Friday, November 19, 2010

The Life of the Party with Deborah Raney and Myra Johnson!

Who would attend your dream party?
Wow! It's party time! What fun questions! Well, since I peeked ahead at the questions and see that I sort of get a chance to answer this two ways, I'm going to say my dream party would include my dearest writing friends starting with my writing critique partner, Tamera Alexander, and other writers I love to brainstorm with, including (but not limited to! No way could I put a limit on this guest list!) Colleen Coble, Rene Gutteridge, Cheryl Hodde, Judith Miller, Nancy Moser, Kim Vogle Sawyer, Stephanie Grace Whitson, Deborah Vogts. Goodness, there are so many! But these are the ones I've gotten to know well and can be totally myself around. And that's what makes a party really fun!

What is your most memorable party event?
There've been many, but one of the most memorable was bittersweet, too. My little sister, a newlywed, was killed in a car accident two days before our oldest son's third birthday. We'd planned a big birthday party with our families and our grandparents, who were all living but one back then. We decided that we all wanted to be together anyway, so we made a cake and filled our house with people we love. It was precious to be together, comforting each other as we mourned the tragic loss, yet having a reason to celebrate too.

What is your favorite cake or party food?
Just one? I've always requested angel food cake for my birthday, but I'd be just as happy with a great carrot cake or tiramisu! My husband and I recently gave up sweets except for rare occasions, so now ANY cake sounds amazing! Bring it on! ; )

Casey: Deb have all the cake and tiramisu you want, no calories included! ;-)

If you could host one party in a lifetime, who would attend?
If I could only have one party, I'd definitely choose to be surrounded by my family––my parents and mother-in-law, my husband's grandparents (who will turn 100 and 101, and celebrate their 82nd wedding anniversary next May, God willing!) My husband, of course, and our four kids and their spouses, plus our daughters' special boyfriend, and of course our two little grandsons, who would be the life of the party! I'd invite my sisters and brother and their families, my husband’s three brothers and sister and their families, and both our aunts, uncles and cousins who are very special in my life. We'd need a BIG place to have the party since Ken and I are both the eldest of five-kid families! I've been so very blessed to have families that are as dear as any friends.

What was the last party you attended?
We invited some friends from our church over for a game night. Played Balderdash and had a blast! It wasn't a special occasion...just a chance to share an evening with dear friends and get to know them better. Sometimes "no reason" parties are the best! 

Parties, we all love ‘em! What is your favorite party memory?

Guess what. I am NOT a party person--LOL! But somehow I raised at least one daughter who's crazy about them. My favorite party memory, though, is actually my other daughter's 13th birthday. Instead of just inviting a bunch of friends over for munchies and music, we planned several party games--Limbo, ping-pong tournaments, "synchronized swimming" competitions in our backyard pool, etc. All the kids said it was the most fun they'd had at a birthday party in a long time! So when each of our girls turned 16, we did repeat performances, and everyone had a blast!

If you could throw any party you wanted and have anyone attend, who would be there?

Personally, I'd prefer to keep it small--just immediate family and a few close friends. My other favorite party group would ALWAYS include The Seekers (

If you could go back in time, what party event would you attend?

Wow, tough one, Casey! You know, the first thought that popped into my head was the wedding at Cana, where Jesus turned the water into wine. Now wouldn't THAT be a wonderful party to attend!

Describe your perfect party attire.

Bermudas, a wild Hawaiian-print shirt, and some super-cool shades!

What is your favorite cake?
Fudgy chocolate with lots of frosting.

Thanks SO much to Deb Raney and Myra Johnson for visiting the blog today to help celebrate my blogoversary! Loved the interviews ladies!!

And now fun for the readers! Deb and Myra have both been extremely generous to offer a gift to my blog followers and remember the FIRST commenter today gets an extra entry into the BASH on Sunday, now just a couple days away!!!

Today's winners get to choose from one of Myra's books and one of Deb's books offered below.

So, what is your favorite cake? Leave a comment letting us know and enter away while you're at it.  :-)


  1. Thanks, Casey! It's so interesting to read these interviews and learn more about who the authors are in "real life." Their personalities and experiences give "birth" to the books we enjoy! I appreciate Deborah sharing about the gathering after the death of her sister and sympathize with her loss. We gain strength from being together with family and friends, whether it's a party or not . . . And I'm always glad to see Myra visiting a blog. Love her answer about the wedding in Cana! That just shows what a life-changing experience one party could be!

    reneeasmith61 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  2. Ooooh, do I get to be the first?! Please, no one comment before me! ;)

    My favorite cake is definitely my grandma's Texas cake, which is a one-layer chocolate cake with homemade chocolate frosting with lots of sugar! YUM! We always ask for it at our birthday parties. ;)

    The interviews were fabulous, as usual, and very heart-felt. Thank you to both Deborah and Myra!

    I'd love a chance to win A Prairie Christmas Collection!! Thank you!



  3. I see Renee Ann beat me to the draw... Oh, well... ;)

    I'm going to have to work on my speed!


  4. Oh, let's see, My favorite cake is my mom's homemade German Chocolate cake made from scratch. YUMMO!

    This has been a fun week Casey!

    Cindy W.


  5. Look at our times, Amber! We were pretty close! LOL

  6. There is a strawberry cake that I make that I enjoy the best. However I really like any kind of cheesecake too! Can I have a cup of coffee to go with that?? Would love to read those books!

  7. Wow, Renee Ann, you are a night owl to keep beating Amber with the time difference :)

    I'll take my mom's Hershey's cake with homemade white buttercream.

    I would love to win Deb's book, especially.

  8. Thanks for hosting this party all week.

    All the books today look wonderful. I don't have any of them.

    My favorite cake is Death by Chocolate.

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  9. This is a really awesome blog post! Thanks for giving me the chance to win!

    Um, I think I pretty much like any kind of chocolate cake. lol!


  10. I am a follower and email subscriber. My favorite cake is chocolate cake with peanut butter icing. Please enter me in contest. I would love to win the book.

  11. Lovely blog, Casey! I've really enjoyed your posts!

    It's so funny how many people like chocolate! I'm alergic to dairy, but if I could have it I would definitely choose chocolate cake. It's the best!


  12. Okay, definitely chocolate! Dark chocolate cake would be my favorite, not doubt!


  13. These desserts are so wonderful...oh yummy. There are so many wonderful cakes, but since I can choose only one would have to my nieces Chocolate Ganache Cake. Wish I had a piece now!!


  14. Oh, I'm with all the chocolate lovers, I love any kind of chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. Great books this week!

  15. My favorite is chocolate/chocolate cake. I should give up sweets except for special occassions as they have become too much of a staple!

  16. Oooo cool! Please count me in :)


    Fav cake: Red velvet :)

  17. Carrot cake from Paradise Bakery, or cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory. :)

  18. My fav would be the tiramisu. Any chance you have the recipe? I love the ones at Olive Garden.

    desertrose5173 at gmail dot com

  19. I love lemon layer cake with lemon frosting. Although now that I've gotten older, I've been thinking that lemon cake with a raspberry mousse filling and lemon frosting would be amazing!


  20. My favorite cake would have to be German Chocolate Cake! Yummy!!!!

    I'd love to win Almost Forever by Deborah Raney!

    Thanks - Katie


  21. Wow! I can't believe all the CHOCOLATE cake lovers who've posted here!

    Ann, here's a link to the Olive Garden recipe. I've never tried it because I'm the only one in our house who likes tiramisu.

    Thanks so much for stopping by Casey's party! Myra and I are so glad you could come! :)

  22. When Casey invited me to her party, I had no idea I'd be accompanied by one of my favorite authors--the lovely Deb Raney! What a thrill!

    And Deb, I'm rather fond of tiramisu myself. We have an Italian restaurant in town that is one of our favorite "date night" establishments, and theirs is delicious!

    Amber! I know EXACTLY the Texas cake you're talking about--yummmmmm!!!! Once I start eating it, I just can't stop!

    Casey, congratulations on your "blogaversary"! Thanks again for inviting me to the party!

  23. I really like this cake/desert that my mom makes, Its ripped up angel food cake with vanilla pudding and all different kinds of fruit.
    It is SO good!
    What a fun interview!
    It I get picked I would like to get Deborah's book Almost Forever.

  24. Mmmm....yummy! I am HUNGRY for cake now! Enjoyed this posting Casey! My favorite cake is hands Waldorf Red Cake...

    Mollydedwards AT yahoo DOT com

  25. My favorite cake is my made from scratch 3 layer with filling, Red Velvet Cake with pecans. My family always ask for one for their birthday. I make several at Christmas and it is so yummy.
    Also love my from scratch coconut cake with pecans, we southerners love pecans and if the receipe calls for 1 cup we add more. lol. It's another favorite at Christmas and Easter.
    My son says, "Mom" your cooking is OK but your baking is devine". I do love to bake and go all out during Thanksgiving and Christmas.

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  26. misskallie2000, would you like to do my Christmas baking for me???

    Pretty pleeeeeeeeze????

  27. LOVE all the comments so far and knowing what everyone's favorite cake is, yummm. I can never get enough of such deserts, though I must be careful about such things. ;) Pudding desert has got to be one of my favorites. :)

    Amber and Renee, don't you ladies SLEEP?? Amber, I know what time zone you live in , you should never be up at midnight!! :)

    Deb and Myra, thanks for stopping by! It is thrill to have you here, thank you so much!!

    So glad everyone is having a good time, this has been a blast of a week!! :D

  28. Finally a party where I don't have to be hostess.

    Thanks for the invitation and for all the great food, guests, gifts and fun.

    Congratulations on your blogaversary!!!!

  29. Great interview questions, Casey. I'm holding out my very favorite cake because I'm involved in your birthday party, too.

    but my second favorite, which I agonized over because it's really CLOSE to my favorite is a carrot cake that I make myself from scratch.

    This cake is so good and I've modified it a bit so it is totally mine. (well, MODIFIED might be a little strong...I might have just changed it's name to Connealy Carrot Cake) Isn't that catchy? :)

    Anyway, it's delicious and the recipe is a secret because I derive power from the giving and withholding of cake.

    Used properly I believe I could catapult myself into the Governor's chair with this cake, if not the Presidency.

    Of course I'm too busy writing romance novels to do those jobs, so I'm content to live quietly with my unweilded power.

  30. The wedding at CANA? Myra that is so lovely and classy and wise.

    What was my answer to this Casey? I probably said I'd like to go to Chucky Cheese pizza.

    I can only aspire to coolness

  31. LOL, Mary. I suppose I was in a particularly reflective mood when I wrote that. I would join you at Chucky Cheese's any day!

  32. Myra,

    Cool! Isn't that cake soooo delicious! :D I know what you mean about not being able to stop eating it... ;)


    Well, I am a college student! ;) Unfortunately, I'm quite the night owl... ;)


  33. Oh man, Casey, two of my favorite author friends on at the same time -- Myra and Deb -- what a GREAT party!!!

    And like Mary, since she and I will be popping up here as your guests on Sunday, I will withhold my #1 MOST FAVORITE cake in the whole world but give you my second MOST FAVORITE, which is ... RED VELVET!!! YUM!!!! No calories there ... :/


  34. These party posts are so fun!! :)
    My favourite cake is definitely ice cream cake! :)

  35. My favorite cake is anything with chocolate in it!! But the frosting has to be different. I can't handle TOO much chocolate! :)

    I would love to be entered for A Prairie Christmas Collection.

    bluerosesheart at yahoo dot com

  36. What fun! My favorite cake is one I make that is demanded every time we have any sort of get-together. It is called "100 Dollar Cake" and is made of chocolate upon chocolate, with more chocolate. With inflation like it is, my son has started calling it "100 Thousand Dollar Cake." It is very moist and yummy - and calorie free too! (I wish!)


  37. Casey,

    Such a fun week! My favorite cake is my mom's made-from-scratch chocolate cake with homemade chocolate icing.

    If my name is chosen, I would like Romance by the Book and Almost Forever.


  38. When I realized on the first day that midnight your time is 3:00 AM my time, I knew there was no way I'd ever be first! Well, I would have earlier this semester. I was up til after 3 almost every night, but now that I started teaching in the mornings and have to be up at 5:30, I've changed my sleep schedule around. Haha!

    My favorite cake is my mom's homemade chocolate cake with her white chocolate pudding frosting. Yum!

    I'd love to win any of the books in the picture that has the four books in it.


  39. I really prefer brownies to cake, but do like chocolate cake. I enjoyed your interview with Deb and Myra. I'd love to win "A Prairie Christmas Collection" (I already have "Almost Forever").

  40. Casey, I love these party interviews and it's fun to read through everyone's answers. I LOVE German chocolate cake. And it doesn't even have to be made from scratch or anything--I'm happy with the box kind and store bought icing. Pretty much anything chocolate and I'm not picky!

  41. My favorite cake is definitely chocolate with chocolate icing/frosting. In fact the one pictured with this post looks so good!

    mchapman (at) windstream (dot) net

  42. Oh, I am so in love with 'texas sheet cake' of course I love almost any kind of chocolate cake with chocolate frosting, but texas sheet cake pretty mush tops them all :)

    Absolutely wonderful interview!!


  43. a great posting, casey...and i love your 'guests of honor' today :)

    my favourite cake is...banana...w/ banana flavoured icing...yummy!!!

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  44. My grandmothers carrot cake!
    She also makes another cake, it has molasses in it and she makes a special vanilla flavored hot topping that goes on it as it is served, I don't know the name but it is fabulous!!

    dancealert at aol dot com

  45. It's so neat to be celebrating with all of you:)

    My favorite cake is made-from-scratch Oatmeal cake with coconut frosting! It is so moist. YUM YUM!

  46. My goodness, am I ever late! A hostess should NEVER be late, right Tina? And oh my I have NEVER had so many Seekers under my blog "roof" I'm honored to have you all here! :D

    Tina you make a fine hostess and any day of the week you need to a break, you just let me know. *wink*

    Shh, Mary and Julie, they don't know yet about tomorrow. Shhhh. ;)

    Yes Leanne, I guess I should have said that I am writing this in the PST zone. Sorry about that!

    Deb is right there are so many chocolate lovers here! I like chocolate, but would much prefer a slice of that carrot cake up there. Yuuum. Mary, I want to try yours! Does it involve lots of cream cheese? A good carrot cake has got to involve lots of cream cheese frosting. :)

  47. i would love to enter for Deb Raney's looks amazing.
    My favorite cake...I am not a big cake eater, but I love a good carrot cake, my sister made a cake with carrots and we served with whipped cream, it was not too sweet and was so full of fruit and vegetables. It was one of the best cakes I have ever had! martha(at)lclink(dot)com

  48. My favorite cake is chocolate cake with white buttercream frosting :D And rosettes on top! :D

    I'd like Almost Forever :)


  49. I'm really enjoying all of these author interviews.

    My favorite cake is probably a strawberry poke cake or boston creme pie.

    I would love to win that Christmas book!!
    ~Jen Unsell

  50. Ohh chocolate cake, baby! :P

    I'd lovvee to read Almost Forever!

  51. My favorite cake would be any chocolate frosted and a pure raspberry filling with almond custard .
    Carol L.

  52. My favorite cake would be the moist chocolate cake my mother used to make for us kids growing up and homemade frosting too. It was very yummy!
    I don't have any of the books you are featuring and would be happy to receive any of them.
    Thank you for the opportunity to win one of them. - Lorlyn

  53. I enjoyed the interview,thank you.
    Plus, it was the perfect length to finish my muffin and tea!I love carrot cake!!
    tattgiff at centurytel dot net

  54. Favorite cake... Really really good chocolate with chocolate frosting and like chocolate shavings or something on it.

    What other kind is there?

    carol at carolmoncado dot com

  55. Happy Blogversary, Carmen! Great party. My favorite cake is Mississippi Mud....or anything chocolate. Hmm, it's been a long time since I've had Mississippi Mud cake.Too long!! You have so many terrific books offered for giveaway and I haven't read any of them. Thanks for the giveaway and the chance to win. I hope I do.

    Barb Shelton
    barbjan10 at tx dot rr dot com

  56. White cake is my favorite but I'd take just about any cake any day of the week....cake is goooooooood. :-P

    XOXO~ Renee

  57. White cake with buttercream frosting (also white) is my favorite.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  58. Can I say that ALL cake is my favorite?? LOL! If I had to choose just one, it would have to be white cake with strawberry filling and whipped cream frosting. YUM!!

    Thanks for entering me!
    scraphappy71 at sbcglobal dot net

  59. My mom's chocolate cake with chocolate frosting is my favorite!!

    I already have both of Deb's books!! But would love to read some of Myra's!!

    Thanks for the chance to win.


    jmschwindt at cox dot net

  60. I love carrot cake with lots of frosting. Please enter me in this giveaway.
    sonflower277 at gmail dot com

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Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)