Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Revell Blog Tour and Book Review:The Seeker

From the first page, this story swept me off my feet. While not a book I devoured in several sittings, each time I settled in to enjoy the story, I found myself swept into the world of the 19th century Shakers.

The setting against the backdrop of the Civil War was rich in authenticity and flavor. Each nuance of the Shaker cultural played an intricate part in the story and I learned a great deal about their belief system.

The love story was endearing and heart pounding. The first scene in the garden of the plantation just about took my breath away. What a wonderful way to open the book with an unexpected kiss from a complete stranger, good looking as can be!

THE SEEKER was rift with conflict and turmoil and it played vividly before my eyes, eliciting many emotions, from anger to joy.

The one thing I would have liked better shown would have been more of the true faith of God to be spoken of, instead of just the false religion of the Shakers, but I do think in the end the point was made, I would have just liked it to be stronger.

All in all, this was an enthralling read and I enjoyed every minute of it.

Thanks to Revell for my copy to review. This review is my honest opinion.

**Available August 2010 from Revell, a division of Baker publishing.**


  1. I'd love to read this after reading your review!

  2. Vicki, it is a very good book. The kind you don't want to plow through, but enjoy each page to the fullest.

  3. Sounds like another great book. Thank you for sharing your gift. Juanita

  4. Juanita, it is a great book, glad you liked the review. Thanks!

  5. Casey, your blog is BEAUTIFUL!! The colors, the design, the sidebar- WOW, it's a feast for the eyes!

    And that review was great! I got to read an excerpt from this book, and it just so happened to be that opening scene in the garden *swoon* I wholeheartedly agree with your description of it! It was actually one of the best kissing scenes I've ever read ;) Hopefully I can get my hands on a copy of this one very soon!

    Off to go check out more of your wonderful blog...

    Amanda Stanley

  6. LOL, thank you Amanda. :) That first scene, ohhhh, wasn't it? I just loved it and how many books start like that between two complete strangers? Talk about grab me right off the bat! Instant attraction in my opinion. Glad you liked the review and thanks for stopping by. :)


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