Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Another Day to PARTY!! Casey Interviews, Renee, Amber, Ashley, Joy, Carman and Molly!!

What party I ask would be complete without interviewing our fellow bloggers? The ones that make this journey so very fun. What would we do without the rest of the community of bloggers that share the joy and are always willing to help with nearly anything! I had to share the fun with my blogger buds, so here are just a few of the MANY I have enjoyed connecting with. Check it out! There are THREE giveaways going on today! Don't forget that first commenter gets an EXTRA entry in Sunday's BLOWOUT!


What is your favorite way to celebrate an event?


Molly: To spend it with my family. I am a single mom of two boys (ages 8 and 6) and live with my parents (not ashamed to say it-without them and the Lord I wouldn't be where I am today!) so we are all VERY close. If something is going on or there is a holiday or party of some sort I always want to spend it with them, as its special to me and so are they =)

Renee and Coco

Renee: Is there any other way to celebrate a special event than gathering around with your family and friends all together in one place? When you can’t be with all your family or friends it helps to have social network site likes Twitter or Facebook where you can go to wish friends birthday wishes or congratulations. Of course I also like to celebrate on my blog and on friend’s blogs with interviews and special guests and great books. ;-) What better way to celebrate life’s successes than by sharing a good book!


Joy: I feel bad answering any party related questions because I have social reclusive tendencies (my husband assures me I'm one pet allergy away from being the neighborhood cat lady- holed up in her house talking to her animals).  Parties are really not my thing.  So my favorite way to celebrate something would definitely be at home with my family. 


Amber: I love celebrating with family and/or very close friends! And as those who have visited my blog ("Seasons of Humility") know, I love themed parties! My last birthday was Toy Story-themed in honor of the release of Toy Story 3 in theaters, and I even did a themed birthday week (with different themes each day pertaining in some sense to Toy Story) on my blog. Yay for fun themes!


Ashley: That's a no brainier. I love to celebrate any shindig with lots of people, lots of activity and LOTS of noise. It doesn't matter what we're celebrating or where, for me, no party is complete without everyone in the room talking at 150 decibels. That's what makes a party...well.., a party.


Carman: With my friends and family all around me! (I also usually squeal and wiggle a lot when I'm really excited. LOL)

What is your favorite party activity?
Renee: Hmmm Hmmm this is a toughie but I definitely LOVE to eat cake, that’s an activity, right?
Is a party complete without cake? No way! I love just about any kind of cake but my favorite is definitely vanilla, not the big box store cakes or cake mix but homemade light fluffy goodness like the cake from the local bakery. Yum!
Joy: Pin the tail on the donkey?  My son loves that one, but it's probably only popular with the preschool set.
Carman: Dancing! I love to turn the music up really loud, close my eyes, and just have fun. Especially when my friends are there and we can laugh at each other. ;D
Ashley: Dancing!  I may have two left feet, but if I hear 50's swing music start playing, there ain’t nothing that can keep me off the dance floor.
Molly: Hmm.....that is a tough one. Charades is a good one I suppose, if I have to name just one.
Amber: Opening presents! Oh, wait, just parties in general? ;) Well, I love eating and socializing, if those count for party activities. Food at birthday parties for our family is amazing! My grandma makes a delightfully delicious chocolate Texas cake. Yum! And as for the socializing part, it's great to just joke and chat away with loved ones. I can be quite the chatter box when I'm excited about something, and parties are worth getting excited about!

If you could have any party you wanted, what would it be?
Amber: Ooooh, a question about themes! Well, I'm sure I could think of a bunch of great party themes I would love, but I'll try to stick to just one. ;) I'm assuming we're working with unlimited funds, right? (If we're going to begin using our imaginations, we might as well exercise them thoroughly!)

I think it would be fantastic to have a "Love Finds You" book series party! We could have a bunch of mini-themes going on, with chocolate treats in honor of LFY in Hershey, Pennsylvania; Hawaiian leis to wear in honor of LFY in Lahaina, Hawaii; a rodeo in honor of LFY in Pendleton, Oregon; etc. Each person could dress up to fit the time period or setting of any one of the books in the series of her choosing and we could have a contest, with the person with the most creative outfit winning a trip to the place she was representing! And, of course, there would be goody bags with a copy of one of the books in each bag. (Don't worry; we could trade with each other, too!) We would have a grand ol' time with lots of music, food, and book-talk!
I'm thinking I should keep this is mind as a possible themed blog week idea!

Ashley: Oh boy, that’s a toughie. Umm…I'd have to say a party themed after my favorite books. Like we'd  have traditional Irish food (like in A Passion Most Pure), Pin-the-Sail-On-The-Pirate-Ship (after The Red Siren) and  of course it would be a costume party and I don’t about all Y’all, but I would definitely wear the dress Scarlett (from Gone With The Wind), wore when she went to visit Ashley at the Lumber Mill. It was a beautiful white organza dress with a low sitting bustle in the back, accompanied by a stunning, blue velvet bolero to go over the top, and a jaunty little white hat and veil to top off the ensemble. ;)
Carman: Good question! Um... I would probably have a legit Gone With the Wind party with authentic costumes, food, and dances. (Not to mention the house. With the staircase!)
Molly: Books. Anything dealing with books. =) It could be a birthday with Books as decorations and books on the cake. Or, if "book" decorations aren’t available, vintage decorations. I LOVE vintage stuff and butterflies
Joy: A book launch party and it would take place online so I could enjoy it from my laptop in my pajamas. :)
Renee: Okay this is another tough question but if it were possible I would have a book/Pittsburgh Steelers/Mustang/ vintage clothing themed party…hmmmm maybe that’s why I don’t have a lot of parties because that would be sooooo crazy!

If you could invite anyone you wanted, who would be there?
Molly: best friend (whom I've never met face to face!) Michelle (she's a fellow blogger too- and, of course, my kids and parents would be there. If I had to choose some others, it would be my dear friend Deb (whom I've also never met face to face) and my Aunt.
Joy: My network of online friends, aspiring writers, and published authors.
Renee: Well family and friends are a given of course but I would definitely invite all of my Blogger friends too! It would be fun to get a bunch of us together in one room to talk books wouldn’t it?
Ashley: Beside you guys? Probably all my ancestors; see on my dad's side, my family members were a Russian circus act eons ago (or so goes the family legend), and I think they would really know how to P-A-R-T-Y! And if all else failed, they, at least, could teach me how to walk on a tightrope, which has been kind of a lifelong dream of mine.
Amber: I would invite all of my dear blogging friends! It would be so great to meet you all in person. And I think it would be fun to invite all of the authors of the "Love Finds You" books, too! (Cerella, that means you have to come and bring the chocolate-covered strawberries for us all!)
Carman: Besides friends and family, I would invite all of the authors and bloggers that I have gotten to know over the Internet. It would be so cool to meet them all in person!

What is your favorite memory?
Joy: As a kid, I went to a birthday party at McDonald's and I remember thinking that was the coolest thing (we didn't eat out very often in the seventies).  So having a cheeseburger and birthday cake there was pretty cool.  I gave my son a birthday party at McDonald's a couple of decades later.  Somehow I think the novelty was lost on him.  And the cake didn't taste as good as I remembered.
Ashley: That would have to be the time we had a birthday party for both  my Dad and oldest Sister, Stephanie. See, they both share the same birth date and so we have always had a joint party for them and that year my sister got it in her head to put some excitement into the party, as if blowing out 5 dozen candles wasn't exciting enough. So, being the "loving" and "mature" sister that Stephanie was, she actually came up behind me, while I was eating my slice of cake, and  out of the blue asked me "how do the little piggy eat?". Before I could utter a word, my head was face first into my slice of cake. All I remember were streaks of blue and white icing and my sister's laughter and that of the rest of the family too. I It was all in good fun, but I'm still looking for the perfect opportunity to get back at her.  
Renee: Oh gosh, I don’t go to many parties but I have to say one of the best I’ve ever been to was not one with a bunch of people but an impromptu bachelorette party with two good friends. It wasn’t a wild and crazy type party unless you count 3 girls sitting together in Eat ‘n Park for 2 hours talking books, guys and everything in between as crazy.  There’s nothing as much fun as hanging out with your girlfriends especially when you don’t get to see them all that much! I was also introduced to the Twilight series that night and have been Team Edward ever since.
Carman: That would probably be my Sweet Sixteen FOOD FIGHT! We had noodles, oatmeal, bread crumbs, and lots of other fun stuff. It was stinking awesome! :D
Amber: That's a hard one! I have such a wonderful family, and all of my birthday parties have been so special. I also have fond memories of Murder Mystery parties I've hosted. It helps to have a dummy in the house that you can use for the body! ;) One of my poor friends has been the person to "discover" it both times, and we've all had some laughs over that. Good times!

FUN interview Ladies! Thanks for being game!!
Okay, here we go again! There are going to be THREE winners today. Two from me and Renee has generously offered a copy of Amy Inspired as well. Thanks Renee!
Remember, the first person to comment gets an EXTRA entry into this Sunday's BLOWOUT extravaganza.
Today's giveaways are:


Let's extend the interview, shall we? Take one of the above questions from the blogger interview and answer it! Then tell me which book you would like to win. Another day to celebrate an AWESOME year of blogging!!!


  1. I LOVED this post, Casey! I've visited all these blogs and enjoyed them. And the personality of each blogger enhances going online for me. I so look forward to reading their posts and also the comments they leave on other blogs. It really makes my day!

    I must admit I love to party! I try to find a way to celebrate each book I read with my students by watching a movie version (or related movie) with lots of yummy theme-related treats. And I love birthday parties with my sisters, nieces and nephews. At the birthday parties, I make a special BINGO game for the birthday person. All the questions and answers have to do with their favorite things or events from their lives. And we always have prizes! . . . But a Gone With the Wind party--that would be awesome! No one in my life enjoys book talk as much as my online friends.

    I'd be interested in Margaret Brownley's book if my name were chosen. I appreciate your generosity! reneeasmith61 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  2. Please don't enter me in this contest (I already have all of these LOVELY and AMAZING books! I just wanted to stop by and say THANK YOU for interviewing me! This was fun to read about all our different things that make us us! :o) You're great, Casey and I LOVE LOVE LOVE YOUR BLOG!


  3. My favorite way to spend an event is with family and friends. I would love to win any of the three books. They all sound really good. Please enter me in contest.

  4. Hey!
    Well to answer one of the questions:
    If I could invite anyone I wanted, who would be there?
    Definitely my friends and family, and my Compassion child from Honduras!
    Thanks for the fun interview and giveaway!

    If I win I would like A Lady Like Sarah.

  5. Who would I want to come to my party? I do believe I would invite all my Alley Cats and blogging buddies. To meet face to face and party till the sun shines in the east would be such a treat!

    You sure know how to throw a party, girl! All those books look great and I've really been wanting to get my hands on A Lady Like Sarah. ;)

  6. If I could have any party I wanted, I would have it in the Eygptian Ballroom of the Fox Theatre in Atlanta. This room is absolutely stunning. Attire from the 30's, and 40's would be required and I would have a DJ to play music from the same era. There would be dancing and and loads of food. For dessert, I would have the chef replicate my mother's famous Strawberry Cake.

    It's nice to dream - thanks for the opportunity.

  7. what a fabulous party!!!!

    i absolutely loved this posting, ladies.

    please add my name to 'amy inspired'...i have read (and enjoyed) the other two books listed today.

    have a great day :)

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  8. Thank you for having me Casey this was such a fun interview and a great idea!

    Amber, Carman, Molly, Joy and Ashley you guys are great! It was so fun reading your responses I'd love to get together and party with you guys. :-P

    XOXO~ Renee
    please don't enter me in the giveaways

  9. This was a really fun post! It was really great that you had all of them answering the questions.
    My favorite way to spend an event is with my family and friends. Nothing beats getting together with the people that know you the best!

    Please enter my name for A Lady Like Sarah!


  10. Awesome post and giveaway! It's so awesome to see all the people from my favorite blogs on here! Thanks!

    Please enter my name for A Lady Like Sarah!


  11. If I could have anyone I wanted at my party, I'd have all my far away family, friends from college and a few of my online friends.


  12. Um, thanks for the giveaway!

    Please enter my name for A Lady Like Sarah!

    Thanks again!


  13. I love themed birthdays :) I did a Paris one last year which was SO much fun! :D

    I would like Scattered Petals.



  14. What a great post! I really enjoyed reading it!
    My favorite activity to do is to play Monopoly with my friends and have a blast! =)

    Please enter me for A Lady Like Sarah!


  15. That was SO awesome.

    What fun!

    I'm a new follower :)

    Please count me in :)

  16. Great post and giveaway!
    My favorite way to celebrate my birthday is with my family and friends, as well as a homemade chocolate cake! LOL.

    Please enter me for A Lady Like Sarah!


  17. Hmmm... a themed party? I'd probably do something sci-fi or along those lines.

    Please enter me for A Lady Like Sarah! Thanks!


  18. Do you have links to the bloggers featured? I would love to visit their sites.

  19. If I could invite anyone I wanted to my party, I think I'd choose the same people I always have there: my family and friends!

    Please enter me for A Lady Like Sarah!


  20. @ Juju They're towards the top in blue :-)

    XOXO~ Renee

  21. Renee: Thanks :) I totally missed that some how.

  22. Oh. My. Goodness. TALK ABOUT A PACKED HOUSE!! Keep 'em coming, this so fun!!!!

    I don't think I could ever reply to all your wonderful comments. But I think this really sums up why I love blogging so much. You guys are motivating, encouraging, wonderful people and I enjoy meeting each and every one of you so very much!

    Sherrinda, who are you calling an Alley Cat. Hmmm?? ;)

    Juju, yes links are at the top in blue, don't know why the ended up in blue, but they did. :)

    Molly, THANK YOU!! I appreciate that!

    Looking forward to another year with you guys. God is SO good!! :)

  23. Fun interviews! I liked that you interviewed fellow bloggers. :)

    If I could invite anyone to my party, I'd definitely have all of my blogging friends from over on Xanga! I have only gotten to meet one of them, but I hope to meet many more down the road.

    I'd love to win A Lady Like Sarah.


  24. My favorite kind of partys to be invited to are the ones where my friends all get together and we have an awesome time hanging out for one reason or another! It doesnt have to be special reason for a party - just hanging out with my friends is reason enough! We always have a blast weither we are playing volleyball, playing games, or watching a movie together!

    I'd love to win A Lady Like Sarah - I still havent read it yet and it looks good!

    - Katie M

  25. Congrats on your 1 year blogiversary! I am here from Renee's terrific blog. This is such a great post! But all the cake pictures left me with a craving for a sweet slice of cake!!

    I also like the idea of hosting a great, big party for all my blogging friends, who live all around the world. If I win, I would be interested in Amy Inspired. Thanks so much!


  26. I enjoy ALL of these blogs!! What fun answers!! I loved hearing that Ashley's parents were a circus act.

    I love Amber's idea for a Love Finds You Party. And Renee's...and Ashleys..etc...

    Being that I rarely get "girl's nights out" my perfect party would be a Regency afternoon tea. Each of my girlfriends would wear their best ball gown. We would have a high tea with cream tea, cheese, cake, and loads of pastries.

  27. If I'm drawn I would love to read A Lady Like Sarah (Sorry, forgot to add that).


  28. My favorite way to celebrate is being in an environment where it is easy to converse.
    I would like any of the three books.

  29. Hi Casey,

    Sorry I'm tardy to your party! :)

    I love the idea of a themed party around my favorite historical romances. I would dress up like Scarlett O'Hara in a heart beat. :)

    Happy one year anniversary. I'd love to read Scattered Pearls.



  30. If I could have a party and invite anyone I wanted, I'd be sure my college roommates could come. It has been many years since we've all been together.
    I would love to win "A Lady Like Sarah."

  31. Such a fun time happening here on your blog!!! I would have to say my favorite activity at a party is eating the cake :) Especially if it is all chocolate! YUMMY!!!

    I haven't read any of these books, but I think I would like to read Scattered Petals.

    homesteading [at]charter[dot]net

  32. What a FUN blog today! Love all the pictures...and the cake. NO calories right!?!

    Cindy W.


  33. Loved this fun interview:)

    I always want to celebrate events with my husband and two kids:)

    I would love to win any of the books, but would choose Scattered Petals as my first choice:)


    I've got a tic in my eye from seeing all my favorite bloggers here, HOLY COW!!

    Molly, Renee and Amber, LOVE seeing pix of you in your habitat and LOVE seeing Coco -- sooo cute!!

    And Carman and Ashley, you gotta know I'd come to your parties ANY DAY with a GWTW theme!!! Uh, except I have dibbs on the scarlet dress Scarlett wears when Rhett forces her to go to Ashley's b-dy party alone. WOW, what a dress and ... ahem ... what a night!! :)

    Joy, you're a social recluse??? I find that hard to believe, but then I joke that I am a recluse who has the misfortune of having an outgoing personality, so it's probably the same with you. If my husband didn't drag me out of the house on occasion, I'd be at the computer 18/7!!

    What is my favorite party activity?

    Chips and dip!! Every family get-together on my hubby's side of the family begins with three hours of chips and dips and maybe dominoes or just talking ... all before a huge spread of food, which, unfortunately guarantees I pick up 2-3 pounds every holiday!!


  35. My dream party would be some sort of medieval-theme . . . 'cause I LOVE Christian Fantasy --OOH, maybe a Narnia party! =)

    Thanks so much for the chance to win either book sounds great!


  36. @ Julie- Coco is my baby, I'm glad you got to see her and she says thank you very much for saying she's cute!

    XOXO~ Renee

  37. I think a murder mystery party would be awesome; costumes, parts, props and lots of good food, of course! Please toss my name in for A Lady Like Sarah.

  38. Cindy, NO Calories I promise!! Everything is promised to not add an ounce to any hips. :)

    Julie, someone I doubt you would EVER be a social recluse. You're too vibrant for that. :)

    Joy, you are welcome early or late! Glad you got here. :)

    So glad to see you are all still hanging around for this craziness! :)

  39. If I could invite anyone to a party... I would invite my sister, Shannon. She would BE the party. I simply couldn't have one without her! :) Thank you for this giveaway! Please enter me for 'Amy Inspired'. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
    apeygirl at gmail dot com

  40. My favorite party activity is, eating cake..of course!
    I'd be interested in Amy Inspired.
    umdmaurer at gmail dot com

  41. Super fun interviews, Casey! Thanks for letting me be a part of the festivities! I love all these pictures you have everywhere, as well! :D

    Renee, Ashley, Molly, Carman, and Joy--loved reading your responses! You guys are awesome!!!

    I'd love a chance to win Scattered Petals, Casey! Thank you!



  42. P.S. After completing this interview, I actually did decide to do a "Love Finds You" party on my blog (December 5-10), so I'd love to see you all there! :D


  43. Love reading this post. When my son had his 8th birthday we had Star Trek theme. I made the cake (don't want to try that again) and he received Star Trek toys and the treats and games were based on Star Trek. The kids had a blast and my son talked about his party for a long time.

    Would love to win A Lady Like Sarah or any of them since I have not read them. lol

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  44. It would be a dream come true if all my kids, grandkids and great-grandkids; plus my mother, brother, relatives and dear friends could all take a cruise or meet in a special place for fun and frivolity. Some of my great-grandkids I've never met yet. My husband says we'd need to rent the new Cowboys Stadium here in Arlington, Tx, where we live. I was born and raised in Kansas and everytime we visit there, my husband claims that I'm related to most of Kansas. He could be right!
    These giveaway questions are so much fun...I'm getting a headache from having to think so hard...LOL.. Thanks for the chance to win and I hope I do.

    Barb Shelton
    barbjan10 at tx dot rr dot com

  45. Well, the term "better late then never" is a lie. I wish I could have come yesterday, but school had kept me book-bound all day.:(
    Amber, Molly, Renee, Joy, Carmen: love, love, LOVED reading you're answers! What's not fun about learning new things about your fave blogging buddies? So much fun.

    JULIE~I think the scarlet dress would look ravishing on you. But, I'm sure Rhett wouldn't have to force you to ware it;)Though, that wouldn't be such a bad thing, right? Just kidding. LOL

    CASEY~ So far the party has been AWESOME and I just feel so bad I haven't been able to party-hardy as much as the rest of Y'all:(

    Love Y'all,

  46. I'm also very late or would have been here much sooner but I totally destroyed my keyboard by knocking over a glass of Pepsi and shorting it out completely. Not being able to use the computer was definitely frustrating. :)
    Great post and enjoyed reading all the answers. If I could pick a theme it would be a 30/40 era with swing dancing.
    Carol L.

  47. ooops, wrong answer lol I'd invite entire family because it's been awhile since we've all been together as a whole.Scattered Petals.
    Carol L.

  48. Okay - I said it already, but how totally fun!!!

    And I'm with whoever it was that said eating cake is an activity. Definitely my favorite!!!

    carol at carolmoncado dot com


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)