Thursday, November 18, 2010

Celebrate Love with Sandra D. Bricker and Karen Witemeyer! Party Day 5!!!

Who throws a better party than Sandra D. Bricker? If you have read one of her books, you know she knows how to make her characters have fun. One of my favorite scenes in Love Finds You in Holiday, Florida  was when the hero and heroine go dancing- retro style.

And one of my new favorite authors on the novel scene is Karen Witemeyer who's characters know how to swoon along with the reader's heart. I have fallen in love with more than just one of her characters! And some of the party events in her stories are vivid with detail and make me jump right into the story and party along with them.

These lovely ladies agreed to do an interview and giveaways for my party, thank you so much!! I think you are going to like this. :-)

What is the last party you attended?
Sandra: My BFF and I hosted it in our hotel room. It was an intimate little gathering of my favorite people on the night before ACFW began in Indianapolis. It was so much fun!
Karen: The last party I attended was an informal get-together after church at a friend's house. Several ladies cooked pots of soup and there was salad, corn bread and french bread, not to mention the decadent Reese's Peanutbutter Cup chocolate cake we had for dessert. Soup and salad sounds like a light lunch, doesn't it? Boy, I came home more full than I'd been in a long time. There were at least 5 families there and several college students. We chatted and ate and watched a little baseball and football on TV. It was a great time of fellowship.

Of the characters in your books, which one had the propensity to party? Or at least enjoy a good time?
Sandra: That would HAVE TO BE Emma and Fee from Always the Baker Never the Bride.
Karen: Adelaide Proctor, my heroine in Head in the Clouds, has a vivid imagination and loves to honor others. So when the sheep shearing on the ranch where she worked was finally concluded, she and her young charge, Isabella, organized a fun indoor picnic for all the staff. They ate finger foods and played games like charades and blind man's bluff. A good time was had by all--and a little romance began to stir, too.

 Imagine you are Oprah for a moment. What would be the perfect party gift to give away?
Sandra: I would love to award grants to writers who don't have second incomes (a husband, a day job, etc.) so that they could write full-time for a year.
Karen: Wow. Let's see... Oprah is known for her extravagant gifts, but it would depend on what type of party we were giving and if there was a theme. Since I'm an author, maybe I could give away iPads to everyone who attended. My books would already be downloaded, of course, along with some of my favorite titles from other authors.

Who would attend your dream party?
Sandra: Garry Marshall, Nora Ephron, Sandra Bullock, Drew Barrymore, and Dick Van Dyke.  :-)
Karen: I'm actually not much of a party-goer and mingling with people I don't know well is terribly uncomfortable for me, so the guest list for my dream party would include my family and closest friends. It would be informal and full of games and laughter. Nothing to get stressed over in preparation, so that I can just sit back and enjoy the party without having to play hostess.

What is your favorite party memory?
Sandra: Finding myself standing under the mistletoe with John Stamos. That was the best stroke of luck EVER!
Karen: One of my favorite party memories is from my daughter's birthday. I think she was turning 9 at the time. She'd been reading the Little House on the Prairie books and I convinced her to have a frontier party. We made sunbonnets for all the girls and had plastic cowboy hats and bandanas for the boys. We played authentic 19th century games like graces (a game where you throw a beribboned hoop through the air and your partner catches it on a pair of sticks) and had sack and three-legged races. Everyone had a great time, and I was loving the historical theme. The research for the games even found its way into my first book. You just never know what will spark an idea.

Casey again: Hmmm, Sandra I want to know more about that mistle toe event. ;-)
Karen that prairie party sounds like my kind of event, LOVED The Little House on the Prairier set!!
What's a party without gifts, right?? Check out the generosity of Sandra and Karen below. Remember, first commenter gets an extra chance in Sunday's BLOWOUT! You won't want to miss it!

That is FOUR WINNERS TODAY!!!!!!!!! Thank you Sandra and Karen! Be sure and tell me in your comment which one or all that you would like to be entered to win.

So, today's party question: what is your favorite party type book? Or one that had a party you wished you could have joined in person?


  1. Frankly I wouldn't have minded jumping into the parties in Making Waves by Lorna Seilstad or seeing from afar those in Love on A Dime by Cara Lynn James or She Walks in Beauty by Siri Mitchell. It is a time period that I just love.

    I want to win LFY in Carmel by-the-sea please!


  2. I wish I could have joined in person any of the family celebrations from Little Women, outdoor picnic party, skating party, Christmas with the Lawrences, even playing Pilgrim's Progress and tramping through the house from cellar to attic . . . I love the idea of Karen's Little House on the Prairie party! I'm eager to try that with my niece in a few years.

    Since I haven't read these books (the covers are great!), I'd appreciate being entered for any of them. reneeasmith61 [at] yahoo [dot] com

    You throw an excellent party, Casey!

  3. Wait Sandra!!!! Come back! I wanna hear about the mistletoe and John Stamos!!!!!!

  4. First I'd like to say the same thing as Sherrinda....I want to hear more from Sandra on the mistletoe and John Stamos...he's puurrrrfectly gorgeous! :o)

    Second, to answer the question. I would like to be a part of a party from any of the books that I have read from the 1800's time era. More particularly any from Mary Connealy's books...I would love to celebrate with all the humor and love that her characters' families have.

    Thanks for this chance! I would love to win either one of Sandra's books please!

    Mollydedwards AT yahoo DOT com

  5. I think some of the parties from the different time eras were really interesting. I would like to attend one of them. All the books sounds very interesting. I would be happy with winning any one of those books. Please entering me in contest.

  6. I don't know if I'd exactly call it a party, but any of the weddings in the Weddings by Bella series by Janice Thompson sound like they'd be great fun!


  7. I would have loved to have gone to the parties from the books that I read about the late 1800's early 1900's. They sounded amazing!


  8. I would love to try the treats that Marta served to her boarder's at her Boarding House in Canada. She had learned her craft in Europe before coming to North Ameria. This is from Her Mother's Hope by Francine Rivers!


  9. I would have enjoyed to go to one of the balls in the 1800s. What a fun party that would be, dressed up in a pretty silk dress with hoop skirts, and getting twirled around the dance floor!! :-)

    I cant decide between A Tailor-Made Bride and Head in the Clouds. You can choose for me, Casey! :-)


  10. I wanted to try all the amazing confections and desserts in Always the Baker and Never the Bride :)


  11. I love Karen's idea of a Little House party. And I loved the "ball" Anne attended in Anne of Green Gables (yes, the very one where Gilbert snubbed her and she meets the infamous Aunt Jo).

    I would love Head in the Clouds.


  12. FUN interview with Sandra and Karen, Case -- it's great getting to know these two wonderful authors a little bit more!!

    Favorite party type book??? No contest -- Gone With the Wind!!! I'd love to be at the BBQ at Twelve Oaks, the charity ball in Atlanta for the great and glorious cause and Ashley's birthday party to see Mrs. Butler in person in that scathing scarlet dress, squared shoulders and arched brow. I know Scarlett is not a favorite for a lot of people, but I gotta tell you as an author who thrives on dramatic characters, I have no choice but to concur with Rhett Butler -- "what a woman"!!


  13. I would pick going to a Christmas party given in the Smokey Mountians! That sounds sooo fun. Love those mountains. Let's dress up and everything! Then we could go shopping later!

  14. I'm not sure this show is even on the air now, but Paul Deen had a show all about parties. I would love to have been at one of the formal "party" shows she did.

    If my name is drawn, I'd like LFY in Carmel. Thanks!!


  15. Ooh, wow... this is a hard question! Um, I think I'd have to say the reception after Ashley and Landon's wedding in the Baxter Family Series. That would be awesome! =D

    Please enter me for LFY in Carmel by-the-Sea, California! Thanks!


  16. I've attended several 40th b'day parties lately. They are a lot of fun. The ladies are more secure in who they are and ready to enjoy life.


  17. I think I'd love to be a part of any of the balls mentioned in Ishmael by EDEN Southworth. Great time period, and great book!

    Please enter me for Love Finds You in Carmel by-the-Sea, California!


  18. Hmmm... I'd probably have to say any kind of party in a book after WWII ended. I love the time period, and I think it must've been awesome to celebrate the war being over!

    Please enter me for LFY in Carmel by-the-Sea, California!


  19. Ooh! I think I would've liked to go to Luke and Reagan's wedding from Karen Kingsbury's Baxter series! That would be awesome!

    Please enter me for LFY in Carmel by-the-sea, California


  20. Wow, there are a lot of great answers here! But I think I would like to be a part of any part from Ishmael by Mrs. EDEN Southworth as well.

    Please enter me for Love Finds You in Carmel by-the-sea, California


  21. My daughter told me about the party mentioned in Rilla of Ingleside, and it sounded like a lot of fun!

    please enter me for LFY in Carmel by-the-Sea, California! Thanks for the great giveaway!


  22. Ooh, a Gone with the Wind part does sound interesting!

    Please enter my name for LFY in Carmel by-the-sea, California!


  23. I'd love to be included in the the sea. I have the other three. thanks

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  24. Well i want to hear more about the mistletoe with John Stamos too!
    I agree with a bunch of other people, That I would love to party in any of Mary Connealy's,Janice Thompsons Weddings by Bella, Maid to Match by Deeanne Gist.
    So pretty much any time during the 1800's!
    I would like to get Always to Baker Never the Bride or Head in the Clouds.

  25. Well I think the general consensus is we wanna know more about the mistletoe and John Stamos!!! What a way to leave us hanging Ms. Sandra!!!!! :-P

    I've read all of those books except Always the Baker, Never the Bride which is in my TBR pile and they are all AWESOME! The winners are in for a treat!!!

    You are such a terrific hostess Casey! :-)

    XOXO~ Renee

  26. great about attending 'the ball' in cinderella...

    please enter my name for either 'head in the clouds' or 'always the baker, never the bride.'

    happy anniversary, casey :)

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  27. I agree with some others...any parties thrown within the Weddings by Bella series would be a blast to attend! I'm loving your blog party!

  28. I think I would have loved the balls in Pride and Prejudice; the music, lovely gowns and dancing. I'd love a copy of A Tailor-Made Bride.

  29. Ooh, I love the party question for today! What fun to think about! Hmmm, I'd love to go to any of the parties in the Jane Austen books. Or, the beach party that takes place in the winter in A Cinderella List. That sounded like so much fun!

    I haven't read any of these books! So I'd love to be entered to win any of them! Thanks!


  30. Gosh, that is a tough question. After reading everyone's answers I'm going to have to say Cinderella's Ball. That's one of my favorite movies. :)

    Please enter me to win: Always the Baker Never the Bride.

    Thanks and Happy Birthday! :)

    sundaisy920 at gmail dot com

  31. Gosh, that is a tough question. After reading everyone's answers I'm going to have to say Cinderella's Ball. That's one of my favorite movies. :)

    Please enter me to win: Always the Baker Never the Bride.

    Thanks and Happy Birthday! :)

    sundaisy920 at gmail dot com

  32. Do you all think we should boycott Sandra until she tells us more about that mistletoe event?? Doesn't that sound like good fodder for a novel?? :)

    Leanne, LOVE that profile pic! :)

    And for the record I would want to attend the wedding in the second Bella book- did the theme sound delightful?? Castle and bridge and all? That renaissance sounds stunning. What a party!!

    THANKS for coming! I just wrote the post for Sunday and I can't WAIT for you all to see it! :D :D :D :D

  33. Let's see... I think I would enjoy attending the parties(or balls) that are described in some of the more historical books I read. The dressing up in BIG dresses with petticoats and having my hair all done would be awesome!! Thanks so much for this giveaway by the way! I would love to read 'Head in the Clouds'. I read her other book, and it was great, so I am guessing this one is too!
    apeygirl at gmail dot com

  34. Wonderful post! I enjoyed it very much! A party in a book that I wished I could have joined in person?? Hmmmm...I remember a 4th of July party in one of Karen Kingsbury's novels (I think it was Summer, but I could be wrong). That would have been fun to go to! I'd also have to go with Betty's birthday celebration at Kearney's in A Hope Undaunted!!! ;-)

    AWESOME giveaway, Casey!! Thank you for entering me to win Head in the Clouds, LFY in Carmel-by-the-Sea, or Always the Baker, Never the Bride!!!

    Have a great day!
    scraphappy71 at sbcglobal dot net

  35. The party in "The Big Five-0" where Olivia goes next door and meets the handsome man she saw on the plane (his name escapes me), would be a fun one. I really enjoyed this book. I'd like to be entered to win any of the four books; they all sound very good.

  36. I would have to say any of the parties or grand balls in Gone With the Wind. I would love to be entered in your giveaway for LFY in Carmel by-the-Sea, Always the Baker, Never the Bride, & A Tailor Made Bride (already have Head in the Clouds). :o)

    Cindy W.


  37. I've never read Pride and Prejudice(I've tried!!), but I would love to be at one of those parties. Someone also mentioned Little Women. I would love to spend Christmas in that book! :)

    I've read Tailor-Made Bride, but none of the others. If I can only pick one to be entered for, though, I pick Head in the Clouds.

    bluerosesheart at yahoo dot com

  38. OK, I'm with ya'll--I totally want to hear more about being under the mistletoe with John Stamos!!! :D

    Anyway, I loved these interviews! So fun!!! And Karen, I learned how to play graces this summer at a museum!!! (Although I didn't know that was what it was called!) :D I have a video of it on my blog. Here's the URL of the post (my attempts are pretty funny, in my opinion!):

    I'd love a chance to win Head in the Clouds! (Although, it's super hard to choose out of those great options!)




  39. I'd love to be at the same parties that Julie Lessman is attending to celebrate "Gone With The Wind"! She makes them all sound so romantic:)

    I would be interested in all books except the one I own, Sandra's "Always the Baker Never the Bride".


    chakasa58 at gmail dot com

  40. Definitely a party from past eras like The era that Scarlett O'Hara lived. I know I'd have enjoyed all those wonderful parties, attending in a colossal ball gown or day dress. They were so graceful and gracious...most of them.. The gorgeous Southern Belle charm about all of the large estates, the parasols the ladies carried, traveling in elegant carriages pulled by handsome steeds. Oh, so romantic.
    Thank for for the wonderful giveaway, and I'd like to win any of these books. Guess I'll go see if I can find Rhett. Now, where did that rascal go?

    Barb Shelton
    barbjan10 at tx dot rr dot com

  41. I am so not a party person, so this is a difficult question. I've read a lot about Imperial Russia, so I think I'd have to say a grand ball at one of the St. Petersburg palaces. Probably sometime between 1870-1890.

    I've read both of Karen Witemeyer's books, so please enter me for one of Sandra Bricker's.

    mchapman (at) windstream (dot) net

  42. Your blog party is a lot of fun! Thanks for entering me in the drawings.

    twinwillowsfarm at gmail dot com

  43. i think I would like to attend Jane Austen's parties, but I am afraid I would end up like Mary in P&P....
    i would love to enter for all of the books except Tailor Made Bride, as I own that one already and a great book it is! Great interview! martha(at)lclink(dot)com

  44. The only books I can think of with parties are the Harry Potter books :P All their celebration parties sound like so much fin!

    I'd like a Tailor Made Bride :)


  45. I would love to go to any party from any of Jane Austens books. How fun that would be!

    I would love to win the Love Finds you in Carmel by the Sea. I have been wanting to read this book.

    Thank you for the great give-a-way!
    ~Jen Unsell

  46. I would love to have been a guest at the party in The Senator's Other Daughter by Stephen Bly.

    I would love to win either of Karen's books!


    jmschwindt at cox dot net

  47. I think it would be so much fun to go to the grand balls you read about in books set in the 1800's.
    I would love to read one of Karen Witemeyers books.



  48. I think it would have been interesting to see all the party goers from The Great Gatsby. Just to see all the vintage costumes from that era.
    Please enter me in the drawing for Tailor Made Bride.
    cynthiakchow (at) earthlink (dot) net

  49. What?! John Stamos?! He was my FAVE on Full House! Details!

    I think I'd like to go to Julie's party with the O'Connor family. The one she mentioned in today's interview.

    Oh. My.

    carol at carolmoncado dot com

  50. A party I would really love to attend is all the wonderful and talented authors I've met on Facebook, and authors of all the books I've won. I'd like to pick everyone's brain about writing. I hope one day to be able to do that, after I finally go the length's you all have done to get a book(s) published. God has been so gracious to me with miracles...I hope he's thinking up another one. I need a miracle! Thanks for this giveaway and the chance to win. I sure hope I do!

    Could I have the next dance?
    Barb Shelton
    barbjan10 at tx dot rr dot com

  51. I'm a Narniac, so any feast or celebration from "The Chronicles of Narnia" sounds amazing to me . . .

    I'd love to win any of the books listed, minus "Head in the Clouds" since I already own that book.

    Thank you!



Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)