Saturday, November 20, 2010

Stay Seated! Party Day 7 with Lynette Eason!!

Help me welcome to the blog party, suspense author Lynette Eason!! Today we have all kinds of goodies to choose from. Take as much as you want, there will be plenty! And no calories included. 

What was the last party you attended?
My brother's 40th birthday party.

What is your favorite party food?
Hm...cake and ice cream! LOL. I like pizza, bbq and all that kind of stuff too. We had a little bit of everything at my brother's party.

Where would you hold your dream party and who would attend?
My dream party would be in the middle of summer on a tropical island. All of my family and friends would be there. Including all of my favorite authors!

If you could invite just one of your characters to a party, who would it be?
Definitely Jamie Cash from Don't Look Back. She needs a party!

If you could go back in time, which famous party event would you attend?
Probably a party in celebration of the ending of the Civil War. I LOVE that time period. And yes, I adore Gone with the Wind and Scarlett O'Hara.
I couldn't get enough of these deserts, so consider today the desert bar! Bring something to share and take a plate of some sweet treat. And while you're at it, there are going to be TWO winners today thanks to Lynette. Two fortunate readers are going to win a copy of Don't Look Back. You won't want to miss this book!


  1. So I'm taking advantage of my interrupted sleep to visit the party blog. It's early morning hours in the state where I (and Julia!) live, but those desserts still look good to me! I guess certain treats are right for any time of day. How fun to find another author who would enjoy a Gone with the Wind party. Maybe with all this talk of one, someone near me will actually host it! Thanks for a great week, Casey! Blessings! reneeasmith61 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  2. I too am up and can't sleep. Dog had to go out too! I hate it when she does that! Anyway, would love to read this book. Sounds great! Loving all the pictures of desserts!

  3. Yummmmm...cake!!! Please pass me a piece or two of chocolate cake! :D Thank you!

    I know, Casey...I shouldn't be up this late! (You know what time zone I'm in...) In my defense, though, I just got done watching Phantom of the Opera with my roomie (the one with Gerard Butler as the Phantom--such a powerful movie!) and it's the weekend... :)

    Nice interview and tantalizing pictures of cake... :D



  4. I love the idea of a tropical island party, sign me up, I could use some sunshine and relaxation. All the desserts look so good, especially the chocolate goodies!

  5. I love your interviews Casey, though I must confess that I feel like I keep gaining pounds just looking at these cake pics...yum!!! Lynette is a sweet lady and love reading interviews with her!

    Mollydedwards AT yahoo DOT com

  6. Oh my goodness! I've SO got to go get me some sweets! This whole blog looks delicious. Thanks so much for having me on your blog. It was fun answering the party questions. A very different kind of interview, so thanks! Hope everyone enjoys. God Bless.

  7. I agree, great dessert pictures. A tropical island party sounds fantastic! And as far as bringing a dessert, I'll supply the banana split brownies.


  8. Fun party today! I've been looking forward to reading Lynette's books. They look really good and suspense is one of my favorite genres!

  9. Well, I have to make a Dump cake here in a few minutes for a party at church tomorrow and I was dreading going in and getting started but all the pictures of such wonderful looking goodies is making me want to make two for now and one for tomorrow! :o) Dig in everyone!

    Would love to be entered to win a copy of Lynette's book!

    Happy happy day everyone!

    Cindy W.


  10. Renee Ann, you have got the first comment this mastered! Be sure and come by tomorrow to really put those extra points to action. :)

    Patsy, glad you could swing in on such an early morning errand. ;)

    Amber, *shakes finger in face* the joys of being a college student right?? I can't make it to MIDNIGHT ON NEW YEARS let alone any other day of the year. :) I'd need you to keep me awake. :)

    Merry and Molly, I KNOW don't they?? Whey I found them on the 'net, I just couldn't let them NOT be used right?? Makes my mouth water and can ya tell I am a sucker for Oreios?? :)

    Lynette! Thanks for coming by!! Do take something sweet!

    Holly, never heard of banana split brownies, thanks for bringing them over. :)

    Sara, you will LOVE this book!!

    Cindy, so glad they pics were inspiring! We have snow and fog here today and makes me want to go back sugar cookies. :)

    Great party start everyone, hope you all keep coming. :)

  11. Thanks for offering two books, Lynette!
    I would love to win one of them:)

    Loved the interview, and I agree with everyone, the desserts look so good!
    This is a fun party, Casey!
    You certainly know how to celebrate!

  12. The food on this page is soooo very yummmy. Thank goodness I can only see it and not smell it. Wow!
    Please include me in this giveaway!


  13. Ladies aren't supposed to eat desserts, are they? These are so tempting! I, myself would like tiramisu form Olive Garden!!!!

    Would Love to win Lynette'e book.

    desertrose5173 at gmail dot com

  14. Anything chocolate for me please.... thanks :D

    I would make my peanut butter chocolate pie :D It's sooo good, and quite a hit among my friends :)


  15. I would love to read "Don't Look Back."


  16. Thanks for the chance to win!

  17. I loved Don't Look Back and it's so much fun to get to know Lynette a little better through this fun interview. I think it's safe to say that pretty much all of your guests this week love Gone With the Wind. Hehehe :-P

    Please don't enter me I already have this booK!

    XOXO~ Renee

  18. Oh man, Case, I agree with Molly -- the desserts have been SO awesome, I think I've gained five pounds on your website this week!!

    Lynette, I have heard such great things about you that I am dying to get a hold of your books, so maybe I'll win one here!! And WHOO-HOO, another Gone With the Wind fan -- I like you already!!

    Okay, now to decide whether I dive into the 4-lay fruit trifle or the chocolate pie with ice cream ... :)


  19. Ohhh! I've been wanting to read this book! Please enter me!

  20. Great post. I love Italian cookies especially Cuccidata. My favorites to bring or eat. :)
    Carol L.

  21. Thanks for the great interview. I look forward to reading more of your books. Please enter me in the book drawing.
    cynthiakchow (at) earthlink (dot ) net

  22. The book looks good. I could curl up and read this, eating the layered fruit cake for a party of one! I became a follower of your blog. I know I'll love it!

    pj_kuhn at comcast dot net

  23. Those desserts look YUMMY!!!!

    And I've been wanting to read that one!

    [And now I think I'm done commenting on everything ;) Definitely subscribing so watch for me in the future too =D]

    carol at carolmoncado dot com

  24. Love your party music...and the DESSERTS!! This is a great party. Do I have frosting on my face? Oh, we're here to congratulate you on your happy blogversary. I wish you another great year. I'm not acquainted with Lynn, or her writings. I definitely am interested in reading this story. Thanks for the giveaway and the chance to win this book. I love the cover. I'd love to win it.

    Barb Shelton
    barbjan10 at tx dot rr dot com

  25. Please enter me in contest. I would love to read this book.

  26. please count me in thanks
    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  27. Your pix are making me hungry.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  28. I just fudged out on all kinds of treats, so right now my belly is feeling a little sick. :) The cakes still look pleasing to the eye however! Thank you for the interview! Much appreciated!
    apeygirl at gmail dot com


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)