Sunday, November 14, 2010

PARTY TIME!!!!!!!!! Blog Party KICK OFF!!!!!!!!!!!

Is it real?? Pinch me someone please! Because I can't believe the loooong wait is over and the blog party BASH for an ENTIRE week leading up to the BLOWOUT on my anniversary day is NOW! I have been blogging an entire year. It blows me away really. Something I have loved doing so much has given me so many wonderful results. I feel truly blessed.

I have SO MUCH happening this week! Are you sure you are ready?? Because it will be one wild ride and you won't want to miss one minute of it!!

Today to kick off my PARTY for the week, I have two of my favorite authors here! Janice Thompson and Laura Frantz! Give 'em a warm hand!

What is your favorite party memory?

Janice: When my daughter Megan turned 16 (wow, was it really ten years ago?) we threw the party of the century. I love theme parties and so does she, so we came up with a ‘50s sock-hop extravaganza. We removed all the furniture from the living room so the kids could be-bop to the tunes of Elvis, the Platters, etc. And we hung up ‘50s décor all over the place. We turned our kitchen into a ‘50s diner (calling it “Sweet Sal’s”) and put up a menu. The kids could order burgers, fries, hot dogs, shakes and malts. Everyone at the party wore ‘50s attire. The chicks and cats were too cool for words, daddy-o! And we had a special “Photo-Op” area, where kids could have their photos taken, sipping on faux malts/shakes. The whole thing was a rousing success!

My favorite party memory is from age 7 but I don't remember a thing about it! I do remember the feeling of the party. I felt like a princess and remember saying, "Seven must be magic because that is how I feel right now." So the very number has made me smile ever since. My mom can't remember what happened at that party either. Maybe I got a best loved book as a gift or something

If you could host any kind of party, what would it be like?

I’ve had the chance to host many of my favorites: ‘50s sock-hop, ‘40s swing, Hawaiian, garden party, Italian-themed, and so on. I’ve always told my friends that if I ever re-marry, I’m going to throw the party of the century. The bridesmaids and groomsmen will wear attire from the ‘40s – present. (I don’t want to see any of the dresses before they walk the aisle, and can you even imagine the tuxedos the guys will come up with?) The reception will be a hodge-podge of foods and music from all of those time periods. If it ever happens, it’s going to be a blast!

If I could host a party it would be a book party where everyone came in period costume and brought their favorite book! In my case I'd have to bring a wheelbarrow and would be wearing an 18th-century gown and hat.

What is your favorite cake?

I bake wedding cakes. (I’ll be baking one soon for a friend, in fact.) My favorite cake to bake is white with strawberry filling and cream cheese frosting. It’s a big hit at events. (Just made one this past weekend for my granddaughter’s 4th birthday. See attached photo.) My favorite cake to eat is Italian Cream Cake. I’ve always told my daughters, “If you don’t believe in resurrection from the dead, do this: lean over my coffin and whisper the words ‘Italian cream cake.’ If you see me come shooting out, you’ll be convinced!”

This Arial-themed cake was a lot of fun. The turrets are ice-cream cones. The doors are cookies with a piece of licorice for a knob. The waves are made of fondant. (See the Swedish fish jumping out of the waves?) The octopus are my favorites! They’re gummies. I bought a big container of them. The “coral” is really rock candy and the sea-shells are made of fondant. The only non-edible things on the cake are the cut-outs of Arial, the little rubber fish and the tiara on top. The kids devoured this cake at Maddy’s “Under the Sea” party. The top two layers were white with strawberry filling (and cream cheese frosting). The bottom layer was milk chocolate with cream cheese frosting). Yum!

My favorite cake is Red Velvet. Every Christmas I bake one and my boys call it Jesus's birthday cake. It’s a sweet tradition that helps keep the meaning of the season in mind.

What would be the perfect gift to give or receive?

I’m more of an “acts of service” person than a gift-giver (or receiver). I honestly think the best gift you can give someone is the gift of your time/attention. However, if we’re talking about party gifts, I’d have to say that making something memorable for the birthday girl (or guy) is always fun. My friend Patti once gave me a birthday gift that I’ll never forget. It was a bad filled with all sorts of little gifts, but each one had a special significance to our friendship. It took about ten minutes to open all the gifts, (and some were just trinkets from the dollar store), but I’ll never forget it because those gifts took me on a journey through our friendship/relationship and reminded me just how much she cares about me.

My perfect gift to give or receive would be the joy of salvation. That might not be the answer you had in mind but I'm stuck on the word "perfect" and not even a book fits that category, unless it's the Bible. Truly, salvation is the ultimate gift to give or receive.

Describe your party attire

As I mentioned above, I love theme parties, so my attire usually goes with the theme of the party. When we did the ‘50s sock-hop, I wore a poodle skirt and white blouse. I had to look the part, you see! (I was playing the part of “Sweet Sal,” the woman who owned the ‘50s diner). I’m a firm believer in taking my guests back in time, so whatever theme I’m using. . .the costume will follow suit (pun intended).

My party attire would be a heavenly silk 18th-century gown with a matching straw/silk hat - a blue taffeta with antique French net lace at the sleeves like the one I blogged about recently (see photos/October16!). Of course I'd have to stuff myself in a corset/stays, petticoatsrest so probably couldn't eat any cake, but there you have it

Love the answers ladies!! Thank you so much for being here today!
Of course what kind of party would I be hosting if there weren't prizes?? In fact there will be prizes ALL WEEK LONG. Be on the watch. Every single post this week will publish at midnight. The person that comments on each post FIRST will be given an extra entry into the BLOWOUT BASH on Sunday!

And I have a winner of those that took my blog party button, thank to everyone who did. The person winning their choice of one of my gently read novels is... Deana!!!!

And now for todays GIFTS! All winners will be announced on Sunday (the 21st) in the evening.
I am offering to one winner a gently read copy of Lyn Cote's Shelter of Hope
And Janice (THANK YOU!!!) is offering a copy of her latest fun filled novel, Love Me Tender!!
Enter all week long for your chance to win one of these books!
Share your favorite party memory for your chance to win today!


  1. What a super start to your blogoversary week, Casey! Your blog looks mega-festive. I'm always glad I popped in, but this makes it even more fun!

    Janice, I have to say I don't know which is more impressive, how many books you've written (I so enjoyed Love Finds You in Poetry, Texas) or that Arial cake! I love the special gift your friend gave--all the mementos of your friendship. Have you used that idea in one of your books?

    Laura, I knew you'd find a way to show us one of those gorgeous dresses! Maybe a great gift for you would be for some talented seamstress to recreate the dress on your upcoming book so that you can wear it to your book party . . . I can relate to cherishing one of those childhood memories that leaves us with feelings instead of details. I think they shape us more than we know. Love what you had to say about the best gift ever!

    Blessings to all!

  2. I just loved reading about Janice's and Laura and their answers were great. This week sounds like it is going to be a great week and really looking forward to reading the blog all week.


  3. First Congratulations!
    I think my favorite party was my Daughter's first birthday. Everyone was here, some for the last time. What fun! Love the little one playing with their first cake. This was many years ago, but still brings me a smile!


  4. Great start to the party, Casey!!

    Janice, You sound like a woman full of great ideas! What gorgeous cakes! You sound like a party girl through and through.

    Laura, Isn't Red Velvet a Southern tradition? And oh, I'm not a party gal...but your book idea sounds like fun. OK, if I do come...I'll wear the turquoise dress from The Young Victoria. I like the purple one too, but I don't think I can pull that one off :)

  5. Woo-hoo isn't finally here!!!!

    @Renee, thanks, I had SO much fun putting this blog look together. :) And isn't Janice just so impressive? I love that cake! :)

    @Jo, I hope you stop by all week long, because I have some mega surprises in store! :)

    @Maureen, I love the first b-days too. Except when me and my siblings were little, we didn't like to mess in our cake. :)

    @Julia, LOVE those dresses Laura had on her blog, I had to share one here. :)

  6. Happy Blogaversary, Casey!! Your blog looks awesome! So fun and festive! You did a great job on it. I look forward to coming back every day! :D

    I really enjoyed reading Janice's and Laura's answers. Fun stuff!!

    Awesome cake, Janice! I love to make cakes, too, but I've never made one that big before. Very nicely done!

    By the way, I just finished Laura's, Courting Morrow Little, on Friday! What a wonderful book!! I highly recommend it!! It's a beautifully written story, Laura! I am looking forward to your next one. :-)

    Have a wonderful day, ladies!
    scraphappy71 at sbcglobal dot net

  7. Happy blogoversary. I enjoyed the interview. It was a grand way to kick off a party. I could definitely tell which time period each author wrote for. And my favorite question was the favorite cake. The cake Janice made is awesome! And I loved Laura's Christmas tradition. Oh, and the decorations rock!

  8. Yaaaay party time! :D I love parties, and especially themed parties, like Janice!

  9. Wow!!! What a party!!! Can I just say your blog looks stunning? :D And this post is just so beautiful: pictures, guests, responses, and all! Nicely done!

    So excited that the party is finally here!!! Love Janice's and Laura's answers! for my favorite party memory...that's hard!!! I've had so many wonderful birthday parties. :) My family is so sweet, and our themed parties are always so much fun! When I was younger I used to have bigger parties (like at my grandparents' swimming pool, or my 10th birthday Mardi Gras themed party!), but I'm really enjoying being older and simply having a family party and doing something special with a close friend or something. I think family parties and outings with just one friend are the ones that are more meaningful. :) But it is fun to have bigger, crazy parties once in a while! (For instance, I love hosting Murder Mystery parties with a group of my friends from high school, although I don't host them for my birthday.) :)

    Anyway, I would LOVE a chance to win Love Me Tender! Can't wait to see what's happening the rest of this week... ;)



  10. Julia,

    Nice dress choices!!! :D I loved the costumes in The Young Victoria (and that purple one was stunning, wasn't it?)! :)


    I'm hoping to read Courting Morrow Little over Thanksgiving break! Can't wait!!! So glad to hear you loved it. :)


  11. @Michelle, thank you! I had so much fun putting this together. :) Yeah, so glad you liked CML, GREAT story!!

    @Adge, so glad you could come by for Day #1!!

    @Ariel, I KNOW ME TOO!

    @Amber, sounds like your family knows how to throw a fun party. :) I love all the different theme ideas from over the years. :) You will LOVE Courting Morrow Little. :)

    Thanks for coming by for the party!!

  12. I love the new look! It's perfect for the celebration!

    Janice's daughter's birthday party sounds SO fun! I'd love to go to something like that! And that Ariel cake is so cute!

    Hmmm, favorite party memory- probably my graduation party. I loved having all of my family and friends over. It was so fun catching up with everyone.


  13. Happy Blog Birthday to you! COngrats! What a way to kick off a party with two of my favorite authors. I love the interview and I would go to any party that those ladies would give, they sounds like a blast. I have to say that any party that calls for vintage costumes would be AWESOME...and cake? YUM!

    I'll share my favorite party memory later in the week. ;-)

    Please don't enter me.

    XOXO~ Renee

  14. Congratulations, Casey, on your one year anniversary. I really enjoy reading your blog, including the interviews today with Janice and Laura.
    Please enter me in the book drawing.

  15. @Leanne, oh I love catching up with family in a big party like setting. So much talking and goings on, but so fun! :)

    @Renee, thanks! I know, I thought the same thing when I put the two of them together. Favorites to start the whole thing off, what could be better??

    @Ahh, thank you Pam! I appreciate that. :) You are entered! :)

  16. I love parties. My most memorable one was when I was in High School. My mom and friends kidnapped me blindfold and all and drove me to this ice cream parlor where they sing and make big ado of birthdays.

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  17. Congrats on a year of blogging! My favorite party memory was a few years ago when my husband baked me a cake and had the immediate family over as a surprise! Nothing big but it was very special to me.

  18. Oh what a great interview!!
    I love your party Casey!! favorite party....mmmm...
    well I would have to say,a couple years ago,my whole family, brothers,sisters,grandparents,nieces,nephews,and parents, were all there, and we had cake, and visited, and played games. It was SO fun!!

  19. never forgotten my 6th grade birthday party at school. My mom brought in an angel food cake. Walking into the school, she dropped it, upside down, on the sidewalk. I was so embarrassed that the cake was smushed, but we still ate it!

  20. Casey, Looks like the party is in full swing! Thanks so much for including me here - always fun to be with Janice and see new and old reading friends:) A special thank you to Michelle for enjoying Morrow's story and being thoughtful enough to tell me here. That sure blesses me! I think I'll be smiling about that all week:) Happy reading to you all!

  21. @Apple Blossom, sounds like a great fun memory!! :)

    @Ruby, usually the small ones are the most memorable it would seem, thanks for sharing your memory!

    @Leah, I love that nearly everyone's favorite memories are made with family. We are blessed, wouldn't you say?

    @Haralvarez, oh that is funny about the cake-now. I imagine it wasn't so funny then. :)

    @Laura, thanks for coming by!! So love to see your smiling face around here. :) Thanks for doing the interview!!

  22. What a fun post!

    My favorite party was the wedding reception my husband and I had six years ago. All of our friends and family were there and we spent hours just talking with everyone. In fact, instead of being the first to leave, we were some of the last to leave!

  23. What fun ladies! My fave party memory was just this year. My birthday was 10/10/10, cool all by itself. My bestest freinds and I dressed in period costume (Jane Austen for me, of course! Laura, you'll be most welcome in your silk) and toured Biltmore together for 2 days. It was such fun. The docents LOVED it. The other tourists LOVED it. We wer treated like royalty everywhere we went....even at Walgreens where we bought our fake eyelashes! rofl

  24. Okay, so I'm a little late to the party. ;) I've had the blog up in a tab all afternoon, just waiting to be off work so I could respond.

    I have two party memories. The first one is from my 5th birthday. That party was at McDonald's, which had recently opened in my hometown. I remember a little doll that one of my friends bought me.

    The second one is from my 21st birthday. Storms came through that morning, and the power went out. I had wanted pizza from Pizza Hut, which because my parents live 20 miles from town, it would have been a treat. The power was also out at the convenience store which had the Pizza Hut express. So I didn't have my pizza, we ended up having steaks and potatoes.

    mchapman (at) windstream (dot) net

  25. CASEY!!!!

    Cannot believe that I'm late, but beating down a deadline due TODAY!!!

    But, what a GREAT kickoff to a party, and I'm with Laura -- RED VELVET CAKE, PLEASE!!!

    SUPER CONGRATS on your 1-year blogaversary, Casey -- SOOO proud of you!!


  26. @Edwina, sounds like a wonderful time! I love weddings and wedding receptions. :)

    @Deana, now THAT would be something I would totally want in on. It is a secret wish of mine that I can dress up in period clothing just once in my lifetime. :)

    @Michelle, don't I know it about something falling through cause you live too far out of town. Or rather someone else lives too far out of town and they can't make it. Always a disappointment. Thanks for saving the page to come on by! Lots going on!!

    @Julie, You CAME!! Make sure you hit those deadlines though, there are too many eager fans for that next book. :) LOL, I thought of that cake and you when I posted the pic. I'll be sure and put it up on Sunday, don't worry. :)

  27. So glad my book Shelter of Hope is part of the celebration! I hope it will be enjoyed.

  28. I loved reading the answers from the ladies!! They were great!
    Thanks for the chance to win!


    jmschwindt at cox dot net

  29. My favorite party was when I baked two cakes for my hubby's 40th. He only knew of one. Both had 40 candles. We had one at supper, and then I went off to night schooling. I had arranged for friends to come over around 9:30 pm, when I got home from school. We were in the kitchen doing some cleaning when the doorbell rang. My son and I had to squash our smiling, while he answered the door. He was SHOCKED to see a bunch of our friends coming in! We thus had our second 40th bd cake! He embarrasses so easy, it's fun to surprise him!

    I am interested in Shelter of Hope. Thanks for the giveaway opportunities.

    desertrose5173 at gmail dot com

  30. One of my most favorite party memory is when my class threw a surprise party for me when I was serving in Japan.
    sonflower277 at gmail dot com

  31. Congratulations Casey! The blog transformation for the party is AWESOME!!!

    I would say my best party memory would be my high school graduation party at Disneyland. They closed Disneyland down to the general public and then several high schools from all over the Southern California area bussed in their Seniors for a blowout party. It was AWESOME. My favorite group all through high school was appearing there as well...okay, this will really date me...Paul Revere & the Raiders...when they were on the top of the charts!!

    Thanks for the chance to win these books...I've had my eye on them both!

    Blessings & Smiles,
    Cindy W.


  32. OMW! Congrats Casey!!!! I'm so happy that it's finally your 1 year blogaversary! And what a uberfun way to celebrate it. Janice and Laura are some of the best and I loved they're answers. Too fun for words!I've loved reading your blog Casey and I pray you know just how much a blessings, both your friendship and your blog, has been to me.
    And I can't believe I'm late, but you wouldn't believe whats been happening on my side of the ow much computer, so please don't feel like I've forgotten. I'll make sure to on time tomorrow. LOL;) Oh and Casey, I just adore all the party decorations you put up. Wish I thought of something like that. Oh well,
    Thank you, thank you, thank you Casey, for this past year, it's been so great being able to spend my days Love Ya,

  33. @Lyn, I am looking forward to sharing with someone else. :)

    @Jennifer, thanks for coming by, you are entered!! :)

    @Linda, LOL, what a GREAT b-day story to tell! Love it! Thanks for sharing. :)

    @Anonymous, Japan? Wow, sounds like an adventure. :)

    @Cindy, thank you!! I had a lot of fun planning for it and couldn't wait to really show it off. Such a blast! You are entered!! :)

    @Ashley, late or early you are ALWAYS welcome! I will be praying for you!! Ahh, that is so sweet, I have loved meeting you as well and to find a community of homeschoolers online who are just as passionate for Christ has been a HUGE boost for me. So I am ever so thankful for you too! Keep lovin' Christ, girl. Hold steady to Him. :)

  34. My favorite celebration (party) was our wedding reception just like someone else mentioned. I had so much FUN planning each and every detail for our guests and even created some of my own decorations! Seeing everyone I loved together in one setting to celebrate with us was SPECATACULAR!
    Anyways, Happy Birthday and please enter me in this giveaway:)
    chakasa58 at gmail dot com

  35. Wow, both of these books look great!! Thank you! My favorite party would have to be when I was in 3rd grade... the theme was Spongebob Squarepants. We made spongebob cookies and decorated them... we even had a spongebob pinata! It was great! All my little friends were there too! :) I also had a tea party birthday in 1st grade i think. I love dressing up, so that was a great one too! I love parties!
    Thank you for this post!
    apeygirl at gmail dot com

  36. What a fun blog party! My sixth birthday party will always be a special memory. We invited my classmates and had a carousel theme with a carousel cake.

  37. Congrats on your anniversary...

    The one pary I remember is my 6th when I got a yellow plastic record of Cinderella sung by the mice and flip side Bibity, Bobity, Boo. I can still sing most of each song. lol. I love the story of Cinderella and always wanted to be her or have a life with a Prince Charming. I am still waiting on Prince Charming these last 61 yrs. lol

    Thanks for the giveaway.

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  38. Whoopee!! HAPPY BLOGVERSARY!! This is a fine party. I'll answer the easiest question first. Red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting...and carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. Hmmm...maybe it's really the cream cheese frosting I like!
    My favorite party? It was so much fun planning and throwing my mother's 90th birthday party. I threw many birthday parties for all my kids every year, they were usually theme parties and fun. I remember my friends throwing me a surprise birthday party when I was a senior in highschool. And then there was the shower friends threw for me that was a surprise. Some gals came to my house after we had adopted our first baby boy, he was 1 year and 11 months. The gals blindfolded me so I didn't know where I was when we arrived in a big room full of ladies and gifts. What fun...and come to find out, we were in the basement of the American Transient Hotel in Augsburg, Germany. (We lived in Germany for 3 years during my husbands military assignment there)
    See, I just can't be concise - but I've gone to a lot of fun parties in my lifetime. By the way, I love the poodle skirt. That takes me back to highschool days. OK, I'll hush...oh, let me tell you about the time that.....ok...I'll save it for another time. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway and the chance to win...I hope I do!

    Blessings for your next year!
    Barb Shelton
    barbjan10 at tx dot rr dot com

  39. My favorite party memory would have to be one of our New Years Eve parties that we started having after we had kids. We place a surprise (such as facepaint, candy, stickers, or something small) in 12 brown paper bags. The outside of the bags have a riddle attached to them and a clock taped on the front of them with the hour that that bag needs to be opened. Before opening up the bag the kids have to figure out the riddle to figure out what the surprise is for that hour. It's our countdown to midnight part that always starts at twelve noon on New Years Eve. We wrap up the surprises and the kids take turns unwrapping them every hour after they try to guess the riddle. I usually try to make the smaller gift in the bag relate to the larger wrapped one. Sometimes they will not have a gift to open but on most hours they do. We try to wrap up new board games, book, movies, and craft projects to do each hour. We also enjoying incorporating around the world traditions into the party and hourly gifts. The evening always ends with lots of confetti.

    The kids and my husband and I have all come to look forward to this fun party.

    I would love to win one of these books. Thanks for the opportunity.

    ~Jen Unsell

  40. My favorite party memory was when I was 16 and as a surprise I walked in and saw my brother who had been serving with the Army for over a year and we hadn't sen him since then. To see my whole family and that my brother was home and healthy was my greatest blessing.
    Carol L.

  41. What a great blog! Have to say my sixteen only because the cake was the most beautiful guitar ( I was big into guitars then).


  42. I've always enjoyed smaller parties where I get to visit with everyone! Happy First Bloggiversary, and many more!

    I would love to win any of the prizes, as they all sound wonderful. As I'm a writer, the critique would be especially nice! Thank you so much for the great party! :)


  43. Loving reading the interviews!

    carol at carolmoncado dot com

  44. Thank you for the great giveaway. I would have to say my favorite party was my bridal shower.

  45. My baby shower was probably the best party I ever had.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  46. Mostly parties are arranged in some dress codes. I had participated in a fancy dress party where a girl was wearing a poodle skirt and she was looking gorgeous. Now I want to gift a poodle skirt to my cousin.

  47. Cool post giving some amazing ideas
    If you are looking for party accessories for baby or any other baby products just visit Baby Party Accessories Online

  48. You have shared great information about your party. I am arranging a dinner party of my best friend’s wedding anniversary and searching for exemplary Seattle venues. Hope to have good time there at party with all our friends.


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)