Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Writer's Party!! Tiffany Colter and Critique Giveaway!!

I want to introduce you to a simply lovely lady (inside and out) and one who has critiqued my writing in the past, Tiffany Colter, Writing Career Coach.

Have you read Jody Hedlund's The Preacher's Bride yet? You should! Tiffany helped mentor Jody in that work of excellent fiction. Along with helping many other authors who are now published or on their way to publication. Though she can in no way guarantee publication, it is obvious she has the ability to help the new author.

I worked with Tiff for quite a while on my first manuscript and know she is one tough critic! But underneath the surface "toughness" is a heart that really longs to see the writer do a great job.

I am SO thrilled to offer Tiff to you today and she has generously offered a critique winning to someone this week in honor of my blog celebration, so read on!

 Parties are almost always a great place for memories, what is your favorite?

My favorite party memory?  Hmm, that is a tough one. I've not been to many parties. I know, SHOCKING!! [Everyone who knows me personally is now laughing. I'm a major homebody!]
But there are actually a couple of parties that stand out to me. One was when I moved to Ann Arbor in High School. I was a new kid and going through MAJOR culture shock. I decided to invite a group of kids to come over. I cannot tell you what in particular stood out about that party, I just always remembered it.
The other one was when I turned 10. This was back in the 80s [yes, the EIGHTIES....feels so long ago.] My Dad was a photographer and had access to these new recorders. You could make movies on them [the Huge camcorder was bigger than most VCRs are now]. Well, most of us kids had never seen anything like this so we spent the entire slumber party jostling for a position in front of the TV [the camcorder was sitting on top of the TV...too heavy to hold.] And my little brother, Seth, who was about 7 at the time attacked the party and was chasing us around the room. Funny memories!!

Who would attend your dream party?

My Dream Party? Wow, I have no idea. I'd obviously want my family & friends. I was an exchange student, so I'd count my French and German families among MY family. I'd want Jim Meister [my 9th grade lit teacher who told me to "Become Famous Someday"], and I'd want some of my heroes to be there.

What is your favorite cake?

This may surprise you, but I'm not a huge cake fan. I don't really have much of a sweet tooth. I like Greek Yogurt that is pomegranate or Fig flavored. I don't like sugar in my coffee. I like Dark Chocolate. As a child I'd eat straight cocoa powder [without sugar] and I'd rather have fresh fruit with creme fraiche on it than ice cream.
So, I guess my favorite cake might be coffee cake.

  Where would you hold your party?

The Hathaway House in Blissfield, MI. No doubt in my mind!

What would you serve?

Hathaway's Signature dishes [Salmon, Steak Diane, Fried Chicken, Carriage House Salad, Pate and Hathaway Cheese, and their torte.] I'd also bring in fresh fruit, a variety of cheeses [among them Boursin, Brie, and Raclette] and finger sandwiches. I know it sounds pretentious, but it's my party, right?

Fun happenings, Tiff!! Thanks for being here!

And now what Tiff is offering to giveaway away to one fortunate commenter this week that would like to have their writing critiqued. I warn you, she's thorough.... ;-)

Winner's choice of either:1. A 3k word detailed edit/critique
2. A 40 minute phone consultation/brainstorm session.
3. A copy of my newest Writing Career Coach training book in print or ebook form.

And with all of these, the winner will also get 20% any service [other than printing] within 30 days of your event.

Party Question of the day:
Would is the main dish you would serve at your party?

Remember, first commenters get an extra entry into Sunday's BLOWOUT!

I brought a fruit platter to go along with the cheese, so help yourself! :-)


  1. Hi Tiffany and Casey!

    Tiffany, now I know your secret to staying so tiny...no sweet tooth? How nice would THAT be! :)

  2. I didn't want to comment first because I'd actually like to win a critique or consultation. Especially after checking out Tiffany's blog! But here on the east coast the day is well underway, and I'm sure my senior English class is eagerly awaiting our discussion of Screwtape Letters (Ha Ha) . . . Anyway, your blog was very informative, Tiffany. And thanks for hosting such a great party, Casey. Please enter me . . . reneeasmith61 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  3. I would serve chicken as my main dish. Thanks for the giveaway. I have been thinking about writing a book but dont know where I want to begin. I would love to read your book about it. Writing Career Coach. Please enter me in contest. Tore923@aol.com

  4. I would love a critique or consultation, although as a beginner I'm thinking I would put Tiffany's thoroughness to the test. I love The Preacher's Bride...so that is recommendation enough in my book.


  5. Hmm....I love Chicken and Noodles, so doubtless I'd find a recipe with those two yummy ingredients for my main dish. Then make wonderful sides to go along with it! Ohh, I'm getting hungry!! *grin*

    I'd love to have my work critiqued by Tiffany!! I am in the middle of writing a historical fiction set after the murder of Xerxes in Ancient Persia, and I'd love for her to critique my writing!!

    Please enter me and I'll keep my fingers crossed! :-)


    ~ Katie M

  6. Hmmm...I think my main entree would be a dish I call "Smothered Chicken." It's delish and a family favorite!

    Would love to win Tiffany's latest book!


  7. Yum, fruit and cheese. I remember when my grandma got one of those HUGE camcorders when I was a kid. My cousin and I used to dress up Barbies and put on music on the background and make movies. We'd spend hours doing that!

    I've heard great things about Tiffany Colter's critiques and would love the chance for some thorough feedback. These party posts are fun, Casey!

  8. Isn't food a main part of everything we do?? I have often wondered what it would be like to not have to eat at all, but then I think of all the fun tastes I would miss out on! God must have known what He was doing when He gave us taste buds. :)

    Renee Ann, you are stil entered for this giveaway even if you are first commenter, so don't worry!

    Thanks for coming by ladies! I think I'm going to go snatch some fruit, it looks heavenly this morning. :)

  9. Casey, That fruit tray looks amazing! If I had someone to cut up my fruit like that, I'd eat a lot more fruit!

    My main dish at a party would be homemade lasagna. I have a great recipe and it's almost foolproof. Add a huge Caesar salad and it's all good!

    I'd love to win a critique by Tiffany. My email is sbmason at sympatico dot ca.

    Congrats on your 1st year anniversary. It's a lovely blog.


  10. No sweet tooth? Now there's a problem I'd looovve to have!

    I'd also love a critique. Thanks for the opportunity. :)


  11. Fresh fruit, cheese, and finger sandwiches?? PERFECT!

    I have not read or heard of her book, but I'm adding it to my list.

    And you don't need to enter me in this drawing. :)

    Another great post/interview!

  12. I would probably serve Taco Casserole as my main dish. It's easy, quick & YUMMO!

    I would love to be entered for a copy of Writing Career Coach training book in print. Thank you for the chance.

    Cindy W.


  13. Tiffany!! Gosh, girl, where were you a few years ago when I was working my way up to 45 rejections on A Passion Most Pure!! I'll bet you could have cut that number WAY down for me!! Wish I'd known about you then ... :)

    Casey, the #1 dish I serve at my dinner parties has been a show-stopper entree called Chicken Suisse, which is to die for -- chicken breasts stuffed with Swiss cheese and slow-cooked in white wine and chicken boullion -- SO GOOD!! I serve it with pears poached in red wine, lemon green beans (stuffed in real lemon slices "napkin ring" slices, of course) and wild rice with toasted almonds and button mushrooms. Gosh, I'm getting hungry ...


  14. Oh I want to go to Julie's party! Yum.
    I would probably make a ham dinner, with au gratin potatoes and scalloped corn..homemade rolls. Of course, Raspberry Glaze' pie.


  15. Let's go to Julie's party together, Maureen. Hmmm, wonder where Julie gets the time between her book writing? I'd like a party with lots of sweets...kind of a sweets tasting party - dessert first. That would probably make everyone sick, so wouldn't want to do that. I'll be sensible. One of the most successful dinner parties I gave years ago when I was a Weight Watcher Counselor was all of specially prepared dishes of "legal" foods. It was delicious and received many compliments and requests for the recipes. Some of the guests ate heartily and didn't know the difference! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway...I'd love, love, love to win the "Writing Career Coach" training book. I desperately need that book. Thanks for the chance to win it...I hope I do!!

    Barb Shelton
    barbjan10 at tx dot rr dot com

  16. My favorite main dish to serve is Italian Peasant soup. Hearty soup of chicken sausage, kidney beans, tomatoes and spinach topped with Parmesan. Even kids eat it!

    Hmm, I think I would pick the phone consultation if I won.

    rmjagears AT gmail DOT com

  17. I'm not a writer so don't enter me for this giveaway. But I do want to answer that my main dish would be Sausage and peppers served over baked Zita.
    Carol L.

  18. A thorough critique, now that sounds useful.

    My favorite main dish is Crepes a la Poulet au Fromage, yummmm

    A J Hawke

    ajhawkeauthor at aol dot com

  19. Let's see... Main dish at one of my parties...

    Usually cake. But we just do cake/ice cream parties.

    I dream of the day I could throw/have a 'real' party somewhere. I have no idea what it would be for but...

    A critique would be AWESOME [you know, since I have a FULL I'm trying to get ready for an editor!]

    carol at carolmoncado dot com


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)