His plans and His guidance. God will never lead us astray, and He has good in mind for us. That good might not be what we expect, but it will be so much better and more powerful than what we could ever want for ourselves. :)

    And thank you, Julia, for your kind words! It's so true that we can be afraid of copyright and what people will say when we put ourselves out there. It means so much to me that you liked my story, and I'm so blessed that God might use me to touch others' lives in even just a small way. I know that He has used you to really bless and encourage me, and I'm so grateful for that! And you know, you've inspired me to share the poem that my blog was based off of sooner than I had originally planned to. I think as soon as I get home from vacation I should put it up on my blog. Why wait? If it's God's will, maybe the poem will share with others what had really been on my heart when I wrote it.

    Thank you to both of you, Casey and Julia! You've given me a lot of food for thought. :)


  5. There you go, Casey...another example one person's obedience spirals around to bring others encouragement...God bless you, Casey & Amber today!

  6. @Amber, I would love to read that poem and I just find it incrediably amazing how God uses our blog posts, amazing and humbling. God will certianly take you somewhere, Amber!

    @Julia, may God bless YOU too. You support me so much with every visit you make here. Thank you!

  7. Casey,

    Thank you! I really appreciate your encouraging words, and hopefully soon you'll get to read that poem! ;) It is amazing how God can use us for His glory! Thank you for your wonderful blogs!


  8. Oh, and I wanted to tell you that your new blog layout is really pretty! :D


  9. Thank you Amber, I JUST did it, so I think you might be the first to see it. :)


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)