Monday, November 15, 2010

Escape to Lake Manawa with Marguerite Westing!!!

Have you seen him? I know he is around here somewhere. Yes, yes, don't worry Marguerite he will get here very soon I am sure. Until then, just take a deep breath and chat with me for a minute.

Oh look! Guests! Welcome, welcome to the party on Lake Manawa! Lovely weather we are having today, isn't it? The sun is shining and the light breeze blowing off the water.

Marguerite, don't worry about Trip, I am sure he is getting his boat and will join us very soon. Yes.

Shall we start the entertainment? Yes, lets!

Marguerite, if you could throw any party you wanted, what would the theme be?
A party? I just love parties and for a theme I’d pick a nautical one of course. Lots of sailing. Maybe Trip and I could host our own regatta.

Well, it certainly seems the perfect day for doing that! The water looks simply divine this afternoon. When the little twinkling lights are put up tonight, it should be simply gorgeous!

Of your friends on Lake Manawa which one has the biggest propensity to party?
Well, it certainly wouldn’t be Roger Gordon! That man wouldn’t know fun if it showed up on his doorstep in a clown costume. But, for the rest of us, you know that if you live at Lake Manawa all summer, you have to enjoy a good party.  We have ball dances and teas all the time. And then there are the special celebrations. The Water Carnival was spectacular—at least until the fire.  Of course, I love all the parties, but Lilly thinks they aren’t practical.  Trip’s friend Harry seems to enjoy celebrations the most. He’s quite a jokester, you know, and he doesn’t take life as seriously as Trip.

I love to dance. Sigh. But that just might be the hopeless romantic in me. I have never really learned how.

If you could invite one person to your party, who would it be?
Casey, that’s easy. There’s only one person I’d want with me at every party for the rest of my life and that’s Trip Andrews. Have you seen the dimples on that man? It’s hard to explain how he makes me feel when I’m with him.  Have you ever known someone who could make you feel like you were home and could take your breath away all at the same time. I celebrate every day I’m with him.

Oh, I knew that would be your answer, but I just had to ask. :-) We have to throw an easy question in there somewhere.
What is your most embarrassing party memory? Don’t be shy now!
Shy? That’s hardly my style, but as a lady, sharing an embarrassing moment, that’s another thing altogether.  Oh, how about the time my mother made me play the piano for her guests? I didn’t want to, of course, but you know how hard it is to tell my mother no. Finally, I gave in and sat down to play.  When I opened the lid to the keyboard, a frog jumped out, and I screamed.  That rotten little brother of mine had put it there.

That is simply terrible! I don't blame you one little bit! I certainly hope he heard from you later.
What is your favorite party food?
Hmmm. I do love strawberry sundaes, but I don’t think I’ve ever had one at a party. Oh, I know my favorite. I was at a wedding once where they had a lovely wedding cake. Tucked between the layers were lovely little silver charms, each tied to a ribbon. We bridesmaids each pulled one out and it was supposed to tell our fortune. I pulled out an anchor. It stood for adventure. I guess it couldn’t have been more true.  I still have it. 

Marguerite, it has been oh so good to chat with you... oh here comes Trip! You better hurry and join him. :-) Until then, I'll set out the deserts. We have strawberry sundaes in honor of Marguerite and Trip. And we will spend the afternoon sailing Lake Manawa and dancing beneath the twinkling lights. I have even heard, and I don't believe this is idle gossip, that the woman who sets herself on fire is going to be here tonight! Make sure you stick around for this.

And for those that are brave enough to go sailing with Marguerite and Trip will be entered to win this delightful novel (one of my top favorites of 2010), Making Waves.

Remember, first commenter gets an extra entry into Sunday's BLOWOUT! :-)


  1. I just love the cover of this book and really would love to read it.


  2. This book sounds delightful.

    Please enter my name into the drawing.



  3. cool cover. I love it. thanks for the interview.

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  4. How fun to get to know Marguerite even better. :D Loved the interview.

    No need to put me in the drawing ... I've already got (3) copies of Making Waves.

  5. Hi Jo, didn't Revell do an outstanding job on the cover of Making Waves. I was so tickled when I saw it.

    Tammi, I hope you enjoy it. I wanted Marguerite to be a character that people could relate to. She's not perfect, but she is fun.

    Apple Blossom, I love your profile pic! Good luck.

    Brenda! So nice of you to stop by. Three copies? When did you get all those?

  6. The cover really is intriguing. It's catchy.

  7. What a fun sounding book! The cover has been catching my eye for a while now.


  8. Casey, what a creative way to feature this book! I've read such great things about this book. I'd love to be included in the giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity!

    reneeasmith61 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  9. Hello ladies!! I know, isn't the cover just wonderful?? And book two is just as stunning!!

    Lorna, thanks so much for coming by!! I am thrilled you were able to make it.

    Enjoy the water everyone, I think Trip will be giving rides here shortly. The wind isn't too breezy either, so it should be just perfect. :)

    Hmm, has anyone tried those chocolate covered strawberries yet? Delicious!!

  10. So fun! I, too, love the cover. It looks/sounds like it'd be an interesting read!


  11. What a fun interview and a fun read that is much more than a light beach read.

    My grandpa used to take me sailing as a girl...would love to go with my hubby someday only neither of us has a clue how :)

    No need to enter me, I've already read and loved Lorna's book :)

  12. This book sounds like a lot of fun to read!

    Thanks for the opportunity to win it!


  13. Sounds like a great book! Thanks for the chance.

    nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

  14. *Not an entry*

    I just love this book and I definitely look forward to reading more from Lorna in the future.

  15. I would love to be entered in this giveaway. Would have been here earlier but forgot you were starting your blog party:) Can't wait to see all the fun! Thanks!


  16. Casey, this is quite a party! I forgot to tell you earlier Happy Blog Birthday! Thank you so much for inviting Marguerite and me.

    Haralvarez, if you think this cover is catchy, you'll have to check out book 2 in the series. It's called A Great Catch. (Play on words intended. :) )

    Holly, isn't it funny how some books just keep calling to us from the shelves? I have my eye on few titles myself.

    Hi Renee! I loved Casey's creative interview,too. It was a lot of fun thinking about Marguerite and her world again.

  17. Casey, if Trip's giving rides, then we'd better call in crowd control. You know those dimples of his could cause a riot.

    Leanne, thank you!

    Julia, I'm envious. I'll let you in on a little secret. I've never been sailing. I read a ton of books on the subject and had a friend who consulted with me who sails a great deal, but I've not had the privilege.

    Edwina and Nancy, good luck to both of you!

    Hi Margaret! Thank you for stopping by and for your kind words.

    Charity, glad you made it. Don't you hate missing a good blog party?

  18. Oh I think we'll be okay for now Lorna. Everyone seems to be containing themselves... so far. ;)

    Thank YOU for helping me celebrate. Getting to visit with Marguerite was pure pleasure. Maybe we'll have to do it again for book 2. :)

    I'm off to string the lights for the dancing later...

  19. LORNA AND CASEY ... FUN interview, and, YES, Marguerite, I HAVE seen the dimples on Tripp (in my mind, trust me!) and I don't blame you one bit for wanting a party of one with that man!!

    I want to go on record right now as saying Making Waves is one of the most fun books I've read this year and Lorna pretty much blew me away. Hard to believe this is a debut novel, girl -- it's WONDERFUL!!!

    Uh, and so are the chocolate-covered strawberries ... :)


  20. Fun interview! And I've gained five pounds just looking at all the food around here. :)


  21. What a fun blog, Casey!
    I'd love to win "Making Waves."
    The dress on the cover is absolutely beautiful.
    Thanks for the giveaway.


  22. I've heard such great things about Making Waves!! I would love to be entered.

    bluerosesheart at yahoo dot com

  23. What an entertaining post! Now I'm curious about this book! Julia and Lorna, come on up to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan next summer and I'll have my husband take you out in the sailboat he is currently building in his workshop. As a young married couple, we sailed on Lake Michigan with my husband's brother in a 37' U.S. One-design which is a very narrow and fast yacht. Haven't been sailing since the mid-1970's but we're getting back to it next summer, both of us having grown up in sailing families. So put my name in the hat for this fun read!
    Donna Winters
    bigwaterpub at gmail dot com

  24. Casey, Marguerite loves dancing!

    Julie! Thank you! And I'll share chocolate covered strawberries with you any time.

    Joy, Casey sure puts out a spread, doesn't she?

    Bluerose, thanks for stopping by!

    Great Lakes Romances, thank you for the offer. I might just have to take you up on that someday.

  25. Cute post! Don't enter me, I reviewed the book too and loved it.

  26. I adored this book including Trip and his dimples! ;-)

    Happy Birthday friend!

    Please don't enter me, I already have this one!

    XOXO~ Renee C.

  27. Grrr I meant Happy Blog's nearly 1 AM you'll have to forgive me!

    XOXO~ Renee C.

  28. Did everyone enjoy the dancing last night? I had to leave early thanks to a nasty head cold. Grr. Just what I need when I wanted to enjoy the cool island breezes. But I did get to see the woman set herself on fire! Did anyone else see it?? Talk about scarying the living daylights out of me, while refusing to let me look away! She must be crazy.

    Joy, all food is calorie free I PROMISE! Oh the wonder of cyberspace. :)

    Julie, swoooon right?? I agree Making Waves is making my favorite of 2010 list for sure. :)

    Renee, so glad you made it! The lights and food stuff won't be put away for the rest of the week, so don't feel too bad! Might as well milk this thing for as long as we can. :)

    *licks chocolate from fingers* I need to refill the strawberry dish. ;)

  29. Fun, fun, fun!! I'm jumping up and down ecstatically here saying :::pick me, pick me, pick me::: Would LOVE to read this one!! Thank you for entering my name into the hat, and for sharing the chocolate covered strawberries!!

    scraphappy71 at sbcglobal dot net

  30. This book sound wonderful.Please enter me in the giveaway.Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.augustlily06(at)aim(dot)com.

  31. I absolutely love the cover of Making Waves and would love to be entered to win a copy. Thank you for the opportunity!

    Cindy W.


  32. LOL Michelle, I can personally guarentee that if you don't win the book here you need to go and BUY it!! It is THAT good! I put in on par with Julie Lessmas as far as a great expectation getting met 100% of the way!

  33. That sounds like a book that I need to read FOR SURE, Casey!!!! :D

  34. Congrats on your "blogaversary" Ms. Casey! I just looked up the summary for this one, and it sounds great. =) And I agree with the commenter above who said this was an entertaining way to feature a book!

    Thanks for the chance to win!


  35. Your killing me with the pictures of the food!! Oh yum!!!
    I love the cover of this book, makes me wish I had been born 100 years earlier or so. Please include me!


  36. Oh, I've seen this book around and it looks good. Love the cover! Would love to read it.

  37. Michelle, YES, YES, YES!!

    LOL,Maureen, aren't they delicious looking?? LOVE the internet!! Whoops! Just gave away my secret ingredient. :)

  38. GREAT BOOK! LOVE the cover and description! Please enter me:). HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
    apeygirl at gmail dot com

  39. Oh my goodness! So sorry I'm late!

    What a super fun interview and party! I absolutely loved this book (so no need to enter me!). ;) Dancing by the lake with the lights twinkling... *sigh* Does Trip have any friends here? I could use a dance partner... ;)

    And are those chocolate-dipped strawberries I see...?!


  40. Dancing, sailing, a cute guy... I think I've gone back in time to relive my early days with my DH, oh wait we were talking about Margarite. I'd love to win Lorna's book, it sounds so fun and romantic.

  41. I would love to win Lorna's book. I love being on the water or just near water. A slow boat ride, so I can read, down the river or on the lake would be wonderful. So peaceful and soothing. My kind of day for sure.

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  42. Great cover... and the setting of the book intrigues me. Would love to win a copy!


  43. I am so in love with the cover...made me so curious to read (usually I don't judge by cover

    Thank you for hosting this giveaway

    schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com

  44. What a fun sounding book!!! I am a little scared of water...but would attempt sailing away in a book! martha(at)lclink(dot)com

  45. I've heard this book is good, I'd like to give it a try :)


  46. This seems like such a fun book!
    Would love to win it!
    ~Jen Unsell

  47. I enjoyed this post and their answers. I do love this cover.
    Happy Bogoversary.
    Carol L.

  48. Ooooo - so fun! I LOVE those pics! I wanna go there!!!!

    Enter me for this one!

    Carol at carolmoncado dot com

  49. Thanks for the giveaway. Please enter me in contest. I would love to read this book.

  50. Please enter my name in your give away. Your book sounds great.
    Carmen sent me.


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)